The Mbed forums are changing

The Mbed ecosystem relies on its community to support others, identify bugs and share its experience. We want to help that community thrive and provide answers and help as quickly as possible. You've told us that the existing forum experience is confusing so to improve the community experience we're merging our various forums in to one at

Keeping everything in one place will help us respond to issues quickly and make sure everyone can find the information they need easily. The new Forums site removes the distinction between Questions and Forum posts, meaning more eyes on every post.

For the next two weeks existing posts and questions at and will be kept open for replies but it won’t be possible to create new threads. New discussions can be opened on

After 10 December we will archive all the existing forum posts and questions so you can return to useful posts in the future.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the new structure and your ideas on how we can make the forum experience even better. Comment below or post in the Meta category on the new forums.

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