Added button interrupt to change from one octave to other

Dependencies:   SLCD TSI mbed

Fork of slider_diatonic_v1 by Stanley Cohen

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Feb 14 23:03:06 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Tone Demo for PWM library use slider for control on KL46Z

Changed in this revision

keyer_test_v3.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
slider_tone_v1.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/keyer_test_v3.cpp	Fri Dec 19 16:34:51 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "SLCD.h"
-#include "TSISensor.h"
-#define BASESPEED   1.200
-#define DOT         1
-#define DASH        3
-#define INTERCHAR   3
-#define CHANNELON   0
-#define CHANNELOFF  1
-#define LCDLEN      10
-#define DOTMESS     "DIT"
-#define DASHMESS    "DAH"
-#define IAMMESS     "IAMB"
-#define NULLMESS    "111"  // LCD idle message
-#define FIXEDWPM    13
-#define LOWSPEED    5
-#define SPPEDINT    25.0 // This gives a max speed of 30 - 5 + 25
-#define STATECOEF   2
-#define IDLE        0
-#define DIT         1
-#define DAH         2
-#define IAM         3
-#define SIDETONE    0.0014  //seconds
-#define TONEON      0.50
-#define TONEOFF     0.0
-SLCD slcd; //define LCD display
-// keyer test
-TSISensor tsiScaling; // Capacitive sensor/slider
-DigitalIn RtButton(PTC12);
-DigitalIn LftButton(PTC3);
-DigitalIn DahPaddle(PTD7);
-DigitalIn DitPaddle(PTD6);
-DigitalOut led(LED_RED);
-DigitalOut outPin(PTC9); //J1-16
-PwmOut soundOut(PTC9);
-int KeyState = IDLE;
-void LCDMessNoDwell(char *lMess){
-        slcd.Home();
-        slcd.clear();
-        slcd.printf(lMess);
-void makeDit (float dotLen,DigitalOut outChannel, DigitalOut cloneChannel) {
-    outChannel.write(CHANNELON);
-    cloneChannel.write(CHANNELON);
-    soundOut.write(TONEON);
-    wait(dotLen);
-    outChannel.write(CHANNELOFF);
-    cloneChannel.write(CHANNELOFF);
-    soundOut.write(TONEOFF);
-    wait(float(DOT)*dotLen);
-    return;
-void makeDah (float dotLen,DigitalOut outChannel, DigitalOut cloneChannel) {
-    outChannel.write(CHANNELON);
-    cloneChannel.write(CHANNELON);
-    soundOut.write(TONEON);
-    wait(float(DASH)*dotLen);
-    outChannel.write(CHANNELOFF);
-    cloneChannel.write(CHANNELOFF);
-    soundOut.write(TONEOFF);
-    wait(float(DOT)*dotLen);
-    return;
-int main(){
-    int wpm = FIXEDWPM;
-    float elementLen;  // period in seconds
-    int RButtonState;
-    int LButtonState;
-    int DahPaddleState;
-    int DitPaddleState;
-    char lcdData[LCDLEN];
-    float tempValue;
-    int lastKeyHit = DIT;
-    soundOut.period(SIDETONE);
-    elementLen = BASESPEED / (float) wpm;
-    led.write(CHANNELOFF);
-    outPin.write(CHANNELOFF);
-    sprintf (lcdData,"%d",wpm);
-    LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData);
-    while (true) {
-    /*
-        RButtonState = !; // button is pulled up so false is when button is pushed it's inverted to avoid confusion downstream
-        if (RButtonState){
-           KeyState = DAH;  
-        }
-        LButtonState = !;
-        if (LButtonState) {
-            KeyState = DIT;
-        }        
-    */
-       RButtonState = !;
-       LButtonState = !;
-       DahPaddleState =!;
-       DitPaddleState = !;
-       KeyState = LButtonState + STATECOEF*RButtonState;
-       KeyState = KeyState + DitPaddleState + STATECOEF*DahPaddleState;
-        switch (KeyState) {
-            case DAH:{
-                LCDMessNoDwell(DASHMESS);
-                makeDah(elementLen,outPin,led);
-                KeyState = IDLE; 
-                lastKeyHit = DAH;
-                sprintf (lcdData,"%d",wpm);
-                LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData); 
-                break;     
-            }
-            case DIT:{
-                LCDMessNoDwell(DOTMESS);
-                makeDit(elementLen,outPin,led);             
-                KeyState = IDLE;
-                lastKeyHit = DIT;
-                sprintf (lcdData,"%d",wpm);
-                LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData); 
-                break;
-            }
-            case IAM:{
-                LCDMessNoDwell(IAMMESS);
-                if (lastKeyHit == DAH){;
-                    makeDit(elementLen,outPin,led);  
-                    makeDah( elementLen,outPin,led);
-                    lastKeyHit = DAH;  
-                }  else {
-                    makeDah(elementLen,outPin,led);  
-                    makeDit(elementLen,outPin,led);
-                    lastKeyHit = DIT;  
-                }      
-                KeyState = IDLE;
-                sprintf (lcdData,"%d",wpm);
-                LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData); 
-                break;
-            }
-            case IDLE:{
-                tempValue = tsiScaling.readPercentage();
-                if(tempValue > 0) {
-                    wpm =  LOWSPEED + int(tempValue * SPPEDINT);
-                    elementLen = BASESPEED / (float) wpm;
-                    sprintf (lcdData,"%d",wpm);
-                    LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData);
-                }             
-                break;
-            }
-        } 
-    } // while forever
-}// end main
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/slider_tone_v1.cpp	Sat Feb 14 23:03:06 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SLCD.h"
+#include "TSISensor.h"
+#define CHANNELON   0
+#define CHANNELOFF  1
+#define LCDLEN      10
+#define DATATIME    0.1
+//LCD messages
+// Operating parameters
+#define SIDETONE    700.0   
+#define TONEMIN     200.0
+#define TONEINT     800.00 // So tone max is 1000
+#define TONEON      0.50
+#define TONEOFF     0.0
+#define SPEEDAST    0
+#define TONEAST     1
+SLCD slcd; //define LCD display
+TSISensor tsiScaling; // Capacitive sensor/slider
+PwmOut led(LED_RED);
+DigitalOut outPin(PTC9); //J1-16
+PwmOut soundOut(PTA13);
+// Global scalars
+char lcdData[LCDLEN];
+float tonePeriod;
+float toneFreq = SIDETONE;
+void LCDMessNoDwell(char *lMess){
+        slcd.Home();
+        slcd.clear();
+        slcd.printf(lMess);
+void toneAdjust( float scaling) {
+    int tempInt;
+    toneFreq = TONEMIN + scaling * TONEINT;
+    tonePeriod = 1.0/toneFreq;  
+    soundOut.period(tonePeriod); // adusting period
+    tempInt = (int)toneFreq;
+    sprintf (lcdData,"%4d",tempInt);
+    LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData);
+    return;
+void lightAdjust( float scaling) { // Control brightness of LED
+    float tempDutyFactor;
+    tempDutyFactor = 1.0 - scaling; //LED is a sinking connection 
+                                    // anode is held at 5V
+    led.write(tempDutyFactor); //sdjusting duty factor
+    return;
+int main(){
+    int tempInt;
+    float tempValue;
+    tonePeriod = 1.0/toneFreq; 
+    soundOut.period(tonePeriod);
+    led.write(CHANNELON);
+    outPin.write(CHANNELOFF);
+    tempInt = (int)toneFreq;
+    sprintf (lcdData,"%4d",tempInt);
+    LCDMessNoDwell(lcdData);
+    wait(DATATIME);   
+    while (true) {
+        tempValue = tsiScaling.readPercentage();
+        if(tempValue > 0) {
+            soundOut.write(TONEON); // set duty factor to 505
+            toneAdjust( tempValue);
+            lightAdjust(tempValue);
+        } else { 
+            soundOut.write(TONEOFF); // set dutyfactor to 0%
+            LCDMessNoDwell("SOFF");
+        }       
+        wait(DATATIME);                  
+    } // while forever
+}// end main
\ No newline at end of file