A dedictaed demo for ra8875

Dependencies:   DmTftLibrary mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jan 22 04:48:55 2015 +0000
Commit message:
add new ra8875 demo

Changed in this revision

DmTftLibrary.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DmTftLibrary.lib	Thu Jan 22 04:48:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 22 04:48:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2014 DisplayModule. All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use of this source code, part of this source code or any compiled binary
+ based on this source code is permitted as long as the above copyright notice and following
+ disclaimer is retained.
+ The GFX_TEST function is based on UTFT_Demo (http://www.henningkarlsen.com/electronics/)
+ ********************************************************************************************/
+ * Includes
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "DmTftRa8875.h"
+#include "DmTouch.h"
+ * Typedefs and defines
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* Note that there are restrictions on which platforms that can use printf
+   in combinations with the DmTftLibrary. Some platforms (e.g. LPC1549 LPCXpresso)
+   use the same pins for USBRX/USBTX and display control. Printing will
+   cause the display to not work. Read more about this on the display's notebook
+   page. */
+//#define log(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define log(...)
+#if 1
+/* Displays without adapter */
+#define DM_PIN_SPI_MOSI   D11
+#define DM_PIN_SPI_MISO   D12
+#define DM_PIN_SPI_SCLK   D13
+#define DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH   D4
+#define DM_PIN_CS_TFT     D10
+#define DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD  D8
+#define DM_PIN_CS_FLASH   D6
+/* Displays with adapter */
+#define DM_PIN_SPI_MOSI   A0
+#define DM_PIN_SPI_MISO   D9
+#define DM_PIN_SPI_SCLK   A1
+#define DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH   D8
+#define DM_PIN_CS_TFT     A3
+#define DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD  D10
+ * Local variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+DmTftRa8875  tft;  /* DM_TFT50_111 */
+//For DmTftRa8875 driver, The panel resolution should be config in DmTftRa8875::init() function on the DmTftRa8875.cpp file.
+DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT50_111);
+DigitalInOut csTouch(DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH, PIN_OUTPUT, PullUp, 1);
+DigitalInOut csDisplay(DM_PIN_CS_TFT, PIN_OUTPUT, PullUp, 1);
+DigitalInOut csSDCard(DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD, PIN_OUTPUT, PullUp, 1);
+DigitalInOut csFlash(DM_PIN_CS_FLASH, PIN_OUTPUT, PullUp, 1);
+ * Global variables
+ *****************************************************************************/
+unsigned int m_z=12434,m_w=33254;
+ * Local functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+unsigned int rnd()
+    m_z = 36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >>16);
+    m_w = 18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >>16);
+    return ((m_z <<16) + m_w);
+void GFX_TEST()
+    uint16_t x = 0;
+    uint16_t y = 0;
+    uint16_t w = tft.width();
+    uint16_t h = tft.height();
+    int buf[798];
+    int x0, x1;
+    int y0, y1;
+    int r;
+    uint16_t color;
+    tft.clearScreen(BLACK);
+    tft.fillRectangle(0, 0, 799, 19, RED);
+    tft.fillRectangle(0, 460, 799, 479, GRAY2);
+    tft.setFontColor(RED, WHITE);
+    tft.drawStringCentered(0, 0, 800, 20, "*** Ra8875 demo ***");
+    tft.setFontColor(GRAY2, YELLOW);
+    tft.drawStringCentered(0, 460, 800, 20, "www.displaymodule.com");
+    tft.drawRectangle(0, 20, 799, 459, BLUE);
+    tft.drawLine(399, 21, 399, 458, BLUE);
+    tft.drawLine(1, 239, 798, 239, BLUE);
+    for (int i=9; i<790; i+=10)
+        tft.drawVerticalLine(i, 234, 10, BLUE);
+    for (int i=29; i<450; i+=10)
+        tft.drawHorizontalLine(395, i, 10, BLUE);
+    tft.setFontColor(BLACK, RED);
+    tft.drawString(5, 25, "Sin");
+    for (int i=1; i<798; i++) {
+        tft.drawPoint(i,239+(sin(((i*1.13)*3.14)/90)*95));
+        wait_ms(1);
+    }
+    wait(1);
+    tft.setFontColor(BLACK, YELLOW);
+    tft.drawString(5, 45, "Cos");
+    for (int i=1; i<798; i++) {
+        tft.drawPoint(i,239+(cos(((i*1.13)*3.14)/90)*95));
+        wait_ms(1);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.setFontColor(BLACK, GREEN);
+    tft.drawString(5, 65, "Tan");
+    for (int i=1; i<798; i++) {
+        tft.drawPoint(i,239+(tan(((i*1.13)*3.14)/90)));
+        wait_ms(1);
+    }
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    tft.drawLine(399, 22, 399, 458, BLUE);
+    tft.drawLine(1, 239, 798, 239, BLUE);
+    // Draw a moving sinewave
+    x=1;
+    for (int i=1; i<(798*20); i++) {
+        x++;
+        if (x==799)
+            x=1;
+        if (i>799) {
+            if ((x==399)||(buf[x-1]==239))
+                tft.setFontColor(BLACK, BLUE);
+            else
+                tft.setFontColor(BLACK, BLACK);
+            tft.drawPoint(x,buf[x-1]);
+        }
+        tft.setFontColor(BLACK, 0x07FF);
+        y=239+(sin(((i*1.13)*3.14)/90)*(90-(i / 100)));
+        tft.drawPoint(x,y);
+        wait_ms(1);
+        buf[x-1]=y;
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some filled rectangles
+    for (int i=1; i<6; i++) {
+        wait_ms(20);
+        switch (i) {
+            case 1:
+                tft.fillRectangle(70+(i*50), 30+(i*50), 220+(i*50), 180+(i*50), 0xF81F);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                tft.fillRectangle(70+(i*50), 30+(i*50), 220+(i*50), 180+(i*50), RED);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                tft.fillRectangle(70+(i*50), 30+(i*50), 220+(i*50), 180+(i*50),GREEN);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                tft.fillRectangle(70+(i*50), 30+(i*50), 220+(i*50), 180+(i*50), BLUE);
+                break;
+            case 5:
+                tft.fillRectangle(70+(i*50), 30+(i*50), 220+(i*50), 180+(i*50),YELLOW);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some filled, rounded rectangles
+    for (int i=1; i<6; i++) {
+        wait_ms(20);
+        switch (i) {
+            case 1:
+                tft.fillRoundRectangle(570-(i*50), 30+(i*50),720-(i*50), 180+(i*50), 10, 10, 0xF81F);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                tft.fillRoundRectangle(570-(i*50), 30+(i*50), 720-(i*50), 180+(i*50), 10, 10, RED);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                tft.fillRoundRectangle(570-(i*50), 30+(i*50), 720-(i*50), 180+(i*50), 10, 10, GREEN);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                tft.fillRoundRectangle(570-(i*50), 30+(i*50), 720-(i*50), 180+(i*50), 10, 10, BLUE);
+                break;
+            case 5:
+                tft.fillRoundRectangle(570-(i*50), 30+(i*50), 720-(i*50), 180+(i*50), 10, 10, YELLOW);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some filled, circles
+    for (int i=1; i<6; i++) {
+        wait_ms(20);
+        switch (i) {
+            case 1:
+                tft.fillCircle(70+(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, 0xF81F);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                tft.fillCircle(70+(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, RED);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                tft.fillCircle(70+(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, GREEN);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                tft.fillCircle(70+(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, BLUE);
+                break;
+            case 5:
+                tft.fillCircle(70+(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, YELLOW);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some filled, ellipses
+    for (int i=1; i<6; i++) {
+        wait_ms(20);
+        switch (i) {
+            case 1:
+                tft.fillEllipse(700-(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, 40, 0xF81F);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                tft.fillEllipse(700-(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, 40, RED);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                tft.fillEllipse(700-(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, 40, GREEN);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                tft.fillEllipse(700-(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, 40, BLUE);
+                break;
+            case 5:
+                tft.fillEllipse(700-(i*50), 70+(i*50), 75, 40, YELLOW);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some filled, triangles
+    for (int i=1; i<6; i++) {
+        wait_ms(20);
+        switch (i) {
+            case 1:
+                tft.fillTriangle(399, 50+(i*50), 249, 150+(i*50), 549, 150+(i*50), 0xF81F);
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                tft.fillTriangle(399, 50+(i*50), 249, 150+(i*50), 549, 150+(i*50), RED);
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                tft.fillTriangle(399, 50+(i*50), 249, 150+(i*50), 549, 150+(i*50), GREEN);
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                tft.fillTriangle(399, 50+(i*50), 249, 150+(i*50), 549, 150+(i*50), BLUE);
+                break;
+            case 5:
+                tft.fillTriangle(399, 50+(i*50), 249, 150+(i*50), 549, 150+(i*50), YELLOW);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some lines in a pattern
+    for (int i=21; i<458; i+=5) {
+        tft.drawLine(1, i, (i*1.82)-31, 458, RED);
+        wait_ms(20);
+    }
+    for (int i=458; i>21; i-=5) {
+        tft.drawLine(798, i, (i*1.82)-35, 21, RED);
+        wait_ms(20);
+    }
+    for (int i=458; i>21; i-=5) {
+        tft.drawLine(1, i, 835-(i*1.82), 21,CYAN);
+        wait_ms(20);
+    }
+    for (int i=21; i<458; i+=5) {
+        tft.drawLine(798, i, 831-(i*1.82), 458,CYAN);
+        wait_ms(20);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some random circles
+    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
+        color = ((rnd()%255 >> 3) << 11) | ((rnd()%255 >> 2) << 5) | ((rnd()%255 >> 3));
+        x0=62+rnd()%650;
+        y0=85+rnd()%300;
+        r=1+ rnd()%60;
+        tft.fillCircle(x0, y0, r, color);
+        wait_ms(40);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some random rectangles
+    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
+        color = ((rnd()%255 >> 3) << 11) | ((rnd()%255 >> 2) << 5) | ((rnd()%255 >> 3));
+        x0=2+rnd()%796;
+        y0=25+rnd()%420;
+        x1=2+rnd()%796;
+        y1=25+rnd()%420;
+        tft.drawRectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
+        wait_ms(40);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some random lines
+    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
+        color = ((rnd()%255 >> 3) << 11) | ((rnd()%255 >> 2) << 5) | ((rnd()%255 >> 3));
+        x0=2+rnd()%796;
+        y0=25+rnd()%420;
+        x1=2+rnd()%796;
+        y1=25+rnd()%420;
+        tft.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
+        wait_ms(40);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(1, 21, 798, 458, BLACK);
+    // Draw some random pixels
+    for (int i=0; i<5000; i++) {
+        color = ((rnd()%255 >> 3) << 11) | ((rnd()%255 >> 2) << 5) | ((rnd()%255 >> 3));
+        tft.setFontColor(BLACK, color);
+        x0=2+rnd()%796;
+        y0=25+rnd()%420;
+        tft.drawPoint(x0, y0);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    tft.fillRectangle(0, 0, 799, 479, BLUE);
+    tft.fillRoundRectangle(200, 140, 600, 340, 10, 10, RED);
+    wait(0.2);
+    tft.setFontColor(RED, WHITE);
+    tft.drawStringCentered(200, 140, 400, 200, "Restarting in a few seconds...");
+ * Main
+ *****************************************************************************/
+int main()
+    log("init tft \r\n");
+    tft.init();
+    touch.init();    
+    while(1) {
+        GFX_TEST();
+        wait(3);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Thu Jan 22 04:48:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file