Pubnub demo for AT&T IoT Starter Kit. Functionally similar to the Flow demo.

Dependencies:   FXOS8700CQ MODSERIAL mbed

Pubnub demo for AT&T IoT Starter Kit

This demo is functionally similar to the Flow demo, so you can find general information here:

The only difference is that we use Pubnub to publish the measurements and subscribe to receiving the instructions to set the LED.


Pubnub related settings are:

Pubnub settings in `config_me.h`


All are documented in their respective comments.

Pubnub context class

Similar to Pubnub SDKs, we provide a Pubnub context class. It is defined in pubnub.h header file and implemented in pubnub.cpp.

It provides only the fundamental "publish" and "subscribe" methods. They are documented in the header file.

This class is reusable in other code (it is not specific to this demo), it has a very narrow interface to the AT&T IoT cellular modem code. For example of use, you can look at the main() (in main.c).

Sample of published data

Published message w/measurement data


Don't worry, nobody got burnt, the temperature is in degrees Fahrenheit. :)

Publish a message (from, say, the Pubnub console of the form {"LED":<name-of-the-color>} on the channel that this demo listens to (default is hello_world) to turn the LED to that color on the Starter Kit:

Turn LED to red


Turn LED to green


Turn LED to blue


Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jul 22 18:01:07 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Potential solution for missing characters at end of socket read payload.

Changed in this revision

wnc_control.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/wnc_control.cpp	Fri Jul 22 17:12:26 2016 +0000
+++ b/wnc_control.cpp	Fri Jul 22 18:01:07 2016 +0000
@@ -331,13 +331,10 @@
 unsigned at_sockread_wnc(string * pS, unsigned n, unsigned retries = 0)
-  unsigned i;
+  unsigned i, numBytes = 0;
   string * pRespStr;
   string cmd_str("AT@SOCKREAD=1,");
-  // Clean slate
-  pS->erase();
   if (n <= 1500)
     char num2str[6];
@@ -355,10 +352,11 @@
       send_wnc_cmd(cmd_str.c_str(), &pRespStr, WNC_TIMEOUT_MS);
       size_t pos_start = pRespStr->find("\"")  + 1;
       size_t pos_end   = pRespStr->rfind("\"") - 1;
-      i = pos_end - pos_start + 1;
+      i = (pos_end - pos_start + 1);  // Num hex chars, 2 per byte
       if (i > 0)
-        retries = 0;  // If any data found stop retrying
+        retries = 1;  // If any data found retry 1 more time to catch data that might be in another
+                      //  WNC payload
         string byte;
         while (pos_start < pos_end)
@@ -366,9 +364,10 @@
           *pS += (char)strtol(byte.c_str(), NULL, 16);
           pos_start += 2;
-        return i;
+        numBytes += i/2;
+    return numBytes;
     pc.puts("sockread Err, to many to read\r\n");