OSRAM SFH7779 device driver: Ambient Light and proximity Sensor with Integrated 940nm IR Emitter Version 1.2

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Sep 14 00:18:48 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Converted to template so that I2C driver derivations can be used (I2C, SoftI2C, etc...); Changed filename to match class name.

Changed in this revision

SFH7779.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
sfh7779.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SFH7779.h	Thu Sep 14 00:18:48 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T, IIoT Foundry, Plano, TX, USA
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/** \addtogroup drivers */
+/** Support for the OSRAM SFH7779 I2C IR-LED, proximity and ambient light sensor
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ *
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "SFH7779.h"
+ *
+ * I2C            i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+ * SFH7779<I2C>  sfh7779(&i2c);
+ *
+ * int main() {
+ *     sfh7779_measurements_t   data;
+ *     bool                     ok;
+ *
+ *     ok = sfh7779.enable() &&
+ *          sfh7779.read(&data) &&
+ *          sfh7779.disable();
+ *           
+ *     if (ok) {
+ *         printf("shf7779 proximity reading = %d\r\n", data.prox);
+ *     } else {
+ *         printf("shf7779 error!\r\n");
+ *     }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * @ingroup drivers
+ */
+#pragma once
+#define SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT  0x39
+#define SYSTEM_CONTROL_REG  0x40
+#define MODE_CONTROL_REG    0x41
+#define   PS_MODE_NORMAL        (0x00<<4)   // default
+#define   PS_MODE_TWO_PULSE     (0x10<<4)
+#define   MRR_ALS0PS0           (0x00<<0)   // default
+#define   MRR_ALS0PS10          (0x01<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS0PS40          (0x02<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS0PS100         (0x03<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS0PS400         (0x04<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS100PS0         (0x05<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS100PS100       (0x06<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS100PS400       (0x07<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS401PS0         (0x08<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS401PS100       (0x09<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS400PS0         (0x0A<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS400PS400       (0x0B<<0)
+#define   MRR_ALS50PS50         (0x0C<<0)
+#define ALS_PS_CONTROL_REG  0x42
+#define   PS_OUT_PROXIMITY      (0x00<<6)   // default
+#define   PS_OUT_INFRARED_DC    (0x01<<6)
+#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS1IR1      (0x00<<2)   // default
+#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS2IR1      (0x04<<2)
+#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS2IR2      (0x05<<2)
+#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS64IR64    (0x0A<<2)
+#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS128IR64   (0x0E<<2)
+#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS128IR128  (0x0F<<2)
+#define   LED_CURRENT_25MA      (0x00<<0)
+#define   LED_CURRENT_50MA      (0x01<<0)
+#define   LED_CURRENT_100M      (0x02<<0)
+#define   LED_CURRENT_200MA     (0x03<<0)   // default
+#define PERSISTANCE_REG     0x43
+#define   INTR_ON_DATA_AVAIL    (0x00<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_1_VAL      (0x01<<0)   // default
+#define   INTR_AFTER_2_VALS     (0x02<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_3_VALS     (0x03<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_4_VALS     (0x04<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_5_VALS     (0x05<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_6_VALS     (0x06<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_7_VALS     (0x07<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_8_VALS     (0x08<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_9_VALS     (0x09<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_10_VALS    (0x0A<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_11_VALS    (0x0B<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_12_VALS    (0x0C<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_13_VALS    (0x0D<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_14_VALS    (0x0E<<0)
+#define   INTR_AFTER_15_VALS    (0x0F<<0)
+#define PS_DATA_LSB_REG         0x44
+#define PS_DATA_MSB_REG         0x45
+#define ALS_VIS_DATA_LSB_REG    0x46
+#define ALS_VIS_DATA_MSB_REG    0x47
+#define ALS_IR_DATA_LSB_REG     0x48
+#define ALS_IR_DATA_MSB_REG     0x49
+#define   PS_INT_ACTIVE             (0x01<<7)
+#define   ALS_INT_ACTIVE            (0x01<<6)
+#define   INT_MODE_PS_HIGH          (0x00<<4)   // default
+#define   INT_MODE_PS_HIGHLOW_HYS   (0x01<<4)
+#define   INT_MODE_PS_HIGHLOW_OD    (0x02<<4)
+#define   INT_ASSERT_LOW_ONLY       (0x00<<3)   // default
+#define   INT_ASSERT_LOW_THEN_HIGH  (0x01<<3)
+#define   INT_LATCHED               (0x00<<2)   // default
+#define   INT_UNLATCHED             (0x01<<2)
+#define   INT_PIN_INACTIVE          (0x00<<0)   // default
+#define   INT_PIN_PS_ONLY           (0x01<<0)   // default
+#define   INT_PIN_ALS_ONLY          (0x02<<0)   // default
+#define   INT_PIN_PS_AND_ALS        (0x03<<0)   // default
+typedef struct {
+    short   prox;
+    short   als_vis;
+    short   als_ir;
+} sfh7779_measurements_t;
+template <class T>
+class SFH7779
+    /**
+    * Constructor
+    *
+    * @param i2c I2C class servicing the sensor
+    */
+    SFH7779(T * i2c) : _i2c(i2c) {};
+    /**
+    * Write to a sensor register
+    *
+    * @param reg sensor register to write
+    * @param val value to write
+    *
+    * @returns true if successful
+    */
+    bool write_reg(char reg, char val) {
+        char out[2] = {reg, val};
+        return 0 == _i2c->write(SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT << 1, out, 2);
+    }
+    /**
+    * Read multiple sensor registers
+    *
+    * @param start_reg first sensor register to be read
+    * @param count number of registers to be read
+    * @param buff pointer to buffer where to store the register values
+    *
+    * @returns true if successful
+    */
+    bool read_regs(char start_reg, uint8_t count, void * buff) {
+        bool ok;
+        ok = (0 == _i2c->write(SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT << 1, &start_reg, 1, true))
+             && (0 == _i2c->read(SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT << 1, (char *)buff, count));
+        return ok;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Activate the sensor (begin measurement sampling).  Data samples are
+    * taken 10 times per second.
+    *
+    * @param start_reg first sensor register to be read
+    * @param count number of registers to be read
+    * @param buff pointer to buffer where to store the register values
+    *
+    * @returns true if successful
+    */
+    bool enable(void) {
+        bool ok;
+        ok = write_reg(MODE_CONTROL_REG,        // Start ALS and PS sampling
+                    PS_MODE_NORMAL | MRR_ALS100PS100)
+             && write_reg(ALS_PS_CONTROL_REG,   // set ALS_VIS=ALS_IR GAIN = 64 current 25ma
+                    PS_OUT_PROXIMITY | ALS_GAIN_ALS64IR64 | LED_CURRENT_25MA)
+             && write_reg(PERSISTANCE_REG,      // set interrupt flag upon [any] data available
+                    INTR_ON_DATA_AVAIL);
+        return ok;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Deactivate the sensor (stop measurement sampling and put the sensor in
+    * standby/low-power mode)
+    *
+    * @returns true if successful
+    */
+    bool disable(void) {
+        bool ok;
+        ok = write_reg(MODE_CONTROL_REG,       // Stop ALS and PS sampling
+                    PS_MODE_NORMAL | MRR_ALS0PS0);
+        return ok;
+    }
+    /**
+    * Wait for and return the next new sensor measurement (proximity,
+    * ambient visual light, and ambient infrared light).
+    *
+    * @param buff pointer to buffer where to store the register values
+    * @param timeout_ms maximum time to wait for a new sample to become
+    *          available.  Time is in milliseconds.  Example timeouts are:
+    *            0 - return a sample if one is available, otherwise don't
+    *                wait.
+    *            n - wait up to n milliseconds for a sample to become
+    *                available.
+    *           -1 - wait forever for a sample to become available
+    *
+    * @returns true if successful
+    */
+    bool read(sfh7779_measurements_t * buff, int timeout_ms = -1) {
+        Timer timer;
+        timer.start();
+        while (true) {
+            struct PACKED {
+                sfh7779_measurements_t  measurements;
+                char                    stat;
+            } in;
+            if (false == read_regs(PS_DATA_LSB_REG, sizeof(in), &in)) {
+                break;
+            }
+            if (in.stat & PS_INT_ACTIVE) {
+                *buff = in.measurements;
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (timeout_ms != -1 && (timer.read_ms() >= timeout_ms)) {
+                break;
+            }
+#ifdef RTOS_H
+            Thread::wait(5);
+            wait(0.005);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    T  *_i2c;
--- a/sfh7779.h	Tue Sep 12 17:16:56 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-// OSRAM SFH7779: I2C IR-LED, proximity sensor, and ambient light sensor
-#define SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT  0x39
-#define SYSTEM_CONTROL_REG  0x40
-#define MODE_CONTROL_REG    0x41
-#define   PS_MODE_NORMAL        (0x00<<4)   // default
-#define   PS_MODE_TWO_PULSE     (0x10<<4)
-#define   MRR_ALS0PS0           (0x00<<0)   // default
-#define   MRR_ALS0PS10          (0x01<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS0PS40          (0x02<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS0PS100         (0x03<<0)    
-#define   MRR_ALS0PS400         (0x04<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS100PS0         (0x05<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS100PS100       (0x06<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS100PS400       (0x07<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS401PS0         (0x08<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS401PS100       (0x09<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS400PS0         (0x0A<<0)   
-#define   MRR_ALS400PS400       (0x0B<<0)
-#define   MRR_ALS50PS50         (0x0C<<0)
-#define ALS_PS_CONTROL_REG  0x42
-#define   PS_OUT_PROXIMITY      (0x00<<6)   // default
-#define   PS_OUT_INFRARED_DC    (0x01<<6)
-#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS1IR1      (0x00<<2)   // default
-#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS2IR1      (0x04<<2)
-#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS2IR2      (0x05<<2)
-#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS64IR64    (0x0A<<2)
-#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS128IR64   (0x0E<<2)
-#define   ALS_GAIN_ALS128IR128  (0x0F<<2)
-#define   LED_CURRENT_25MA      (0x00<<0)
-#define   LED_CURRENT_50MA      (0x01<<0)
-#define   LED_CURRENT_100M      (0x02<<0)
-#define   LED_CURRENT_200MA     (0x03<<0)   // default
-#define PERSISTANCE_REG     0x43
-#define   INTR_ON_DATA_AVAIL    (0x00<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_1_VAL      (0x01<<0)   // default
-#define   INTR_AFTER_2_VALS     (0x02<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_3_VALS     (0x03<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_4_VALS     (0x04<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_5_VALS     (0x05<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_6_VALS     (0x06<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_7_VALS     (0x07<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_8_VALS     (0x08<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_9_VALS     (0x09<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_10_VALS    (0x0A<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_11_VALS    (0x0B<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_12_VALS    (0x0C<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_13_VALS    (0x0D<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_14_VALS    (0x0E<<0)
-#define   INTR_AFTER_15_VALS    (0x0F<<0)
-#define PS_DATA_LSB_REG         0x44
-#define PS_DATA_MSB_REG         0x45
-#define ALS_VIS_DATA_LSB_REG    0x46
-#define ALS_VIS_DATA_MSB_REG    0x47
-#define ALS_IR_DATA_LSB_REG     0x48
-#define ALS_IR_DATA_MSB_REG     0x49
-#define   PS_INT_ACTIVE             (0x01<<7)
-#define   ALS_INT_ACTIVE            (0x01<<6)
-#define   INT_MODE_PS_HIGH          (0x00<<4)   // default
-#define   INT_MODE_PS_HIGHLOW_HYS   (0x01<<4)
-#define   INT_MODE_PS_HIGHLOW_OD    (0x02<<4)
-#define   INT_ASSERT_LOW_ONLY       (0x00<<3)   // default
-#define   INT_ASSERT_LOW_THEN_HIGH  (0x01<<3)
-#define   INT_LATCHED               (0x00<<2)   // default
-#define   INT_UNLATCHED             (0x01<<2)
-#define   INT_PIN_INACTIVE          (0x00<<0)   // default
-#define   INT_PIN_PS_ONLY           (0x01<<0)   // default
-#define   INT_PIN_ALS_ONLY          (0x02<<0)   // default
-#define   INT_PIN_PS_AND_ALS        (0x03<<0)   // default
-typedef struct {
-    short   prox;
-    short   als_vis;
-    short   als_ir;
-} sfh7779_measurements_t;
-class SFH7779
-    /**
-    * Constructor
-    *
-    * @param i2c I2C class servicing the sensor
-    */
-    SFH7779(I2C * i2c) : _i2c(i2c) {};
-    /**
-    * Write to a sensor register
-    *
-    * @param reg sensor register to write
-    * @param val value to write
-    *
-    * @returns true if successful
-    */
-    bool write_reg(char reg, char val) {
-        char out[2] = {reg, val};
-        return 0 == _i2c->write(SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT << 1, out, 2);
-    }
-    /**
-    * Read multiple sensor registers
-    *
-    * @param start_reg first sensor register to be read
-    * @param count number of registers to be read
-    * @param buff pointer to buffer where to store the register values
-    *
-    * @returns true if successful
-    */
-    bool read_regs(char start_reg, uint8_t count, void * buff) {
-        bool ok;
-        ok = (0 == _i2c->write(SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT << 1, &start_reg, 1, true))
-             && (0 == _i2c->read(SFH7779_BASE_ADDR_7BIT << 1, (char *)buff, count));
-        return ok;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Activate the sensor (begin measurement sampling).  Data samples are
-    * taken 10 times per second.
-    *
-    * @param start_reg first sensor register to be read
-    * @param count number of registers to be read
-    * @param buff pointer to buffer where to store the register values
-    *
-    * @returns true if successful
-    */
-    bool enable(void) {
-        bool ok;
-        ok = write_reg(MODE_CONTROL_REG,        // Start ALS and PS sampling
-                    PS_MODE_NORMAL | MRR_ALS100PS100)
-             && write_reg(ALS_PS_CONTROL_REG,   // set ALS_VIS=ALS_IR GAIN = 64 current 25ma
-                    PS_OUT_PROXIMITY | ALS_GAIN_ALS64IR64 | LED_CURRENT_25MA)
-             && write_reg(PERSISTANCE_REG,      // set interrupt flag upon [any] data available
-                    INTR_ON_DATA_AVAIL);
-        return ok;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Deactivate the sensor (stop measurement sampling and put the sensor in
-    * standby/low-power mode)
-    *
-    * @returns true if successful
-    */
-    bool disable(void) {
-        bool ok;        
-        ok = write_reg(MODE_CONTROL_REG,       // Stop ALS and PS sampling
-                    PS_MODE_NORMAL | MRR_ALS0PS0);
-        return ok;
-    }
-    /**
-    * Wait for and return the next new sensor measurement (proximity,
-    * ambient visual light, and ambient infrared light).
-    *
-    * @param buff pointer to buffer where to store the register values
-    * @param timeout_ms maximum time to wait for a new sample to become
-    *          available.  Time is in milliseconds.  Example timeouts are:
-    *            0 - return a sample if one is available, otherwise don't
-    *                wait.
-    *            n - wait up to n milliseconds for a sample to become
-    *                available.
-    *           -1 - wait forever for a sample to become available
-    *
-    * @returns true if successful 
-    */
-    bool read(sfh7779_measurements_t * buff, int timeout_ms = -1) {
-        Timer timer;
-        timer.start();
-        while (true) {
-            struct PACKED {
-                sfh7779_measurements_t  measurements;
-                char                    stat;
-            } in;
-            if (false == read_regs(PS_DATA_LSB_REG, sizeof(in), &in)) {
-                break;
-            }
-            if (in.stat & PS_INT_ACTIVE) {
-                *buff = in.measurements;
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (timeout_ms != -1 && (timer.read_ms() >= timeout_ms)) {
-                break;
-            }
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-            Thread::wait(5);
-            wait(0.005);
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    I2C *_i2c;