ECE 4180 Lab 2 IMU code template

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE LSM9DS0 mbed

Dependents:   HW2_P2

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Jan 26 06:32:58 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Doxygen for LSM9DS0

Changed in this revision

LSM9DS0.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LSM9DS0.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/LSM9DS0.cpp	Mon Jan 26 06:23:41 2015 +0000
+++ b/LSM9DS0.cpp	Mon Jan 26 06:32:58 2015 +0000
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 	// xmAddress and gAddress will store the 7-bit I2C address, if using I2C.
 	xmAddress = xmAddr;
 	gAddress = gAddr;
-//	i2c_ = new I2Cdev(sda, scl);
 uint16_t LSM9DS0::begin(gyro_scale gScl, accel_scale aScl, mag_scale mScl, 
@@ -419,42 +417,26 @@
 	// Whether we're using I2C or SPI, write a byte using the
 	// accelerometer-specific I2C address or SPI CS pin.
-		return I2CwriteByte(xmAddress, subAddress, data);
+	return I2CwriteByte(xmAddress, subAddress, data);
 uint8_t LSM9DS0::gReadByte(uint8_t subAddress)
-		return I2CreadByte(gAddress, subAddress);
+	return I2CreadByte(gAddress, subAddress);
-//void LSM9DS0::gReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count)
-//	// Whether we're using I2C or SPI, read multiple bytes using the
-//	// gyro-specific I2C address.
-//		I2CreadBytes(gAddress, subAddress, dest, count);
 uint8_t LSM9DS0::xmReadByte(uint8_t subAddress)
 	// Whether we're using I2C or SPI, read a byte using the
 	// accelerometer-specific I2C address.
-		return I2CreadByte(xmAddress, subAddress);
+	return I2CreadByte(xmAddress, subAddress);
-//void LSM9DS0::xmReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count)
-//	// read multiple bytes using the
-//	// accelerometer-specific I2C address.
-//	I2CreadBytes(xmAddress, subAddress, dest, count);
 void LSM9DS0::I2CwriteByte(char address, char subAddress, char data)
 	char cmd[2] = {subAddress, data};
 	i2c.write(address<<1, cmd, 2);
-//	i2c_->writeByte(address,subAddress,data);
 uint8_t LSM9DS0::I2CreadByte(char address, char subAddress)
@@ -463,15 +445,6 @@
 	i2c.write(address<<1, &subAddress, 1, true);<<1, &data, 1);
-//	I2CreadBytes(address, subAddress, &data, 1);
 	return data;
-//void LSM9DS0::I2CreadBytes(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest,
-//							uint8_t count)
-//	i2c_->readBytes(address, subAddress, count, dest);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/LSM9DS0.h	Mon Jan 26 06:23:41 2015 +0000
+++ b/LSM9DS0.h	Mon Jan 26 06:32:58 2015 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-//Most of the Credit goes to jimblom
+// Most of the Credit goes to jimblom
+// Modifications by Allen Wild
 #ifndef _LSM9DS0_H__
 #define _LSM9DS0_H__
 #include "mbed.h"
-//#include "I2Cdev.h"
 // LSM9DS0 Gyro Registers //
@@ -99,14 +98,16 @@
 class LSM9DS0
-    // gyro_scale defines the possible full-scale ranges of the gyroscope:
+    /// gyro_scale defines the possible full-scale ranges of the gyroscope:
     enum gyro_scale
         G_SCALE_245DPS,     // 00: +/- 245 degrees per second
         G_SCALE_500DPS,     // 01: +/- 500 dps
         G_SCALE_2000DPS,    // 10: +/- 2000 dps
-    // accel_scale defines all possible FSR's of the accelerometer:
+    /// accel_scale defines all possible FSR's of the accelerometer:
     enum accel_scale
         A_SCALE_2G, // 000: +/- 2g
@@ -115,7 +116,8 @@
         A_SCALE_8G, // 011: +/- 8g
         A_SCALE_16G // 100: +/- 16g
-    // mag_scale defines all possible FSR's of the magnetometer:
+    /// mag_scale defines all possible FSR's of the magnetometer:
     enum mag_scale
         M_SCALE_2GS,    // 00: +/- 2Gs
@@ -123,7 +125,8 @@
         M_SCALE_8GS,    // 10: +/- 8Gs
         M_SCALE_12GS,   // 11: +/- 12Gs
-    // gyro_odr defines all possible data rate/bandwidth combos of the gyro:
+    /// gyro_odr defines all possible data rate/bandwidth combos of the gyro:
     enum gyro_odr
     {                           // ODR (Hz) --- Cutoff
         G_ODR_95_BW_125  = 0x0, //   95         12.5
@@ -142,7 +145,8 @@
         G_ODR_760_BW_50  = 0xE, //   760         50
         G_ODR_760_BW_100 = 0xF, //   760         100
-    // accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the accelerometer:
+    /// accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the accelerometer:
     enum accel_odr
         A_POWER_DOWN,   // Power-down mode (0x0)
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@
         A_ODR_800,      // 800 Hz (9)
         A_ODR_1600      // 1600 Hz (0xA)
-    // accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the magnetometer:
+    /// accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the magnetometer:
     enum mag_odr
         M_ODR_3125, // 3.125 Hz (0x00)
@@ -188,277 +192,271 @@
     float gbias[3];
-    // LSM9DS0 -- LSM9DS0 class constructor
-    // The constructor will set up a handful of private variables, and set the
-    // communication mode as well.
-    // Input:
-    //  - interface = Either MODE_SPI or MODE_I2C, whichever you're using
-    //              to talk to the IC.
-    //  - gAddr = If MODE_I2C, this is the I2C address of the gyroscope.
-    //              If MODE_SPI, this is the chip select pin of the gyro (CSG)
-    //  - xmAddr = If MODE_I2C, this is the I2C address of the accel/mag.
-    //              If MODE_SPI, this is the cs pin of the accel/mag (CSXM)
+    /**  LSM9DS0 -- LSM9DS0 class constructor
+    *  The constructor will set up a handful of private variables, and set the
+    *  communication mode as well.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - interface = Either MODE_SPI or MODE_I2C, whichever you're using
+    *               to talk to the IC.
+    *   - gAddr = If MODE_I2C, this is the I2C address of the gyroscope.
+    *               If MODE_SPI, this is the chip select pin of the gyro (CSG)
+    *   - xmAddr = If MODE_I2C, this is the I2C address of the accel/mag.
+    *               If MODE_SPI, this is the cs pin of the accel/mag (CSXM)
+	*/
     LSM9DS0(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t gAddr, uint8_t xmAddr);
-    // begin() -- Initialize the gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer.
-    // This will set up the scale and output rate of each sensor. It'll also
-    // "turn on" every sensor and every axis of every sensor.
-    // Input:
-    //  - gScl = The scale of the gyroscope. This should be a gyro_scale value.
-    //  - aScl = The scale of the accelerometer. Should be a accel_scale value.
-    //  - mScl = The scale of the magnetometer. Should be a mag_scale value.
-    //  - gODR = Output data rate of the gyroscope. gyro_odr value.
-    //  - aODR = Output data rate of the accelerometer. accel_odr value.
-    //  - mODR = Output data rate of the magnetometer. mag_odr value.
-    // Output: The function will return an unsigned 16-bit value. The most-sig
-    //      bytes of the output are the WHO_AM_I reading of the accel. The
-    //      least significant two bytes are the WHO_AM_I reading of the gyro.
-    // All parameters have a defaulted value, so you can call just "begin()".
-    // Default values are FSR's of: +/- 245DPS, 2g, 2Gs; ODRs of 95 Hz for 
-    // gyro, 100 Hz for accelerometer, 100 Hz for magnetometer.
-    // Use the return value of this function to verify communication.
+    /**  begin() -- Initialize the gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer.
+    *  This will set up the scale and output rate of each sensor. It'll also
+    *  "turn on" every sensor and every axis of every sensor.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - gScl = The scale of the gyroscope. This should be a gyro_scale value.
+    *   - aScl = The scale of the accelerometer. Should be a accel_scale value.
+    *   - mScl = The scale of the magnetometer. Should be a mag_scale value.
+    *   - gODR = Output data rate of the gyroscope. gyro_odr value.
+    *   - aODR = Output data rate of the accelerometer. accel_odr value.
+    *   - mODR = Output data rate of the magnetometer. mag_odr value.
+    *  Output: The function will return an unsigned 16-bit value. The most-sig
+    *       bytes of the output are the WHO_AM_I reading of the accel. The
+    *       least significant two bytes are the WHO_AM_I reading of the gyro.
+    *  All parameters have a defaulted value, so you can call just "begin()".
+    *  Default values are FSR's of: +/- 245DPS, 2g, 2Gs; ODRs of 95 Hz for 
+    *  gyro, 100 Hz for accelerometer, 100 Hz for magnetometer.
+    *  Use the return value of this function to verify communication.
+	*/
     uint16_t begin(gyro_scale gScl = G_SCALE_245DPS, 
                 accel_scale aScl = A_SCALE_2G, mag_scale mScl = M_SCALE_2GS,
                 gyro_odr gODR = G_ODR_95_BW_125, accel_odr aODR = A_ODR_50, 
                 mag_odr mODR = M_ODR_50);
-    // readGyro() -- Read the gyroscope output registers.
-    // This function will read all six gyroscope output registers.
-    // The readings are stored in the class' gx_raw, gy_raw, and gz_raw variables. Read
-    // those _after_ calling readGyro().
+    /**  readGyro() -- Read the gyroscope output registers.
+    *  This function will read all six gyroscope output registers.
+    *  The readings are stored in the class' gx_raw, gy_raw, and gz_raw variables. Read
+    *  those _after_ calling readGyro().
+	*/
     void readGyro();
-    // readAccel() -- Read the accelerometer output registers.
-    // This function will read all six accelerometer output registers.
-    // The readings are stored in the class' ax_raw, ay_raw, and az_raw variables. Read
-    // those _after_ calling readAccel().
+    /**  readAccel() -- Read the accelerometer output registers.
+    *  This function will read all six accelerometer output registers.
+    *  The readings are stored in the class' ax_raw, ay_raw, and az_raw variables. Read
+    *  those _after_ calling readAccel().
+	*/
     void readAccel();
-    // readMag() -- Read the magnetometer output registers.
-    // This function will read all six magnetometer output registers.
-    // The readings are stored in the class' mx_raw, my_raw, and mz_raw variables. Read
-    // those _after_ calling readMag().
+    /**  readMag() -- Read the magnetometer output registers.
+    *  This function will read all six magnetometer output registers.
+    *  The readings are stored in the class' mx_raw, my_raw, and mz_raw variables. Read
+    *  those _after_ calling readMag().
+	*/
     void readMag();
-    // readTemp() -- Read the temperature output register.
-    // This function will read two temperature output registers.
-    // The combined readings are stored in the class' temperature variables. Read
-    // those _after_ calling readTemp().
+    /**  readTemp() -- Read the temperature output register.
+    *  This function will read two temperature output registers.
+    *  The combined readings are stored in the class' temperature variables. Read
+    *  those _after_ calling readTemp().
+	*/
     void readTemp();
-    // setGyroScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the gyroscope.
-    // This function can be called to set the scale of the gyroscope to 
-    // 245, 500, or 200 degrees per second.
-    // Input:
-    //  - gScl = The desired gyroscope scale. Must be one of three possible
-    //      values from the gyro_scale enum.
+    /**  setGyroScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the gyroscope.
+    *  This function can be called to set the scale of the gyroscope to 
+    *  245, 500, or 200 degrees per second.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - gScl = The desired gyroscope scale. Must be one of three possible
+    *       values from the gyro_scale enum.
+	*/
     void setGyroScale(gyro_scale gScl);
-    // setAccelScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the accelerometer.
-    // This function can be called to set the scale of the accelerometer to
-    // 2, 4, 6, 8, or 16 g's.
-    // Input:
-    //  - aScl = The desired accelerometer scale. Must be one of five possible
-    //      values from the accel_scale enum.
+    /**  setAccelScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the accelerometer.
+    *  This function can be called to set the scale of the accelerometer to
+    *  2, 4, 6, 8, or 16 g's.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - aScl = The desired accelerometer scale. Must be one of five possible
+    *       values from the accel_scale enum.
+	*/
     void setAccelScale(accel_scale aScl);
-    // setMagScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the magnetometer.
-    // This function can be called to set the scale of the magnetometer to
-    // 2, 4, 8, or 12 Gs.
-    // Input:
-    //  - mScl = The desired magnetometer scale. Must be one of four possible
-    //      values from the mag_scale enum.
+    /**  setMagScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the magnetometer.
+    *  This function can be called to set the scale of the magnetometer to
+    *  2, 4, 8, or 12 Gs.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - mScl = The desired magnetometer scale. Must be one of four possible
+    *       values from the mag_scale enum.
+	*/
     void setMagScale(mag_scale mScl);
-    // setGyroODR() -- Set the output data rate and bandwidth of the gyroscope
-    // Input:
-    //  - gRate = The desired output rate and cutoff frequency of the gyro.
-    //      Must be a value from the gyro_odr enum (check above, there're 14).
+    /**  setGyroODR() -- Set the output data rate and bandwidth of the gyroscope
+    *  Input:
+    *   - gRate = The desired output rate and cutoff frequency of the gyro.
+    *       Must be a value from the gyro_odr enum (check above, there're 14).
+	*/
     void setGyroODR(gyro_odr gRate);
-    // setAccelODR() -- Set the output data rate of the accelerometer
-    // Input:
-    //  - aRate = The desired output rate of the accel.
-    //      Must be a value from the accel_odr enum (check above, there're 11).
+    /**  setAccelODR() -- Set the output data rate of the accelerometer
+    *  Input:
+    *   - aRate = The desired output rate of the accel.
+    *       Must be a value from the accel_odr enum (check above, there're 11).
+	*/
     void setAccelODR(accel_odr aRate);
-    // setMagODR() -- Set the output data rate of the magnetometer
-    // Input:
-    //  - mRate = The desired output rate of the mag.
-    //      Must be a value from the mag_odr enum (check above, there're 6).
+    /**  setMagODR() -- Set the output data rate of the magnetometer
+    *  Input:
+    *   - mRate = The desired output rate of the mag.
+    *       Must be a value from the mag_odr enum (check above, there're 6).
+	*/
     void setMagODR(mag_odr mRate);
-    // configGyroInt() -- Configure the gyro interrupt output.
-    // Triggers can be set to either rising above or falling below a specified
-    // threshold. This function helps setup the interrupt configuration and 
-    // threshold values for all axes.
-    // Input:
-    //  - int1Cfg = A 8-bit value that is sent directly to the INT1_CFG_G
-    //      register. This sets AND/OR and high/low interrupt gen for each axis
-    //  - int1ThsX = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for x-axis
-    //  - int1ThsY = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for y-axis
-    //  - int1ThsZ = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for z-axis
-    //  - duration = Duration an interrupt holds after triggered. This value
-    //      is copied directly into the INT1_DURATION_G register.
-    // Before using this function, read about the INT1_CFG_G register and
-    // the related INT1* registers in the LMS9DS0 datasheet.
+    /**  configGyroInt() -- Configure the gyro interrupt output.
+    *  Triggers can be set to either rising above or falling below a specified
+    *  threshold. This function helps setup the interrupt configuration and 
+    *  threshold values for all axes.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - int1Cfg = A 8-bit value that is sent directly to the INT1_CFG_G
+    *       register. This sets AND/OR and high/low interrupt gen for each axis
+    *   - int1ThsX = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for x-axis
+    *   - int1ThsY = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for y-axis
+    *   - int1ThsZ = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for z-axis
+    *   - duration = Duration an interrupt holds after triggered. This value
+    *       is copied directly into the INT1_DURATION_G register.
+    *  Before using this function, read about the INT1_CFG_G register and
+    *  the related INT1* registers in the LMS9DS0 datasheet.
+	*/
     void configGyroInt(uint8_t int1Cfg, uint16_t int1ThsX = 0,
                           uint16_t int1ThsY = 0, uint16_t int1ThsZ = 0, 
                           uint8_t duration = 0);
     void calcBias();
-	// return a comass heading (in degrees) using X/Y magnetometer data
+	*  return a comass heading (in degrees) using X/Y magnetometer data
 	float calcHeading();
-    // xmAddress and gAddress store the I2C address
-    // for each sensor.
+    /**  xmAddress and gAddress store the I2C address
+    *  for each sensor.
+	*/
     uint8_t xmAddress, gAddress;
-    // gScale, aScale, and mScale store the current scale range for each 
-    // sensor. Should be updated whenever that value changes.
+    /**  gScale, aScale, and mScale store the current scale range for each 
+    *  sensor. Should be updated whenever that value changes.
+	*/
     gyro_scale gScale;
     accel_scale aScale;
     mag_scale mScale;
-    // gRes, aRes, and mRes store the current resolution for each sensor. 
-    // Units of these values would be DPS (or g's or Gs's) per ADC tick.
-    // This value is calculated as (sensor scale) / (2^15).
+    /**  gRes, aRes, and mRes store the current resolution for each sensor. 
+    *  Units of these values would be DPS (or g's or Gs's) per ADC tick.
+    *  This value is calculated as (sensor scale) / (2^15).
+	*/
     float gRes, aRes, mRes;
-    // initGyro() -- Sets up the gyroscope to begin reading.
-    // This function steps through all five gyroscope control registers.
-    // Upon exit, the following parameters will be set:
-    //  - CTRL_REG1_G = 0x0F: Normal operation mode, all axes enabled. 
-    //      95 Hz ODR, 12.5 Hz cutoff frequency.
-    //  - CTRL_REG2_G = 0x00: HPF set to normal mode, cutoff frequency
-    //      set to 7.2 Hz (depends on ODR).
-    //  - CTRL_REG3_G = 0x88: Interrupt enabled on INT_G (set to push-pull and
-    //      active high). Data-ready output enabled on DRDY_G.
-    //  - CTRL_REG4_G = 0x00: Continuous update mode. Data LSB stored in lower
-    //      address. Scale set to 245 DPS. SPI mode set to 4-wire.
-    //  - CTRL_REG5_G = 0x00: FIFO disabled. HPF disabled.
+    /**  initGyro() -- Sets up the gyroscope to begin reading.
+    *  This function steps through all five gyroscope control registers.
+    *  Upon exit, the following parameters will be set:
+    *   - CTRL_REG1_G = 0x0F: Normal operation mode, all axes enabled. 
+    *       95 Hz ODR, 12.5 Hz cutoff frequency.
+    *   - CTRL_REG2_G = 0x00: HPF set to normal mode, cutoff frequency
+    *       set to 7.2 Hz (depends on ODR).
+    *   - CTRL_REG3_G = 0x88: Interrupt enabled on INT_G (set to push-pull and
+    *       active high). Data-ready output enabled on DRDY_G.
+    *   - CTRL_REG4_G = 0x00: Continuous update mode. Data LSB stored in lower
+    *       address. Scale set to 245 DPS. SPI mode set to 4-wire.
+    *   - CTRL_REG5_G = 0x00: FIFO disabled. HPF disabled.
+	*/
     void initGyro();
-    // initAccel() -- Sets up the accelerometer to begin reading.
-    // This function steps through all accelerometer related control registers.
-    // Upon exit these registers will be set as:
-    //  - CTRL_REG0_XM = 0x00: FIFO disabled. HPF bypassed. Normal mode.
-    //  - CTRL_REG1_XM = 0x57: 100 Hz data rate. Continuous update.
-    //      all axes enabled.
-    //  - CTRL_REG2_XM = 0x00: +/- 2g scale. 773 Hz anti-alias filter BW.
-    //  - CTRL_REG3_XM = 0x04: Accel data ready signal on INT1_XM pin.
+    /**  initAccel() -- Sets up the accelerometer to begin reading.
+    *  This function steps through all accelerometer related control registers.
+    *  Upon exit these registers will be set as:
+    *   - CTRL_REG0_XM = 0x00: FIFO disabled. HPF bypassed. Normal mode.
+    *   - CTRL_REG1_XM = 0x57: 100 Hz data rate. Continuous update.
+    *       all axes enabled.
+    *   - CTRL_REG2_XM = 0x00: +/- 2g scale. 773 Hz anti-alias filter BW.
+    *   - CTRL_REG3_XM = 0x04: Accel data ready signal on INT1_XM pin.
+	*/
     void initAccel();
-    // initMag() -- Sets up the magnetometer to begin reading.
-    // This function steps through all magnetometer-related control registers.
-    // Upon exit these registers will be set as:
-    //  - CTRL_REG4_XM = 0x04: Mag data ready signal on INT2_XM pin.
-    //  - CTRL_REG5_XM = 0x14: 100 Hz update rate. Low resolution. Interrupt
-    //      requests don't latch. Temperature sensor disabled.
-    //  - CTRL_REG6_XM = 0x00: +/- 2 Gs scale.
-    //  - CTRL_REG7_XM = 0x00: Continuous conversion mode. Normal HPF mode.
-    //  - INT_CTRL_REG_M = 0x09: Interrupt active-high. Enable interrupts.
+    /**  initMag() -- Sets up the magnetometer to begin reading.
+    *  This function steps through all magnetometer-related control registers.
+    *  Upon exit these registers will be set as:
+    *   - CTRL_REG4_XM = 0x04: Mag data ready signal on INT2_XM pin.
+    *   - CTRL_REG5_XM = 0x14: 100 Hz update rate. Low resolution. Interrupt
+    *       requests don't latch. Temperature sensor disabled.
+    *   - CTRL_REG6_XM = 0x00: +/- 2 Gs scale.
+    *   - CTRL_REG7_XM = 0x00: Continuous conversion mode. Normal HPF mode.
+    *   - INT_CTRL_REG_M = 0x09: Interrupt active-high. Enable interrupts.
+	*/
     void initMag();
-    // gReadByte() -- Reads a byte from a specified gyroscope register.
-    // Input:
-    //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
-    // Output:
-    //  - An 8-bit value read from the requested address.
+    /**  gReadByte() -- Reads a byte from a specified gyroscope register.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - subAddress = Register to be read from.
+    *  Output:
+    *   - An 8-bit value read from the requested address.
+	*/
     uint8_t gReadByte(uint8_t subAddress);
-    // gReadBytes() -- Reads a number of bytes -- beginning at an address
-    // and incrementing from there -- from the gyroscope.
-    // Input:
-    //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
-    //  - * dest = A pointer to an array of uint8_t's. Values read will be
-    //      stored in here on return.
-    //  - count = The number of bytes to be read.
-    // Output: No value is returned, but the `dest` array will store
-    //  the data read upon exit.
-//    void gReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count);
-    // gWriteByte() -- Write a byte to a register in the gyroscope.
-    // Input:
-    //  - subAddress = Register to be written to.
-    //  - data = data to be written to the register.
+    /**  gWriteByte() -- Write a byte to a register in the gyroscope.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - subAddress = Register to be written to.
+    *   - data = data to be written to the register.
+	*/
     void gWriteByte(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data);
-    // xmReadByte() -- Read a byte from a register in the accel/mag sensor
-    // Input:
-    //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
-    // Output:
-    //  - An 8-bit value read from the requested register.
+    /**  xmReadByte() -- Read a byte from a register in the accel/mag sensor
+    *  Input:
+    *   - subAddress = Register to be read from.
+    *  Output:
+    *   - An 8-bit value read from the requested register.
+	*/
     uint8_t xmReadByte(uint8_t subAddress);
-    // xmReadBytes() -- Reads a number of bytes -- beginning at an address
-    // and incrementing from there -- from the accelerometer/magnetometer.
-    // Input:
-    //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
-    //  - * dest = A pointer to an array of uint8_t's. Values read will be
-    //      stored in here on return.
-    //  - count = The number of bytes to be read.
-    // Output: No value is returned, but the `dest` array will store
-    //  the data read upon exit.
-//    void xmReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count);
-    // xmWriteByte() -- Write a byte to a register in the accel/mag sensor.
-    // Input:
-    //  - subAddress = Register to be written to.
-    //  - data = data to be written to the register.
+    /**  xmWriteByte() -- Write a byte to a register in the accel/mag sensor.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - subAddress = Register to be written to.
+    *   - data = data to be written to the register.
+	*/
     void xmWriteByte(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data);
-    // calcgRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the gyroscope.
-    // This function will set the value of the gRes variable. gScale must
-    // be set prior to calling this function.
+    /**  calcgRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the gyroscope.
+    *  This function will set the value of the gRes variable. gScale must
+    *  be set prior to calling this function.
+	*/
     void calcgRes();
-    // calcmRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the magnetometer.
-    // This function will set the value of the mRes variable. mScale must
-    // be set prior to calling this function.
+    /**  calcmRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the magnetometer.
+    *  This function will set the value of the mRes variable. mScale must
+    *  be set prior to calling this function.
+	*/
     void calcmRes();
-    // calcaRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the accelerometer.
-    // This function will set the value of the aRes variable. aScale must
-    // be set prior to calling this function.
+    /**  calcaRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the accelerometer.
+    *  This function will set the value of the aRes variable. aScale must
+    *  be set prior to calling this function.
+	*/
     void calcaRes();
     // I2C Functions //
-//    I2Cdev* i2c_;
 	I2C i2c;
-    // I2CwriteByte() -- Write a byte out of I2C to a register in the device
-    // Input:
-    //  - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
-    //  - subAddress = The register to be written to.
-    //  - data = Byte to be written to the register.
+    /**  I2CwriteByte() -- Write a byte out of I2C to a register in the device
+    *  Input:
+    *   - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
+    *   - subAddress = The register to be written to.
+    *   - data = Byte to be written to the register.
+	*/
     void I2CwriteByte(char address, char subAddress, char data);
-    // I2CreadByte() -- Read a single byte from a register over I2C.
-    // Input:
-    //  - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
-    //  - subAddress = The register to be read from.
-    // Output:
-    //  - The byte read from the requested address.
+    /**  I2CreadByte() -- Read a single byte from a register over I2C.
+    *  Input:
+    *   - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
+    *   - subAddress = The register to be read from.
+    *  Output:
+    *   - The byte read from the requested address.
+	*/
     uint8_t I2CreadByte(char address, char subAddress);
-    // I2CreadBytes() -- Read a series of bytes, starting at a register via SPI
-    // Input:
-    //  - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
-    //  - subAddress = The register to begin reading.
-    //  - * dest = Pointer to an array where we'll store the readings.
-    //  - count = Number of registers to be read.
-    // Output: No value is returned by the function, but the registers read are
-    //      all stored in the *dest array given.
-//    void I2CreadBytes(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count);
 #endif // _LSM9DS0_H //