Google Award for mbed project

Sixth former Will Reynolds from The Perse School in Cambridge won the 'Google Technology Trailblazer Prize' at the Big Bang 2010 science fair in Manchester last Friday for his mbed based mimicking robot arm.

The aim of the fair is to inspire a wide range of people to engage with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Will's exhibited project was a mimicking robotic arm, that sensed and recreated the rotational movements of a user's hand through the use of MEMS sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. He created his project during his Nuffield Science Placement with the mbed team last summer.

Will at his exhibition stand The robot arm


Will has the opportunity to spend two days at one of the Google research sites in Europe where he will be able to take part in tours, workshops and get involved in some hands-on work.


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