Trying to log data from UM6 sensor with GPS receiver LS20031. I have two problems: - I can't log to file at a fast rate (<0.5s) without data values freezing to a fixed value. Print to pc screen it works fine. Ideally I would do this with an interrupt (e.g. ticker) so that the time of each reading is a fixed interval - I removed this as I thought this was causing the problem. - I want to record GPS lat and long. I have setup the GPS ground speed so I know the sensor are communicating. So I possibly havent set the config file to correctly interpet these two signals.

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed

Fork of UM6_IMU_AHRS_2012 by lhiggs CSUM

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu May 02 06:41:42 2013 +0000
Commit message:
GPS setup but not printing

Changed in this revision

UM6_config/UM6_config.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/UM6_config/UM6_config.h	Wed May 01 23:32:16 2013 +0000
+++ b/UM6_config/UM6_config.h	Thu May 02 06:41:42 2013 +0000
@@ -31,14 +31,17 @@
 // This setup makes it easy to make more data immediately available when needed - simply increase the array size, add code in
 // the firmware that writes data to the new array location, and then make updates to the firmware definition on the PC side.
 #define    CONFIG_ARRAY_SIZE        44
-#define    DATA_ARRAY_SIZE          35
+#define    DATA_ARRAY_SIZE          36
 #define    COMMAND_COUNT             9
+// original data array size 32
 #define    CONFIG_REG_START_ADDRESS       0
-#define    DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS        85
+#define    DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS        85    
 #define    COMMAND_START_ADDRESS        170
+// hex 0x55 = dec 85 
+// hex 0xAA = dec 170
 // These preprocessor definitions make it easier to access specific configuration parameters in code
 // They specify array locations associated with each register name.  Note that in the comments below, many of the values are
 // said to be 32-bit IEEE floating point.  Obviously this isn't directly the case, since the arrays are actually 32-bit unsigned
@@ -84,9 +87,9 @@
 #define    UM6_ERROR_COV_31        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 30)
 #define    UM6_ERROR_COV_32        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 31)
 #define    UM6_ERROR_COV_33        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 32)
-#define    UM6_TEMPERATURE        (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 33)
+#define    UM6_GPS_LATITUDE       (DATA_REG_START_ADDRESS + 35)
@@ -136,6 +139,9 @@
 float Pitch;
 float Yaw;
 float GPS_long;
+float GPS_lat;
+float GPS_course;
+float GPS_speed;
 UM6 data;
@@ -156,8 +162,10 @@
-int16_t MY_DATA_GPS_LONG;
+int32_t MY_DATA_GPS_LONG;
+int32_t MY_DATA_GPS_LAT;
@@ -443,40 +451,36 @@
-                                // GPS
-                                if (new_packet.address == UM6_GPS_LONGITUDE) {
-                                    // GPS Longitude
-                                   MY_DATA_GPS_LONG = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it
-                                   MY_DATA_GPS_LONG |= new_packet.packet_data[1];
-                                   data.GPS_long = MY_DATA_GPS_LONG;  // stores longitude in degrees
+                                // GPS Ground/Speed
+                                if (new_packet.address == UM6_GPS_COURSE_SPEED) {
+                                    // Ground course 
+                                   MY_DATA_GPS_COURSE = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[0]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                   MY_DATA_GPS_COURSE |= new_packet.packet_data[1];
+                                   data.GPS_course = MY_DATA_GPS_COURSE;  // need to divide by 100 to get ground course in degrees
-                                    // EULER_THETA (PITCH)
-                             //       MY_DATA_EULER_THETA = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it
-                             //       MY_DATA_EULER_THETA |= new_packet.packet_data[3];
-                             //       data.Pitch = MY_DATA_EULER_THETA*0.0109863;
+                                    // Speed
+                                    MY_DATA_GPS_SPEED = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[2]<<8; //bitshift it
+                                    MY_DATA_GPS_SPEED |= new_packet.packet_data[3];
+                                    data.GPS_speed = MY_DATA_GPS_SPEED;
-                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
-                                    //------------------------------------------------------------
-                                    // UM6_EULER_PSI (0x63) (YAW)
-                                    // Stores the most recently computed yaw (psi) angle estimate.  The angle estimate is stored as a 16-
-                                    // bit 2's complement integer.  To obtain the actual angle estimate in degrees, the register data
-                                    // should be multiplied by the scale factor 0.0109863 as shown below
-                             //       MY_DATA_EULER_PSI = (int16_t)new_packet.packet_data[4]<<8; //bitshift it
-                             //       MY_DATA_EULER_PSI |= new_packet.packet_data[5];
-                             //       data.Yaw = MY_DATA_EULER_PSI*0.0109863;
+                                    //------------------------------------------------------------                             
-                                   // end if(UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA)
+                                //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // GPS long
+                       //        if (new_packet.address == UM6_GPS_LONGITUDE) {
+                                    // Longitude                                 
+                       //            data.GPS_long = MY_DATA_GPS_LONG;  
+                       //        }  
+                               //-------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                // GPS lat
+                       //        if (new_packet.address == UM6_GPS_LATITUDE) {
+                                    // Latitude                                 
+                       //            data.GPS_lat = MY_DATA_GPS_LAT;  
+                       //        }  
+                                //------------------------------------------------------------ 
                             }    // end if(ADDRESS_TYPE_DATA)
--- a/main.cpp	Wed May 01 23:32:16 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu May 02 06:41:42 2013 +0000
@@ -17,14 +17,11 @@
 DigitalOut pc_activity(LED1);    // LED1 = PC SERIAL
 DigitalOut uart_activity(LED2);  // LED2 = UM6 SERIAL
 DigitalOut logLED(LED3);  // LED3 = logging active
+DigitalOut sync(p6);
 DigitalIn enable(p5);    // enable signal for logging data to file
-Timer t; // sets up timer for measuring data loggin time
-Timer t1; // sets up timer for reading data at set intervals
-//Ticker tick; // sets up ticker
-//int doRead = 0; // ticker interupt variable 
+Timer t; // sets up timer for measuring data time stamp
+Timer t1;// sets up timer for measuring time to read/write data
 void rxCallback(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q) {
     if (um6_uart.rxBufferGetCount() >=  MAX_PACKET_DATA) {
@@ -33,9 +30,6 @@
-//void print_um6() {
-//    doRead = 1;    // interupt to read signals from UM6
-//        }      
 int main() {
@@ -47,23 +41,19 @@
     // set UM6 serial uart baud 9600
     pc.baud(115200);  // pc baud for UM6 to pc interface
-    t.start(); // starts timer
     // attach interupt function to uart
     um6_uart.attach(&rxCallback, MODSERIAL::RxIrq);
-//    tick.attach(&print_um6, 0.20);  // ticker interupt
     FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out3.csv", "w");  // Open "out.txt" on the local file system for writing
-    fprintf(fp, "time1 (s),Yaw (deg),Roll (deg),Pitch (deg),GyroX,GyroY,GyroZ,AccelX,AccelY,AccelZ\r");   // sends header to file
-int n = 0;  // while loop counter
-    while (n < 10) {
+    fprintf(fp, "time (s),Yaw (deg),Roll (deg),Pitch (deg),GyroX,GyroY,GyroZ,AccelX,AccelY,AccelZ\r");   // sends header to file
+    t.start(); // start data log time
+    sync = 1;
+    while (enable) {
          logLED = 1; // turns LED3 on when logging starts
-         t1.start(); 
-         wait(0.5);               
-         if (t1 > 0.5) { 
+         wait(0.5);                
            float Yaw=data.Yaw;
            float Roll=data.Roll;
@@ -78,19 +68,21 @@
          //  float MagY=data.Mag_Proc_Y;
          //  float MagZ=data.Mag_Proc_Z;
            float GPSlong=data.GPS_long;
+           float GPSlat=data.GPS_lat;
+           float GPScourse=data.GPS_course;
+           float GPSspeed=data.GPS_speed;
-           pc.printf("time1 %3.3f s,Yaw %3.3f deg,Roll %3.3f deg,Pitch %3.3f deg\n",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch);  
-           //pc.printf("time1 %3.3f s,Yaw %3.3f deg,Rol l %3.3f deg,Pitch %3.3f deg, Longitude %f deg\n",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch,GPSlong);  
-           fprintf(fp, "%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f\n",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch);
+        //   pc.printf("time1 %3.3f s,Yaw %3.3f deg,Roll %3.3f deg,Pitch %3.3f deg",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch);  
+           pc.printf("time1 %3.3f s,Yaw %3.3f deg, Speed %f 0.01m/s,course %f 0.01m/s, long %f deg, lat %f deg\n",time1,Yaw,GPSspeed,GPScourse,GPSlong,GPSlat);  
+          // fprintf(fp, "%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f \n",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch);
           // fprintf(fp, "%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f\n",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch,GyroX,GyroY,GyroZ);
           // fprintf(fp, "%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f\n",time1,Yaw,Roll,Pitch,GyroX,GyroY,GyroZ,AccelX,AccelY,AccelZ);
-           pc_activity = !pc_activity;  // Lights LED1 when uart RxBuff has > 40 bytes
-         //  doRead = 0;   // reset ticker interupt variable
-          t1.reset();
-          n++;
-         }
-    }  // end while(1) loopn
+           pc_activity = !pc_activity;  // Lights LED1 when uart RxBuff has > 40 bytes         
+    }  // end while(1) loop
+   fprintf(fp,"%3.3f \n",;
+   sync = 0;
    wait(0.6);  // debug - hold LED on for 0.6s, even when while loop not true
    logLED = 0;  // turns LED3 off when logging ends