Fork of the working HTTPClient adaptation using CyaSSL. This version adds a derivation of HTTPText called HTTPJson to emit JSON text properly. Additionally, the URL parser has defines that permit longer URLs to be utilized.

Dependencies:   mbedTLSLibrary

Dependents:   SalesforceInterface df-2014-heroku-thermostat-k64f SalesforceInterface

Fork of HTTPClient by wolf SSL

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
HTTPClient.cpp [code]
HTTPClient.h [code]HTTP Client header file
HTTPFormEncoded.cpp [code]
HTTPFormEncoded.h [code]
HTTPJson.cpp [code]
HTTPJson.h [code]
HTTPMap.cpp [code]
HTTPMap.h [code]
HTTPText.cpp [code]
HTTPText.h [code]
IHTTPData.h [code]