Untested port of the Ishtar protocol, actually not much of a port since there was really not much to change. http://kisvm2.epfl.ch/record/125676/files/emav08-ishtar-final.pdf

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu May 12 08:30:17 2011 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

ishtar.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ishtar.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ishtar_def.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ishtar.cpp	Thu May 12 08:30:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1601 @@
+	Ishtar Embedded
+	Copyright (C) 2008-2010:
+		Alexandre Habersaat <alexandre dot habersaat at gmail dot com>
+		Antoine Beyeler <abeyeler at ab-ware dot com>
+			(http://www.ab-ware.com)
+		Stephane Magnenat <stephane at magnenat dot net>
+			(http://stephane.magnenat.net)
+	All rights reserved.
+	Ishtar Embedded is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	Ishtar Embedded is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+	along with Ishtar Embedded. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+*	\file ishtar.c
+*	\brief Main file of the Ishtar Embedded server
+*	\author Alexandre Habersaat, Antoine Beyeler
+*	This file contains the core of the Ishtar Embedded server
+#include "ishtar.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Macro for FAR directive
+#if defined(__dsPIC33F__) || defined(__PIC24F__)
+	#define ISHTAR_ATTRIBUTE_FAR	__attribute__((far))
+//! The reception buffer of the server
+unsigned char ishtar_buffer[ISHTAR_BUFFER_SIZE] ISHTAR_ATTRIBUTE_FAR;
+// Statistics
+//! The number of overflows that occured in the reception buffer
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfOverflows = 0;
+//! The number of bytes dropped in the state Header1
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfDropHeader1 = 0;
+//! The number of bytes dropped in the state Header2
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfDropHeader2 = 0;
+//! The number of bytes dropped in the state Header3
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfDropHeader3 = 0;
+//! The number of bytes dropped in the state Header4
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfDropHeader4 = 0;
+//! The number of messages dropped after a size checksum error
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfDropSize = 0;
+//! The number of messages dropped after a content checksum error
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfDropContent = 0;
+//! The total number of bytes received
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfBytesReceived = 0;
+//! The total number of bytes sent
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfBytesSent = 0;
+//! The total number of bytes read from memory
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfBytesReadFromMemory = 0;
+//! The total number of bytes written to memory
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfBytesWrittenToMemory = 0;
+//! The number of messages that were valid
+unsigned long ishtar_numberOfValidMessages = 0;
+//! The number of messages that were valid but contained invalid data (client error or wrong checksum validated)
+unsigned long ishtar_corruptedValidated = 0;
+//! The snapshot size
+unsigned long ishtar_snapshotSize = 0;
+//! If an error occured with the non-volatile memory
+unsigned char ishtar_memoryError = NO_ERROR;
+//! The number of services / variables registered
+ishtar_ServiceId ishtar_numberOfVariables = 0;
+//! The registry of the services / variables
+ishtar_ServiceDescription ishtar_services[ISHTAR_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SERVICES] ISHTAR_ATTRIBUTE_FAR;
+//! The Id of the active snapshot (or the last one if none is active)
+ishtar_RequestId ishtar_snapshotId = 0;
+//! Snapshot active
+unsigned char ishtar_snapshotActive = 0;
+// read buffer
+//! The start of the reception buffer
+unsigned char * ishtar_bufBegin;
+//! The end of the reception buffer
+unsigned char * ishtar_bufEnd;
+//! The position to write in the buffer for the next byte that is received
+unsigned char * ishtar_bufPos;
+//! The position of the next char to be consumed.
+unsigned char * ishtar_consumePos;
+//! Begining of the data payload of the current packet
+unsigned char* ishtar_dataStartMarker;
+//! The start of the first packet waiting to be treated in the buffer
+unsigned char * ishtar_packetBegin = 0;
+//! The state to read the first byte of message header
+//! The state to read the second byte of message header
+//! The state to read the third byte of message header
+//! The state to read the fourth byte of message header
+//! The state to read the size of message
+//! The state to read the checksum of the size of the message
+//! The state to read the content of the message
+//! The state to read the checksum of the content of the message
+//! The current state of the state machine for reception
+unsigned char ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+//! Detects overflows in the reception buffer
+unsigned char ishtar_overFlow = 0;
+//! The current byte of the size being read
+unsigned char ishtar_sizeByteNum = 0;
+//! The current bypte of the checksum being read
+unsigned char ishtar_checksumByteNum = 0;
+// Checksum read
+//! The checksum read for the size
+unsigned short ishtar_sizeChecksumRead = 0;
+//! The ckecksum read for the content
+unsigned short ishtar_contentChecksumRead = 0;
+// Checksum calculated
+//! Temporary variables to calculate checksums
+unsigned char ishtar_ckA, ishtar_ckB;
+//! The total size of the current packet
+unsigned long ishtar_curPacketSize = 0;
+//! The number of bytes read for the current packet
+unsigned long ishtar_curSize = 0;
+//! At least one client is connected to the server
+unsigned char ishtar_connected = 0;
+// Non-volatile memory access
+//! The lowest memory address that Ishtar is allowed to read/write
+unsigned short ishtar_memoryMinAddress = 0;
+//! The highest memory address that Ishtar is allowed to read/write
+unsigned short ishtar_memoryMaxAddress = 0;
+//! The external function to read the non-volatile memory
+ishtar_MemoryReadFunc ishtar_memoryReadFunc = 0;
+//! The external function to write the non-volatile memory
+ishtar_MemoryWriteFunc ishtar_memoryWriteFunc = 0;
+//! The checksum A for the non-volatile memory consistency
+unsigned char ishtar_memoryChecksumA = 0;
+//! The checksum B for the non-volatile memory consistency
+unsigned char ishtar_memoryChecksumB = 0;
+// Send function
+//! The external function to call to send data through communication
+ishtar_ExternalSendFunc ishtar_externalSendFunc;
+//! The external function to call to send the first heavy messages (blocking function)
+ishtar_ExternalSendFunc ishtar_externalSendBlockingFunc;
+//! The current function that is used to send data (blocking or non-blocking)
+ishtar_ExternalSendFunc ishtar_currentSendFunc;
+//! The external function to flush the content of the external output buffer (if used)
+ishtar_ExternalFlushFunc ishtar_externalFlushFunc;
+//! The intermediate function to send data and calculate the checksum of the sent data
+void ishtar_SendData(unsigned char * data, unsigned long len);
+//! The function to send the message header
+void ishtar_SendHeader();
+//! The function to reset the checksums
+void ishtar_InitCk();
+//! The function to send the current checksum of the message
+void ishtar_SendCk();
+//! An empty function
+void ishtar_DoNothing() { }
+//! This function inits the pointers to the reception buffer
+void ishtar_InitBuffer();
+//! This function is used for debug, to register statistics variables into Ishtar
+void ishtar_RegisterDebugVars();
+// utils
+//! This function is used to calculate the checksum of a size
+unsigned short ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(unsigned long size);
+//! This function normalizes an address (usually old address + offset) to stay inside the reception buffer
+inline unsigned char * ishtar_WrapAddr(unsigned char * addr);
+//! This function increments the address of the reception buffer
+inline void ishtar_IncAddr(unsigned char ** addr, unsigned long size);
+//! This function reads the content of an address and copies it into a variable (target)
+inline void ishtar_At(unsigned char ** addr, unsigned char * target, unsigned char size);
+// This function reads the content of an address, copies it into a variable and increment the address to the next position
+inline void ishtar_AtInc(unsigned char ** addr, unsigned char * target, unsigned char size);
+//! This function sends a zero-terminated string
+void ishtar_SendString(const char * sz);
+//! This function sends the value of a variable
+void ishtar_SendValue(unsigned char * value, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, unsigned long index);
+//! This function reads a value in a buffer, write it into the registry and increments the read buffer
+void ishtar_SetValueInc(unsigned char * value, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, unsigned long index, unsigned char ** addr);
+//! This function returns the length of a zero-terminated string or ISHTAR_STRING_MAX_SIZE
+unsigned long ishtar_Strlen(const char * addr);
+//! This function returns the size of a type
+unsigned long ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_ValueVectorType type);
+// treat messages
+//! This function decodes the type of a packet and call the corresponding dedicated function
+void ishtar_HandlePacket(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len);
+//! This function decodes the content of a Hello packet and sends the answer
+void ishtar_HandleHelloCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len);
+//! This function decodes the content of a GetServiceList packet and sends the answer
+void ishtar_HandleGetServiceListCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len);
+//! This function decodes the content of a Get packet and sends the answer. It may also set up a snapshot.
+void ishtar_HandleGetCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len);
+//! This function decodes the content of a Set packet and executes the modification on the local service registry
+void ishtar_HandleSetCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len);
+//! This function decodes the content of a disconnection packet and stops the snapshot
+void ishtar_HandleByeByeCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len);
+*	This function normalizes an address (usually old address + offset) to stay inside the reception buffer
+inline unsigned char * ishtar_WrapAddr(unsigned char * addr)
+	if (addr >= ishtar_bufEnd)
+	{
+		return (unsigned char*)((unsigned int)ishtar_bufBegin + (unsigned int)addr - (unsigned int)ishtar_bufEnd);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return addr;
+	}
+*	This function increments the address of the reception buffer
+inline void ishtar_IncAddr(unsigned char ** addr, unsigned long size)
+	*addr += size;
+	*addr = ishtar_WrapAddr(*addr);
+*	This function reads the content of an address and copies it into a variable (target)
+inline void ishtar_At(unsigned char ** addr, unsigned char * target, unsigned char size)
+	unsigned char i;
+	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+	{
+		target[i] = *ishtar_WrapAddr(*addr + i);
+	}
+*	This function reads the content of an address, copies it into a variable and increment the address to the next position
+inline void ishtar_AtInc(unsigned char ** addr, unsigned char * target, unsigned char size)
+	ishtar_At(addr, target, size);
+	ishtar_IncAddr(addr, size);
+*	This function sends a zero-terminated string
+void ishtar_SendString(const char * sz)
+	// 4 name.type
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize nameSize;
+	unsigned long j;
+	// 4 name.size
+	nameSize = ishtar_Strlen(sz);
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&nameSize), sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+	// X name
+	for (j = 0; j < nameSize; ++j)
+	{
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)&(sz[j]), 1);
+	}
+*	This function sends the value of an element of a local variable
+*	@param value The pointer to the variable to read
+*	@param type The type of the variable
+*	@param index The index of the element to read
+void ishtar_SendValue(unsigned char * value, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, unsigned long index)
+	unsigned long size;
+	unsigned char * val;
+	size = ishtar_TypeSize(type);
+	val = (unsigned char*) value;
+	ishtar_SendData(&val[size * index], size);
+*	This function modifies the value of one element of a local variable
+*	@param value The pointer to the variable to set
+*	@param type The type of the variable to set
+*	@param index The index of the element to set (or 0 for a normal variable)
+*	@param addr The address from which to read the value to set
+void ishtar_SetValueInc(unsigned char * value, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, unsigned long index, unsigned char ** addr)
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned long size;
+	size = ishtar_TypeSize(type);
+	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+	{
+		value[size*index+i] = **addr;
+		*addr = ishtar_WrapAddr(*addr + 1);
+	}
+*	This function calculates the checksum of a 4-bytes size
+*	@return The size on which the checksum is calculated
+*	@return The calculated checksum
+unsigned short ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(unsigned long size)
+	unsigned char i;
+	unsigned char * p;
+	unsigned char ckA, ckB;
+	ckA = 0;
+	ckB = 0;
+	p = (unsigned char*)(&size);
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+	{
+		ckA += *(p + i);
+		ckB += ckA;
+	}
+	return (ckA << 8 | ckB);
+*	This function sends any data. The data sent are added to the current checksums
+*	@param data A pointer to the data to send
+*	@param len The number of bytes to send from the pointer
+void ishtar_SendData(unsigned char * data, unsigned long len)
+	// Add checksums
+	unsigned long i;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+	{
+		ishtar_ckA += data[i];
+		ishtar_ckB += ishtar_ckA;
+	}
+	// send data
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc(data, len);
+	ishtar_numberOfBytesSent += len;
+*	This function sends the Ishtar headers
+void ishtar_SendHeader()
+	// unsigned long header;
+	unsigned char h1, h2, h3, h4;
+	//header = (ISHTAR_HEADER1) | (ISHTAR_HEADER2 << 8) | (ISHTAR_HEADER3 << 16) | (ISHTAR_HEADER4 << 24);
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc(&h1, 1);
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc(&h2, 1);
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc(&h3, 1);
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc(&h4, 1);
+*	This function resets the current checksum
+void ishtar_InitCk()
+	// initialise checksums to 0
+	ishtar_ckA = 0;
+	ishtar_ckB = 0;
+*	This function sends the current checksum
+void ishtar_SendCk()
+	// compile actual checksums
+	unsigned short checksum;
+	checksum = (ishtar_ckA << 8) | ishtar_ckB;
+	// send the compiled checksum
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc((unsigned char*)(&checksum), 2);
+*	This function is provided for convenience if multiple bytes are received at once.
+*	It will call ishtar_ReceiveDataByte() for each of these data bytes
+void ishtar_ReceiveData(unsigned char * data, unsigned long len)
+	unsigned long i;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+	{
+		ishtar_ReceiveDataByte(data[i]);
+	}
+*	This function buffers all incoming bytes without processing them. It drop
+*	any byte in case of buffer overflow. 
+void ishtar_ReceiveDataByte(unsigned char c)
+	++ishtar_numberOfBytesReceived;
+	unsigned char* nextAddr = ishtar_WrapAddr(ishtar_bufPos + 1);
+	if (nextAddr == ishtar_packetBegin)
+	{
+		// we have an overflow
+		ishtar_overFlow = 1;
+		ishtar_numberOfOverflows++;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		*ishtar_bufPos = c;
+		ishtar_bufPos = nextAddr;
+	}
+*	This function process bytes from the buffer with a state machine. When a packet
+*	is completed, it calls #ishtar_HandlePacket().
+*	@param addr The address of the byte to process.
+void ishtar_ConsumeBufferedByte(unsigned char* addr)
+	unsigned char * p;
+	unsigned long i;
+	unsigned char ckA, ckB;
+	unsigned char c = *addr;
+	if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_CONTENT)
+	{
+		if (ishtar_curSize == 0)
+			ishtar_dataStartMarker = addr;
+		// Increase size
+		++ishtar_curSize;
+		// end of packet
+		if (ishtar_curSize == ishtar_curPacketSize)
+		{
+			ishtar_contentChecksumRead = 0;
+			ishtar_checksumByteNum = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_SIZE)
+	{
+		p = (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_curPacketSize);
+		*( p + ishtar_sizeByteNum++ ) = c;
+		if (ishtar_sizeByteNum == ISHTAR_NUMBER_OF_SIZE_BYTES)
+		{
+			ishtar_sizeChecksumRead = 0;
+			ishtar_checksumByteNum = 0;
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_CHECKSUM_SIZE;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1)
+	{
+		if (c == ISHTAR_HEADER1)
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER2;
+		else
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader1;
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_CHECKSUM_SIZE)
+	{
+		p = (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_sizeChecksumRead);
+		*(p + ishtar_checksumByteNum++) = c;
+		if (ishtar_checksumByteNum == ISHTAR_NUMBER_OF_CHECKSUM_BYTES)
+		{
+			p = (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_curPacketSize);
+			// calculate checksum of size
+			ckA = 0;
+			ckB = 0;
+			for (i = 0; i < ISHTAR_NUMBER_OF_SIZE_BYTES; ++i)
+			{
+				ckA += (ishtar_curPacketSize >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF;
+				ckB += ckA;
+			}
+			if (ishtar_sizeChecksumRead == (ckA << 8 | ckB))
+			{
+				ishtar_curSize = 0;
+				ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_CONTENT;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				++ishtar_numberOfDropSize;
+				ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_CHECKSUM_CONTENT)
+	{
+		p = (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_contentChecksumRead);
+		*(p + ishtar_checksumByteNum++) = c;
+		if (ishtar_checksumByteNum == ISHTAR_NUMBER_OF_CHECKSUM_BYTES)
+		{
+			// calculate checksum of content, start after the size
+			ckA = 0;
+			ckB = 0;
+			for (i = 0; i < ishtar_curPacketSize; ++i)
+			{
+				ckA += *(ishtar_WrapAddr(ishtar_dataStartMarker + i));
+				ckB += ckA;
+			}
+			// checksum correct
+			if (ishtar_contentChecksumRead == (ckA << 8 | ckB))
+			{
+				// handle the packet
+				ishtar_HandlePacket(ishtar_dataStartMarker, ishtar_curPacketSize);				
+				++ishtar_numberOfValidMessages;
+			}
+			else
+				++ishtar_numberOfDropContent;
+			// the begining of the buffer is at the next char in all cases.
+			ishtar_packetBegin = ishtar_WrapAddr(addr + 1);
+			// go back for next message
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER2)
+	{
+		if (c == ISHTAR_HEADER2)
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER3;
+		else if (c == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1)
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER2;
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader2;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader2;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER3)
+	{
+		if (c == ISHTAR_HEADER3)
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER4;
+		else if (c == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1)
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER2;
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader3;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader3;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (ishtar_state == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER4)
+	{
+		if (c == ISHTAR_HEADER4)
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_SIZE;
+			ishtar_curPacketSize = 0;
+			ishtar_sizeByteNum = 0;
+		}
+		else if (c == ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1)
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER2;
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader4;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+			++ishtar_numberOfDropHeader4;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+		ishtar_state = ISHTAR_STATE_HEADER1;
+// step
+*	This function checks if there are some packets to treat in the input buffer
+*	If yes, it calls the decoding functions which send the answers to these packets.
+void ishtar_Step()
+	// atomically read the curent bufPos
+	unsigned char* bufPos = ishtar_bufPos;
+	while (ishtar_consumePos != bufPos)
+	{
+		ishtar_ConsumeBufferedByte(ishtar_consumePos);
+		ishtar_consumePos = ishtar_WrapAddr(ishtar_consumePos + 1);
+	}
+*	This function reads the start of a packet and determines it type.
+*	It then calls the corresponding dedicated function to decode the packet.
+void ishtar_HandlePacket(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len)
+	ishtar_MessageId type;
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&type, sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+	switch (type)
+	{
+		case HELLO:
+		{
+			ishtar_HandleHelloCall(addr, len - sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+			break;
+		}
+		{
+			ishtar_HandleGetServiceListCall(addr, len - sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+			break;
+		}
+		case GET_VALUES:
+		{
+			ishtar_HandleGetCall(addr, len - sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+			break;
+		}
+		case SET_VALUES:
+		{
+			ishtar_HandleSetCall(addr, len - sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+			break;
+		}
+		case BYE_BYE:
+		{
+			ishtar_HandleByeByeCall(addr, len - sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+			break;
+		}
+		default:
+		{
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+*	This function decodes the Hello calls and sends the Hello answer
+void ishtar_HandleHelloCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len)
+	// Stop snapshot when hello received
+	ishtar_snapshotActive = 0;
+	ishtar_NodeType nodeType;
+	ishtar_VersionType version;
+	ishtar_MessageId hello = HELLO;
+	ishtar_ProtocolType protocol;
+	unsigned long answerSize;
+	unsigned short sizeChecksum;
+	// READ
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&nodeType, sizeof(ishtar_NodeType));
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&version, sizeof(ishtar_VersionType));
+		protocol = EMBEDDED;
+	else
+		protocol = INCOMPATIBLE;
+	// SEND
+	answerSize = sizeof(ishtar_MessageId) + sizeof(ishtar_ProtocolType);
+	sizeChecksum = ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(answerSize);
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc = ishtar_externalSendBlockingFunc;
+	ishtar_SendHeader();
+	// send size and size checksum
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&answerSize), sizeof(unsigned long));
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&sizeChecksum), sizeof(unsigned short));
+	// send content
+	ishtar_InitCk();
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&hello), sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&protocol), sizeof(ishtar_ProtocolType));
+	ishtar_SendCk();
+	ishtar_externalFlushFunc();
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc = ishtar_externalSendFunc;
+	ishtar_connected = 1;
+*	This function decodes the ServiceList calls and sends the list of all registered variables
+void ishtar_HandleGetServiceListCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len)
+	// Nothing to read
+	// Calculate size
+	unsigned long answerSize; // AnswerType + numberOfVariables
+	ishtar_ServiceId i;
+	ishtar_MessageId serviceList;
+	unsigned short sizeChecksum;
+	// READ - nothing
+	// SEND
+	answerSize = sizeof(ishtar_MessageId) + sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId);
+	serviceList = SERVICE_LIST;
+	// ID (4) + name.size(4) + name(X) + type(4) + flags(4) + length(4)
+	// Must be in a for loop as the name of services have different sizes
+	for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+	{
+		answerSize += sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId) + sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize) + ishtar_Strlen(ishtar_services[i].name) + sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorType) + sizeof(ishtar_ServiceFlags) + sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize);
+	}
+	// calculate size checksum
+	sizeChecksum = ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(answerSize);
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc = ishtar_externalSendBlockingFunc;
+	ishtar_SendHeader();
+	// send size and size checksum
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&answerSize), sizeof(unsigned long));
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&sizeChecksum), sizeof(unsigned short));
+	// send content
+	ishtar_InitCk();
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&serviceList), sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+	ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfVariables), sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+	// fill table
+	for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+	{
+		// 4 service id
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&i), sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+		// name.size(4) + name(X)
+		ishtar_SendString(ishtar_services[i].name);
+		// 4 service.type
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&(ishtar_services[i].type)), sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorType));
+		// 4 service.flags
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&(ishtar_services[i].flags)), sizeof(ishtar_ServiceFlags));
+		// 4 service.length
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&(ishtar_services[i].length)), sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+	}
+	ishtar_SendCk();
+	ishtar_externalFlushFunc();
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc = ishtar_externalSendFunc;
+*	This function decodes the Get calls and sends the values for the requested data
+void ishtar_HandleGetCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len)
+	// Read
+	ishtar_RequestId requestID;
+	ishtar_ServiceId numberOfIds;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize numberOfIndices;
+	unsigned long answerSize;// VALUES(4) + requestID(4) + size(4)
+	unsigned short sizeChecksum;
+	ishtar_ServiceId i;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize j;
+	ishtar_ServiceId id;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize indice;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize length;
+	unsigned char snapshot = 0;
+	ishtar_MessageId values;
+	unsigned char * ids;
+	// READ
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr,(unsigned char*)&requestID, sizeof(ishtar_RequestId));
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr,(unsigned char*)&snapshot, sizeof(unsigned char));
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr,(unsigned char*)&numberOfIds, sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+	if (snapshot)
+	{
+		// saves the snapshot id
+		ishtar_snapshotId = requestID;
+		// snapshot canceled
+		if (numberOfIds == 0)
+		{
+			ishtar_snapshotActive = 0;
+		}
+		// new snapshot asked
+		else
+		{
+			ishtar_snapshotActive = 1;
+		}
+		// clear old snapshot
+		for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+		{
+			ishtar_services[i].inSnapshot = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	ids = addr;
+	// Size
+	answerSize = sizeof(ishtar_MessageId) + sizeof(ishtar_RequestId);
+	values = VALUES;
+	for (i = 0; i<numberOfIds; ++i)
+	{
+		// read id of service
+		ishtar_AtInc(&addr,(unsigned char*)&id, sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+		// Problem, a corrupted message has been validated
+		if ( id >= ishtar_numberOfVariables)
+		{
+			++ishtar_corruptedValidated;
+			return;
+		}
+		// if the variable is in the snapshot
+		if (snapshot)
+		{
+			ishtar_services[id].inSnapshot = 1;
+		}
+		// Read the number of indices
+		ishtar_AtInc(&addr,(unsigned char*)&numberOfIndices, sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+		// Eat these indices, so that the next variable id is correct
+		for (j = 0; j < numberOfIndices; ++j)
+		{
+			ishtar_AtInc(&addr,(unsigned char*)&indice, sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+			// Problem, a corrupter message has been validated
+			if (indice > ishtar_services[id].length)
+			{
+				++ishtar_corruptedValidated;
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		// if the size is 0, it means variable size, so we must specify it.
+		if (ishtar_services[id].length == 0 && ishtar_services[id].type == UCHAR)
+		{
+			answerSize += sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize);// size of the size
+			answerSize += ishtar_Strlen((char*)(ishtar_services[id].value)); // size of the data
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// we only put the data in the next message
+			// here the full variable
+			if (numberOfIndices == 0)
+			{
+				answerSize += ((unsigned long)(ishtar_services[id].length)) * ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[id].type);
+			}
+			// here only some values
+			else
+			{
+				answerSize += ((unsigned long)(numberOfIndices)) * ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[id].type);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// answer only if non-snapshot, otherwise it will be done in ishtar_Snapshot()
+	if (!snapshot)
+	{
+		sizeChecksum = ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(answerSize);
+		// SEND
+		ishtar_SendHeader();
+		// send size and size checksum
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&answerSize), 4);
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&sizeChecksum), 2);
+		// send content
+		ishtar_InitCk();
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&values), sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&requestID), sizeof(ishtar_RequestId));
+		for (i = 0; i < numberOfIds; ++i)
+		{
+			// service id
+			ishtar_AtInc(&ids, (unsigned char*)&id, sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+			// number of indices
+			ishtar_AtInc(&ids,(unsigned char*)&numberOfIndices, sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+			// length == 0 mean variable size, ONLY for char or UCHAR, with ended caracter equal to '\0'
+			if (ishtar_services[id].type == UCHAR && ishtar_services[id].length == 0)
+			{
+				length = ishtar_Strlen((char*)(ishtar_services[id].value));
+				ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&length), sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+				for (j = 0; j < length; ++j)
+				{
+					ishtar_SendValue((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[id].value, ishtar_services[id].type, j);
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// read the indices
+				if (numberOfIndices > 0)
+				{
+					for (j = 0; j < numberOfIndices; ++j)
+					{
+						ishtar_AtInc(&ids,(unsigned char*)&indice, sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+						ishtar_SendValue((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[id].value, ishtar_services[id].type, indice);
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					for (j = 0; j < ishtar_services[id].length; ++j)
+					{
+						ishtar_SendValue((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[id].value, ishtar_services[id].type, j);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ishtar_SendCk();
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc();
+	}
+*	This function decodes the Set calls and updates local variables
+void ishtar_HandleSetCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len)
+	ishtar_RequestId requestID;
+	unsigned char feedback;
+	ishtar_ServiceId numberOfIds;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize numberOfIndices;
+	ishtar_ServiceId i;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize j;
+	ishtar_ServiceId id;
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize indice;
+	unsigned char * indicesAddr;
+	unsigned long answerSize;
+	unsigned short sizeChecksum;
+	ishtar_MessageId setAck;
+	// READ
+	// request id
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&requestID, sizeof(ishtar_RequestId));
+	// feedback
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&feedback, 1);
+	//numberOfIds
+	ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&numberOfIds, sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+	for (i = 0; i < numberOfIds; ++i)
+	{
+		//id = ishtar_ulongAtInc(&addr);
+		ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&id, sizeof(ishtar_ServiceId));
+		// Problem, a corrupted message has been validated
+		if (id > ishtar_numberOfVariables)
+		{
+			++ishtar_corruptedValidated;
+			return;
+		}
+		// number of indices
+		ishtar_AtInc(&addr, (unsigned char*)&numberOfIndices, sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+		indicesAddr = addr;
+		// readonly, so skip
+		if (ishtar_services[id].flags & READ_ONLY)
+		{
+			if (numberOfIndices == 0)
+			{
+				// skip
+				ishtar_IncAddr(&addr, ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[id].type) * ((unsigned long)(ishtar_services[id].length)));// values
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// skip
+				ishtar_IncAddr(&addr, numberOfIndices * sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));// indices
+				ishtar_IncAddr(&addr, ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[id].type) * numberOfIndices);// values
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if (numberOfIndices == 0)
+			{
+				for (j = 0; j < ishtar_services[id].length; ++j)
+					ishtar_SetValueInc((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[id].value,ishtar_services[id].type, j, &addr);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				ishtar_IncAddr(&addr, numberOfIndices * sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+				// now addr points to the first value, indicesAddr to the first index
+				for (j = 0; j < numberOfIndices; ++j)
+				{
+					ishtar_AtInc(&indicesAddr, (unsigned char*)&indice, sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+					// Problem, a corrupted message has been validated
+					if (indice > ishtar_services[id].length)
+					{
+						++ishtar_corruptedValidated;
+						return;
+					}
+					ishtar_SetValueInc((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[id].value, ishtar_services[id].type, (unsigned long)indice, &addr);
+				}
+			}
+			// call feedback function if existing
+			if (ishtar_services[id].feedbackFunc)
+				ishtar_services[id].feedbackFunc(&ishtar_services[id]);
+		}
+	}
+	// SEND - the ack if feedback enabled
+	if (feedback)
+	{
+		setAck = SET_ACK;
+		answerSize = sizeof(ishtar_MessageId) + sizeof(ishtar_RequestId);
+		sizeChecksum = ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(answerSize);
+		ishtar_SendHeader();
+		// send size and size checksum
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&answerSize), 4);
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&sizeChecksum), 2);
+		// send content
+		ishtar_InitCk();
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&setAck), sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&requestID), sizeof(ishtar_RequestId));
+		ishtar_SendCk();
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc();
+	}
+*	This function decodes the content of a disconnection packet and stops the snapshot.
+void ishtar_HandleByeByeCall(unsigned char * addr, unsigned long len)
+	ishtar_snapshotActive = 0;
+	ishtar_connected = 0;
+*	This function first checks if there is an active snapshot.
+*	If yes, it sends the data for this snapshot.
+void ishtar_Snapshot()
+	if (ishtar_snapshotActive && ishtar_connected)
+	{
+		ishtar_RequestId requestID;
+		unsigned long answerSize;// VALUES(4) + requestID(4) + size(4)
+		unsigned short sizeChecksum;
+		ishtar_ServiceId i;
+		ishtar_ValueVectorSize j;
+		ishtar_ValueVectorSize length;
+		ishtar_MessageId values;
+		answerSize = sizeof(ishtar_MessageId) + sizeof(ishtar_RequestId);
+		values = VALUES;
+		requestID = ishtar_snapshotId;
+		for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+		{
+			// if the variable is in the snapshot
+			if (ishtar_services[i].inSnapshot == 1)
+			{
+				// if the size is 0, it mean variable, so we must specify it.
+				if (ishtar_services[i].length == 0)
+				{
+					answerSize += sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize);
+					answerSize += ishtar_Strlen((char*)(ishtar_services[i].value));
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					// in snapshots, the full variable is sent, cannot save indices in embedded version
+					answerSize += ((unsigned long)(ishtar_services[i].length)) * ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[i].type);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ishtar_snapshotSize = answerSize;
+		sizeChecksum = ishtar_CalculateSizeChecksum(answerSize);
+		// SEND
+		ishtar_SendHeader();
+		// send size and size checksum
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&answerSize), 4);
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&sizeChecksum), 2);
+		// send content
+		ishtar_InitCk();
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&values), sizeof(ishtar_MessageId));
+		ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&requestID), sizeof(ishtar_RequestId));
+		for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+		{
+			if (ishtar_services[i].inSnapshot == 1)
+			{
+				// service id
+				// length == 0 mean variable size, ONLY for char or UCHAR, with ended caracter equal to '\0'
+				if (ishtar_services[i].length == 0 && ishtar_services[i].type == UCHAR)
+				{
+					length = ishtar_Strlen((char*)(ishtar_services[i].value));
+					ishtar_SendData((unsigned char*)(&length), sizeof(ishtar_ValueVectorSize));
+					for (j = 0; j < length; ++j)
+					{
+						ishtar_SendValue((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[i].value, ishtar_services[i].type, j);
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					length = ishtar_services[i].length;
+					for (j=0; j < length; ++j)
+					{
+						ishtar_SendValue((unsigned char*)ishtar_services[i].value, ishtar_services[i].type, j);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ishtar_SendCk();
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc();
+	}
+*	This function reads the values from the memory and assign them to the Ishtar variables.
+*	It first read the checksum in the 2 first bytes and checks if it is correct, then it reads and assigns the value.
+*	The checksum is used to invalidate memory data when the variable list is changed.
+void ishtar_LoadFromMemory()
+	unsigned short i;
+	unsigned short j;
+	unsigned short size;
+	unsigned short nameSize;
+	unsigned short addr = ishtar_memoryMinAddress;
+	unsigned char readChecksumA, readChecksumB;
+	if (!ishtar_memoryReadFunc)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = READ_FUNC_NULL;
+		return;
+	}
+	// read checksum first
+	if (ishtar_memoryReadFunc(addr++, &readChecksumA, 1) != 1)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = READ_ERROR;
+		return;
+	}
+	ishtar_numberOfBytesReadFromMemory += 1;
+	if (ishtar_memoryReadFunc(addr++, &readChecksumB, 1) != 1)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = READ_ERROR;
+		return;
+	}
+	ishtar_numberOfBytesReadFromMemory += 1;
+	// verify checksums
+	ishtar_memoryChecksumA = 0;
+	ishtar_memoryChecksumB = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+	{
+		if (ishtar_services[i].flags & PERSISTENT)
+		{
+			// the id, type, length and name are used in the checksum
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)ishtar_services[i].type;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)ishtar_services[i].length;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)i;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			nameSize = ishtar_Strlen(ishtar_services[i].name);
+			for (j = 0; j < nameSize; ++j)
+			{
+				// checksum the name
+				ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)ishtar_services[i].name[j];
+				ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// checksum is wrong
+	if (!(readChecksumA == ishtar_memoryChecksumA && readChecksumB == ishtar_memoryChecksumB))
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = CHECKSUM_WRONG;
+		return;
+	}
+	// assign the values
+	for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+	{
+		if (ishtar_services[i].flags & PERSISTENT)
+		{
+			// size of this variable in the memory
+			size = (unsigned short)(ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[i].type) * ishtar_services[i].length);
+			// write value to memory
+			if (size != ishtar_memoryReadFunc(addr, ishtar_services[i].value, size))
+			{
+				ishtar_memoryError = READ_ERROR;
+				return;
+			}	
+			addr += size;
+			ishtar_numberOfBytesReadFromMemory += size;
+			// call feedback function if existing
+			if (ishtar_services[i].feedbackFunc)
+				ishtar_services[i].feedbackFunc(&ishtar_services[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	ishtar_memoryError = 0;
+*	This function writes the values of the Ishtar variables to the memory.
+*	It first checks that the is enough space in the memory, then it writes the checksum in the first 2 bytes, and then the values.
+void ishtar_SaveToMemory()
+	unsigned short i;
+	unsigned short j;
+	unsigned short size = 2;
+	unsigned short nameSize;
+	unsigned short addr = ishtar_memoryMinAddress + 2;
+	if (!ishtar_memoryWriteFunc)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = WRITE_FUNC_NULL;
+		return;
+	}
+	// check size
+	for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+	{
+		if (ishtar_services[i].flags & PERSISTENT)
+		{
+			size += ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[i].type) * ishtar_services[i].length;
+		}
+	}
+	// checks if there is enough memory available
+	if (ishtar_memoryMaxAddress - ishtar_memoryMinAddress < size)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE;
+		return;
+	}
+	// write and calculate checksum
+	ishtar_memoryChecksumA = 0;
+	ishtar_memoryChecksumB = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ishtar_numberOfVariables; ++i)
+	{
+		if (ishtar_services[i].flags & PERSISTENT)
+		{
+			// the id, type, length and name are used in the checksum
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)ishtar_services[i].type;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)ishtar_services[i].length;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)i;
+			ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			nameSize = ishtar_Strlen(ishtar_services[i].name);
+			for (j = 0; j < nameSize; ++j)
+			{
+				// checksum the name
+				ishtar_memoryChecksumA += (unsigned char)ishtar_services[i].name[j];
+				ishtar_memoryChecksumB += ishtar_memoryChecksumA;
+			}
+			// size of this variable in the memory
+			size = (unsigned short)(ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_services[i].type) * ishtar_services[i].length);
+			// write value to memory
+			if (size != ishtar_memoryWriteFunc(addr, ishtar_services[i].value, size))
+			{
+				ishtar_memoryError = WRITE_ERROR;
+				return;	
+			}	
+			addr += size;
+			ishtar_numberOfBytesWrittenToMemory += size;
+		}
+	}
+	// end writing checksum
+	if (ishtar_memoryWriteFunc(ishtar_memoryMinAddress, &ishtar_memoryChecksumA, 1) != 1)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = WRITE_ERROR;
+		return;		
+	}
+	ishtar_numberOfBytesWrittenToMemory += 1;
+	if (ishtar_memoryWriteFunc(ishtar_memoryMinAddress + 1, &ishtar_memoryChecksumB, 1) != 1)
+	{
+		ishtar_memoryError = WRITE_ERROR;
+		return;		
+	}
+	ishtar_numberOfBytesWrittenToMemory += 1;
+	ishtar_memoryError = NO_ERROR;
+// init
+*	This function inits Ishtar Embedded server
+*	@param externalSendFunc The external function to send data
+*	@param externalFlushFunc The external function to flush data output buffer
+void ishtar_Init(ishtar_ExternalSendFunc externalSendFunc, ishtar_ExternalFlushFunc externalFlushFunc)
+	ishtar_externalSendFunc = externalSendFunc;
+	ishtar_externalSendBlockingFunc = externalSendFunc;
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc = externalSendFunc;
+	if (externalFlushFunc)
+	{
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc = externalFlushFunc;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc = &ishtar_DoNothing;
+	}
+	ishtar_InitBuffer();
+	// DEBUG
+	ishtar_RegisterDebugVars();
+*	This function inits Ishtar Embedded server with the use of
+*	a different sending function for big messages.
+*	The HELLO and SERVICE_LIST packets use the blocking function, other packets the non-blocking
+*	WARNING: Using this function may cause the host to stuck for a while when the client asks for
+*	the list of all services, as the blocking function could take *several seconds* to send the data
+*	@param externalSendFunc The external function to send data
+*	@param externalSendBlockFunc The external blocking function to send data (big packets)
+*	@param externalFlushFunc The external function to flush data output buffer
+void ishtar_InitWithBlock(ishtar_ExternalSendFunc externalSendFunc, ishtar_ExternalSendFunc externalSendBlockFunc, ishtar_ExternalFlushFunc externalFlushFunc)
+	ishtar_externalSendFunc = externalSendFunc;
+	ishtar_externalSendBlockingFunc = externalSendBlockFunc;
+	ishtar_currentSendFunc = externalSendFunc;
+	if (externalFlushFunc)
+	{
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc = externalFlushFunc;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ishtar_externalFlushFunc = &ishtar_DoNothing;
+	}
+	ishtar_InitBuffer();
+	// DEBUG
+	ishtar_RegisterDebugVars();
+*	This function inits the receive buffers and pointers.
+void ishtar_InitBuffer()
+	ishtar_bufBegin = ishtar_buffer;
+	ishtar_bufEnd = ishtar_buffer + ISHTAR_BUFFER_SIZE;
+	ishtar_bufPos = ishtar_buffer;
+	ishtar_consumePos = ishtar_buffer;
+	ishtar_packetBegin = ishtar_buffer;
+*	This function directly registers several variables to monitor Ishtar itself
+void ishtar_RegisterDebugVars()
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.overflows", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfOverflows), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.variables", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfVariables), USHORT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.dropHeader1", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfDropHeader1), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.dropHeader2", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfDropHeader2), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.dropHeader3", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfDropHeader3), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.dropHeader4", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfDropHeader4), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.dropSize", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfDropSize), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.dropContent", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfDropContent), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.bytesSent", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfBytesSent), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.bytesReceived", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfBytesReceived), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.validMessages", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfValidMessages), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.memoryBytesRead", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfBytesReadFromMemory), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.memoryBytesWritten", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_numberOfBytesWrittenToMemory), UINT, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.memoryError", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_memoryError), UCHAR, 1, 0);
+	ishtar_Variable("ishtar.snapshotSize", (unsigned char*)(&ishtar_snapshotSize), UINT, 1, 0);
+*	This function inits the non-volatile memory access functions
+*	@param memoryReadFunc A pointer to the external function that reads the non-volatile memory
+*	@param memoryWriteFunc A pointer to the external function that writes the non-volatile memory
+*	@param minAddress The lowest memory address that Ishtar is allowed to write
+*	@param maxAddress The highest memory address that Ishtar is allowed to write
+void ishtar_InitMemoryAccess(ishtar_MemoryReadFunc memoryReadFunc, ishtar_MemoryWriteFunc memoryWriteFunc, unsigned short minAddress, unsigned short maxAddress)
+	ishtar_memoryReadFunc = memoryReadFunc;
+	ishtar_memoryWriteFunc = memoryWriteFunc;
+	ishtar_memoryMinAddress = minAddress;
+	ishtar_memoryMaxAddress = maxAddress;
+*	This function registers a variable into Ishtar in order to make it accessible to external clients
+*	@param name The textual name of the variable. Use '.' character to create sub-groups, e.g. "gps.position.longitude"
+*	@param var A pointer to the real variable or to the root of the array of variables
+*	@param type The type of the variable : BOOL, CHAR, UCHAR, SHORT, USHORT, INT, UINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE
+*	@param length The number of elements in the array, or 1 for a normal variable
+*	@param flags The flags for this variable : 0 or READ_ONLY
+ishtar_ServiceId ishtar_Variable(const char* name, void* var, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, ishtar_ValueVectorSize length, ishtar_ServiceFlags flags)
+	return ishtar_VariableFeedback(name, var, type, length, flags, 0);
+*	This function registers a variable into Ishtar in order to make it accessible to external clients
+*	@param name The textual name of the variable. Use '.' character to create sub-groups, e.g. "gps.position.longitude"
+*	@param var A pointer to the real variable or to the root of the array of variables
+*	@param type The type of the variable : BOOL, CHAR, UCHAR, SHORT, USHORT, INT, UINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE
+*	@param length The number of elements in the array, or 1 for a normal variable
+*	@param flags The flags for this variable : 0 or READ_ONLY
+*	@param feedbackFunc Pointer to a function called whenever the corresponding variable is modified.
+ishtar_ServiceId ishtar_VariableFeedback(const char* name, void* var, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, ishtar_ValueVectorSize length, ishtar_ServiceFlags flags, ishtar_VariableModifiedFunc feedbackFunc)
+	if (ishtar_numberOfVariables < ISHTAR_MAX_NUMBER_OF_SERVICES)
+	{
+		// If the length == 0, then the variable must be read-only because there is no dynamic allocation
+		if (length == 0)
+		{
+			flags |= READ_ONLY;
+		}
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].name = name;
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].type = type;
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].length = length;
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].flags = flags;
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].value = var;
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].inSnapshot = 0;
+		ishtar_services[ishtar_numberOfVariables].feedbackFunc = feedbackFunc;
+		return ishtar_numberOfVariables++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+*	This function calculates the length of a zero-terminated string
+*	@param The zero-terminated string for which the length will be calculated
+*	@return The length of the string or ISHTAR_STRING_MAX_SIZE if the string is too long (to prevent from getting stuck)
+unsigned long ishtar_Strlen(const char * addr)
+	unsigned long l = 0;
+	while (*addr != '\0' && l < ISHTAR_STRING_MAX_SIZE)
+	{
+		++l;
+		++addr;
+	}
+	return l;
+*	This function returns the number of bytes taken by a variable of a certain type
+*	@param type The IShtar-defined type of the variable : BOOL, CHAR, UCHAR, SHORT, USHORT, INT, UINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE
+unsigned long ishtar_TypeSize(ishtar_ValueVectorType type)
+	unsigned long size = 0;
+	if (type == CHAR || type == UCHAR || type == BOOL)
+	{
+		size = sizeof(char);
+	}
+	else if (type == SHORT || type == USHORT)
+	{
+		size = sizeof(short);
+	}
+	else if (type == FLOAT || type == INT || type == UINT)
+	{
+		size = sizeof(long);
+	}
+	else if (type == DOUBLE)
+	{
+		size = sizeof(double);
+	}
+	return size;
+*	This function returns true if the server already received a HELLO message since it started, false otherwise
+unsigned char ishtar_IsConnected()
+	return ishtar_connected;
+unsigned short ishtar_ServiceCount()
+	return ishtar_numberOfVariables;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ishtar.h	Thu May 12 08:30:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+	Ishtar Embedded
+	Copyright (C) 2008-2010:
+		Alexandre Habersaat <alexandre dot habersaat at gmail dot com>
+		Antoine Beyeler <abeyeler at ab-ware dot com>
+			(http://www.ab-ware.com)
+		Stephane Magnenat <stephane at magnenat dot net>
+			(http://stephane.magnenat.net)
+	All rights reserved.
+	Ishtar Embedded is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	Ishtar Embedded is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+	along with Ishtar Embedded. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+*	\file ishtar.h
+*	\brief Header file of the Ishtar Embedded server
+*	\author Alexandre Habersaat, Antoine Beyeler
+*	This file contains the public interface of the Ishtar Embedded server
+#ifndef __ISHTAR_H__
+#define __ISHTAR_H__
+	#include ISHTAR_PREFIX
+// #include <stdio.h>
+#include "ishtar_def.h"
+// Module's options
+	//! Ishtar debug mode
+	#define ISHTAR_DEBUG 1
+	//! The maximum number of services / variables that can be registered in Ishtar
+	//! The size of the reception buffer
+	#define ISHTAR_BUFFER_SIZE 800
+	//! The maximum size of a string in Ishtar Embedded
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+//! Maximum size for vectors
+#define ISHTAR_MAX_VEC_SIZE 65535
+// Maximum number of services
+#if ISHTAR_MAX_VEC_SIZE > 65535
+	typedef unsigned long ishtar_ValueVectorSize;
+#elif ISHTAR_MAX_VEC_SIZE > 255
+	typedef unsigned short ishtar_ValueVectorSize;
+	typedef unsigned char ishtar_ValueVectorSize;
+typedef unsigned char ishtar_ValueVectorType;
+	typedef unsigned long ishtar_ServiceId;
+	typedef unsigned short ishtar_ServiceId;
+typedef unsigned char ishtar_ServiceFlags;
+typedef unsigned short ishtar_MessageId;
+typedef unsigned short ishtar_RequestId;
+typedef unsigned long ishtar_ProtocolType;
+typedef unsigned long ishtar_NodeType;
+typedef unsigned long ishtar_VersionType;
+// forward declaration
+//typedef struct ishtar_ServiceDescription ishtar_ServiceDescriptionPtr;
+typedef struct ishtar_ServiceDescriptionTag* ishtar_ServiceDescriptionPtr;
+//! Type definition for the external function used to send data through communication
+typedef void (*ishtar_ExternalSendFunc)(unsigned char *, unsigned long);
+//! Type definition for the external function used to flush the data output buffer at the end of each message that is sent
+typedef void (*ishtar_ExternalFlushFunc)();
+//! Type definition for the external function used to write data in non-volatile memory
+typedef unsigned short (*ishtar_MemoryWriteFunc)(unsigned short address, void* data, unsigned short length);
+//! Type definition for the external function used to read data from non-volatile memory
+typedef unsigned short (*ishtar_MemoryReadFunc)(unsigned short address, void* data, unsigned short length);
+//! Type definition for the variable modified callback.
+typedef void (*ishtar_VariableModifiedFunc)(ishtar_ServiceDescriptionPtr variable);
+//! The structure for the description of services / variables
+typedef struct ishtar_ServiceDescriptionTag
+	const char* name;						//!< The name of the variable
+	ishtar_ValueVectorType type;			//!< The type of the variable
+	ishtar_ValueVectorSize length;			//!< The length of the array
+	ishtar_ServiceFlags flags;				//!< The flags for the variable (READ_ONLY)
+	void* value;							//!< The pointer to the local real variable
+	unsigned char inSnapshot;				//!< If this variable is part of the snapshot
+	ishtar_VariableModifiedFunc feedbackFunc;	//!< Function called when the variable is remotely modified
+} ishtar_ServiceDescription;
+// Public functions
+//! This function inits the Ishtar Embedded server
+void ishtar_Init(ishtar_ExternalSendFunc externalSendFunc, ishtar_ExternalFlushFunc externalFlushFunc);
+//! This function inits the Ishtar Embedded server, and configures it to work with two different send functions, a non-blocking one and a blocking one
+void ishtar_InitWithBlock(ishtar_ExternalSendFunc externalSendFunc, ishtar_ExternalSendFunc externalSendBlockFunc, ishtar_ExternalFlushFunc externalFlushFunc);
+//! This function inits the non-volatile memory access functions
+void ishtar_InitMemoryAccess(ishtar_MemoryReadFunc memoryReadFunc, ishtar_MemoryWriteFunc memoryWriteFunc, unsigned short minAddress, unsigned short maxAddress);
+//! This function registers a local variable in the Ishtar library to make it accessible to external clients connected to the server
+ishtar_ServiceId ishtar_Variable(const char* name, void* var, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, ishtar_ValueVectorSize length, ishtar_ServiceFlags flags);
+//! This function registers a local variable in the Ishtar library to make it accessible to external clients connected to the server
+ishtar_ServiceId ishtar_VariableFeedback(const char* name, void* var, ishtar_ValueVectorType type, ishtar_ValueVectorSize length, ishtar_ServiceFlags flags, ishtar_VariableModifiedFunc feedbackFunc);
+//! This function checks treats every packet that arrived since the last call
+void ishtar_Step();
+//! This function should be called each time data bytes are received through communication
+void ishtar_ReceiveData(unsigned char * data, unsigned long len);
+//! This function should be called each time a data byte is received through communication
+void ishtar_ReceiveDataByte(unsigned char c);
+//! This function sends the active snapshot if any, otherwise it does nothing
+void ishtar_Snapshot();
+//! This function reads the values from the memory and assign them to the Ishtar variables
+void ishtar_LoadFromMemory();
+//! This function writes the values of the Ishtar variables to the memory
+void ishtar_SaveToMemory();
+//! This function returns true if the server already received a Hello message from a client
+unsigned char ishtar_IsConnected();
+//! This funtion returns the number of currently registered variable.
+unsigned short ishtar_ServiceCount();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ishtar_def.h	Thu May 12 08:30:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+	Ishtar Embedded
+	Copyright (C) 2008-2009:
+		Alexandre Habersaat <alexandre dot habersaat at gmail dot com>
+		Antoine Beyeler <abeyeler at ab-ware dot com>
+			(http://www.ab-ware.com)
+		Stephane Magnenat <stephane at magnenat dot net>
+			(http://stephane.magnenat.net)
+	All rights reserved.
+	Ishtar Embedded is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+	(at your option) any later version.
+	Ishtar Embedded is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+	along with Ishtar Embedded. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+*	\file ishtar_def.h
+*	\brief Definition file of the Ishtar Embedded server
+*	\author Alexandre Habersaat, Antoine Beyeler
+*	\date 2008-06-12
+*	This file contains the defintions and enumerations used by the Ishtar protocol
+#ifndef __ISHTAR_DEF_H__
+#define __ISHTAR_DEF_H__
+	#include ISHTAR_PREFIX
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define ISHTAR_HEADER1 (0x66)
+#define ISHTAR_HEADER2 (0x57)
+#define ISHTAR_HEADER3 (0xD9)
+#define ISHTAR_HEADER4 (0xF4)
+//! Size definition for strings that have a variable size depending of their content
+//! Enumeration for Answer messages (server to client)
+enum IshtarAnswerType
+	//! Hello answer
+	HELLO=0,
+	//! OK message
+	OK,
+	//! Error
+	//! List of services
+	//! Values of a given service
+	//! Confirmation of a set
+//! Enumeration for Call messages (client to server)
+enum IshtarCallType
+	//! Hello call for connection
+	//HELLO=0,
+	//! Service list request
+	//! Values read request
+	//! Values write request
+	//! Disconnection notification
+//! Enumeration for node type
+enum IshtarNodeType
+	//! Ishtar server node
+	//! Ishtar client node
+//! Enumeration for message type
+enum IshtarMessageType
+	//! Connection was successful
+//! Enumeration for error types
+enum IshtarErrorTypes
+	//! A request service does not exists any more
+	//! The server and the client are running incompatible protocol version
+//! Enumeration for protocol type
+enum IshtarProtocolType
+	REGULAR = 0,	//!< regular protocol should be used
+	EMBEDDED,	//!< embedded version of the protocol should be used
+	INCOMPATIBLE	//!< this server is not compatible with the request protocol version
+//! Enumeration for variable types
+enum IshtarType
+	LONG = 0,	//!< 32 bits signed integer, corresponds to signed long
+	ULONG,		//!< 32 bits unsigned integer, corresponds to unsigned long
+	SHORT,		//!< 16 bits signed integer, corresponds to signed short
+	USHORT,		//!< 16 bits unsigned integer, corresponds to unsigned short
+	CHAR,		//!< 8 bits signed integer, corresponds to signed char
+	UCHAR,		//!< 8 bits unsigned integer, corresponds to unsigned char
+	FLOAT,		//!< 32 bits floating point value, corresponds to float
+	DOUBLE,		//!< 64 bits double precision floating point value, corresponds to double
+	BOOL,		//!< true/false value, serialized on a UCHAR
+	//TODO: depracated, remove
+	INT=0,		//!< 32 bits signed integer, corresponds to signed long, deprecated alias for LONG
+	UINT,		//!< 32 bits unsigned integer, corresponds to unsigned long, deprecated alias for ULONG
+//! Enumeration for service options (flags)
+enum IshtarFlags
+	//! No flags
+	//! Service can only be read
+	READ_ONLY=0x1,
+	//! Each value has a name
+	//! Each value is bounded
+	//! Service can be saved/loaded from memory
+//! Enumeration for the memery errors
+enum IshtarMemoryErrors
+	//! No error occured
+	//! The write function is not defined
+	//! The read function is not defined
+	//! The memory space is too small
+	//! The variable list has been modified since last save
+	//! The external function could not write
+	//! The internal function could not read
+#ifdef __cplusplus
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu May 12 08:30:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+int main() {
+    while(1) {
+        myled = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        myled = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu May 12 08:30:17 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@