USB MIDI with the new mbed Cortex-M0!

Here is the next addition to our USB library under development, USB MIDI:

In the example, the buttons send MIDI note on and note off messages to the PC, and the LEDs respond to them from the PC. You can also send other MIDI messages such as controller messages with this library.

This could be used to build custom MIDI input instruments and controllers to record to a sequencer or trigger a soft-synth, and build MIDI output devices such as physical playback instruments or even to drive animatronics or other systems that could benefit from being sequenced alongside other music or video material.

For all the details, see:

1 comment on USB MIDI with the new mbed Cortex-M0!:

10 Nov 2011

Hi Simon, is there a USB Host library capable of doing virtual comm on mbed ?

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