Mbed OS 5.8.4 released

We are pleased to announce the Mbed OS 5.8.4 release is now available. This is the latest patch release based on the feature set that Mbed-OS-5.8 introduces.


In this release we have updated the SDK TPM driver for the KW41Z. This fixes an issue where certain instances of the TPM are missing some registers.

We have also updated the EFR32 15.4 driver. This includes,

  • Updates driver library to v2.3.1 (2018q1) for bugfixes and convenience functions
  • Provides library in correct format (2-byte wchar_t flag) for compiling with ARMCC (bug 6695 uncovered by PR6577)
  • Reverts to using a statically-allocated packet buffer since malloc is not thread-safe (and the asserts have been turned on)

The STM32L0 has been updated with CubeL0 V1.10.0. This includes,

  • CubeL0: from V1.7.0 to V1.10.0
  • HAL driver: from V1.7.0 to 1.8.2
  • CMSIS device: from V1.7.0 to V1.7.2

There was an issue when compiling arm assembler in uvision where the error, "command too long for buffer" was being observed. This was found to be due to the assembler adding a large number of include paths to the command line to try and capture every possible location for a header file. We have fixed this by changing the arm compiler behaviour to match that of IAR and dropping the include paths.

We have added bootloader support for NUCLEO_F411RE.

There are also a number of other fixes and code improvements.

For full details of this and previous releases, please visit our releases page.

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The mbed tools were not found in " ....." 4 11 Mar 2019 by Ralph Fulchiero