reads the sensor data

Dependencies:   MAG3110 MMA8451Q SLCD TSI mbed-src

Fork of KL46Z by JP PANG

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Feb 14 23:27:17 2014 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Feb 14 07:44:14 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Feb 14 23:27:17 2014 +0000
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 TSISensor tsi;
 MMA8451Q acc51(PTE25, PTE24, 0x1D<<1);
-MAG3110 magMeter(PTE25, PTE24, 0x0E<<1);
+MAG3110 mag(PTE25, PTE24, 0x0E<<1);
 PwmOut rled(PTE29);
 PwmOut gled(PTD5);
@@ -20,66 +20,70 @@
 InterruptIn s1(PTC3);
 InterruptIn s3(PTC12);
+int base_rate=100;
 int A=1, M=1, T=1, L=1, gE=1;;
-int aH=A, mH = M, tH = T, lH = L;
+int aH=base_rate, mH = base_rate, tH = base_rate, lH = base_rate;
+Timer t;
+int counter; 
 int main()
     using namespace std;
     int count_acc = 1, count_mag = 1, count_light = 1, count_touch = 1, available = 0;
-    int extra_light =0, extra_touch =0, extra_mag =0, extra_acc =0;
+//    int extra_light =0, extra_touch =0, extra_mag =0, extra_acc =0;
     int magX = 0, magY = 0, magZ = 0;
-    magMeter.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ);
+    mag.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ);
     float holdTime = 5.0;
    // acc.attach(&Acc, 0.010);
 //    mag.attach(&Mag, 0.010);
 //    light.attach(&Light, 0.010);
+    t.start();
     while(1) {
-        if(A == 1)
-            cout << "A" << "X" << acc51.getAccX() << "Y" << acc51.getAccY() << "Z"<< acc51.getAccZ() << "\n\r"  ;
-        if(M == 1)
-           cout << "M" << magMeter.getHeading() << "X" << magX << "Y" << magY << "Z" << magZ << "\n\r";
-        if(L == 1)
-            cout << "L" << lightSensor << "\n\r";
-        if(T == 1)
-            cout << "T" << tsi.readPercentage() << "\n\r" ;
-        if( count_acc != 0 || count_mag != 0 || count_light != 0 || count_touch != 0){
-                available = 1;
-                extra_acc = count_acc;       
-                extra_mag = count_mag;
-                extra_light = count_light;
-                extra_touch = count_touch;
-        }
-        while( available == 1){
-            if (A == 1 && extra_acc > 0){
-                extra_acc--;
-                cout << "A" << "X" << acc51.getAccX() << "Y" << acc51.getAccY() << "Z"<< acc51.getAccZ() << "\n\r"  ;
-            }  
-            if (M == 1 && extra_mag > 0){
-                extra_mag--;
-                cout << "M" << magMeter.getHeading() << "X" << magX << "Y" << magY << "Z" << magZ << "\n\r";
-            } 
-            if (T == 1 && extra_touch > 0){
-                extra_touch--;
-                cout << "T" << tsi.readPercentage() << "\n\r" ;
-            } 
-            if (L == 1 && extra_light > 0){
-                extra_light--;
-                cout << "L" << lightSensor << "\n\r";
-            } 
-            if( extra_acc == 0 && extra_mag == 0 && extra_touch == 0 && extra_light == 0)
-                available = 0;
-        }
+        mag.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ);
+        counter = t.read_ms();
+        if(A == 1 && counter%(aH+1) == aH)
+            cout << "A" << "X" << acc51.getAccX() << "Y" << acc51.getAccY() << "Z"<< acc51.getAccZ() << "\n"  ;
+        if(M == 1 && counter%(mH+1) == mH)
+           cout << "M" << mag.getHeading() << "X" << magX << "Y" << magY << "Z" << magZ << "\n";
+        if(L == 1 && counter%(lH+1) == lH)
+            cout << "L" << lightSensor << "\n";
+        if(T == 1 && counter%(tH+1) == tH)
+            cout << "T" << tsi.readPercentage() << "\n" ;
+//        cout <<"%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\r";    
+        //if( count_acc != 0 || count_mag != 0 || count_light != 0 || count_touch != 0){
+//                available = 1;
+//                extra_acc = count_acc;       
+//                extra_mag = count_mag;
+//                extra_light = count_light;
+//                extra_touch = count_touch;
+//        }
+//        while( available == 1){
+//            if (A == 1 && extra_acc > 0){
+//                extra_acc--;
+//                cout << "A" << "X" << acc51.getAccX() << "Y" << acc51.getAccY() << "Z"<< acc51.getAccZ() << "\n\r"  ;
+//            }  
+//            if (M == 1 && extra_mag > 0){
+//                extra_mag--;
+//                cout << "M" << magMeter.getHeading() << "X" << magX << "Y" << magY << "Z" << magZ << "\n\r";
+//            } 
+//            if (T == 1 && extra_touch > 0){
+//                extra_touch--;
+//                cout << "T" << tsi.readPercentage() << "\n\r" ;
+//            } 
+//            if (L == 1 && extra_light > 0){
+//                extra_light--;
+//                cout << "L" << lightSensor << "\n\r";
+//            } 
+//            if( extra_acc == 0 && extra_mag == 0 && extra_touch == 0 && extra_light == 0)
+//                available = 0;
+//        }
          if (pc.readable()){//
 //            NVIC_DisableIRQ(TIMER3_IRQn);
@@ -93,42 +97,77 @@
                 if(T == 1) pc.printf("Touchglider\n");
                 if(L == 1) pc.printf("LightSensor\n");
-                pc.printf("Enable / Disable Sensors? (0-9)\n");
-                pc.printf("Acccelerometer - (0-9)");
+                pc.printf("Enable / Disable Sensors? (0/1)\n");
+                pc.printf("Acccelerometer - (0/1)\n");
                 count_acc = (int) pc.getc();
                 (count_acc != '0')? A = 1: A=0;
                 if ( A==1 ){
-                    pc.printf("Acccelerometer - Enabled !\n");
+                    pc.printf("Acccelerometer - Enabled !\n Enter the rate (Three digit number)\n");
+                    aH=0;
+                    pc.printf("  You entered - ");
+                    for(int k=1; k<=3;k++){
+                        aH =   aH * 10 +  pc.getc() - 48;
+                        pc.printf("%d",aH%10);
+                    }
+                    pc.printf("\n");
+                    aH = 1000 / aH;
+//                    aH =  count_acc;
 //                    count_acc == 1 ? count_acc = 0: count_acc-=1;
                     pc.printf("Acccelerometer - Disabled !\n");
-                pc.printf("Magnetometer - (0-9)? ");
+                pc.printf("Magnetometer - (0/1)? \n");
                   count_mag = (int) pc.getc();
                 (count_mag != '0')? M = 1: M=0;
                 if ( M==1 ){
-                    pc.printf("Magnetometer - Enabled !\n");
+                    pc.printf("Magnetometer - Enabled !\n Enter the rate (Three digit number)\n");
+                    mH=0;
+                    pc.printf("  You entered - ");
+                    for(int k=1; k<=3;k++){
+                        mH =   mH * 10 +  pc.getc() - 48;
+                        pc.printf("%d",mH%10);
+                    } 
+                    pc.printf("\n");
+                    mH = 1000/mH;
+//                    cout << "MH = " << mH << "\n\r";
+//                    mH = base_rate/ count_mag;
 //                    count_mag == 1 ? count_mag = 0: count_mag-=1;    
                     pc.printf("Magnetometer - Disabled !\n");
-                pc.printf("Touchglider - (0-9)? ");
+                pc.printf("Touchglider - (0/1)? \n");
                  count_touch = (int) pc.getc();
                 (count_touch != '0')? T = 1: T=0;
                 if ( T==1 ){
-                    pc.printf("Touchglider - Enabled !\n");
+                    pc.printf("Touchglider - Enabled !\n Enter the rate (Three digit number)\n");
+                    tH=0;
+                    pc.printf("  You entered - ");
+                    for(int k=1; k<=3;k++){
+                        tH =   tH * 10 + pc.getc() - 48;
+                        pc.printf("%d",tH%10);
+                    } 
+                    pc.printf("\n");
+                    tH = 1000 / tH;
+//                   tH = base_rate/ count_touch ;
 //                    count_touch == 1 ? count_touch = 0: count_touch-=1;    
                     pc.printf("Touchglider - Disabled !\n");
-                pc.printf("LightSensor - (0-9)? ");
+                pc.printf("LightSensor - (0/1)? \n");
                 count_light = (int) pc.getc();
                 (count_light != '0')? L = 1: L=0;
                 if ( L==1 ){
-                    pc.printf("LightSensor - Enabled !\n");
+                    pc.printf("LightSensor - Enabled !\n Enter the rate (Three digit number)\n");
+                    lH=0;
+                    pc.printf("  You entered - ");
+                    for(int k=1; k<=3;k++){
+                        lH =   lH * 10 + pc.getc() - 48;
+                        pc.printf("%d",lH%10);
+                    }
+                    pc.printf("\n");
+                    lH = 1000 / lH;
+//                    pc.printf("LH = %d",lH);
 //                    count_light == 1 ? count_light = 0: count_light-=1;    