Crude navigation

Dependencies:   GPS2 L3GD20 LSM303DLHC2 PID mbed SDFileSystem

Fork of GPSNavigation by David Spillman

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Updated comments

Changed in this revision

Actuator.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
GPS.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IMUDataAndFilters.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PID.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
TrollingMotor.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
modSensData.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
navigation.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Actuator.h	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/Actuator.h	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
     ENA =  valueOne;
+//calculate an equal distance from acuator center point that the acutator can physically move to without hitting limit switch
 float calcEnds(float center, float max, float min)
     float upperRange = max - center;
--- a/GPS.lib	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/GPS.lib	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/IMUDataAndFilters.h	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+//  Created by: Ryan Spillman
+//  Last updated 4/4/2015
+//  Contains several functions such as calculations for roll, pitch, and yaw (tilt compensated compass)
+//  Also contains various filtering and calibration functions
+//  Requires L3GD20 gyro and LSM303DLHC magnetometer and accelerometer
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include "L3GD20.h"
+#include "LSM303DLHC.h"
+#define IMUDataAndFilters_h
+L3GD20 gyro(PTE25, PTE24);
+LSM303DLHC compass(PTE25, PTE24);
+#define ALPHA_H             0.2f                        //Heading alpha (variable for low pass filter)
+#define ALPHA_A             0.1f                        //Heading accelerometer (variable for low pass filter)
+#define EARTHRADIUS     6378100.000000000000000000f     //Radius of the earth in meters (DO NOT MODIFY)
+#define MAGN_PERIOD     (1 / 15.0f)                     //magnetometer polling period (15 Hz) must manually update hardware ODR registers if chaging this value
+#define ACCEL_PERIOD    (1 / 50.0f)                     //accelerometer polling period (50 Hz) must manually update hardware ODR registers if chaging this value
+#define GYRO_SAMPLE_PERIOD  0.01f                       //gyro sample period in seconds
+#define M_PI                3.1415926535897932384626433832795f
+#define TWO_PI              6.283185307179586476925286766559f
+#define RADTODEGREE         57.295779513082320876798154814105f
+#define DEGREETORAD         0.01745329251994329576923690768489f
+#define GRAVITY             1.0f
+#define AVG_COUNT           10
+// "accel x,y,z (min/max) = X_MIN/X_MAX  Y_MIN/Y_MAX  Z_MIN/Z_MAX"
+#define ACCEL_X_MIN         -1.000000000f
+#define ACCEL_X_MAX         1.023437500f
+#define ACCEL_Y_MIN         -1.015625000f
+#define ACCEL_Y_MAX         1.023437500f
+#define ACCEL_Z_MIN         -1.023437500f 
+#define ACCEL_Z_MAX         0.960937500f
+// "magn x,y,z (min/max) = X_MIN/X_MAX  Y_MIN/Y_MAX  Z_MIN/Z_MAX"
+#define MAGN_X_MIN          (-0.370909f)
+#define MAGN_X_MAX          (0.569091f)
+#define MAGN_Y_MIN          (-0.516364f)
+#define MAGN_Y_MAX          (0.392727f)
+#define MAGN_Z_MIN          (-0.618367f)
+#define MAGN_Z_MAX          (0.408163f)
+// Sensor calibration scale and offset values
+#define ACCEL_X_OFFSET ((ACCEL_X_MIN + ACCEL_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define ACCEL_Y_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Y_MIN + ACCEL_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define ACCEL_Z_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Z_MIN + ACCEL_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define MAGN_X_OFFSET ((MAGN_X_MIN + MAGN_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define MAGN_Y_OFFSET ((MAGN_Y_MIN + MAGN_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
+#define MAGN_Z_OFFSET ((MAGN_Z_MIN + MAGN_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
+//not sure what the "normal" value is, thus not using scale for magnetometer
+//#define MAGN_X_SCALE (??? / (MAGN_X_MAX - MAGN_X_OFFSET))
+//#define MAGN_Y_SCALE (??? / (MAGN_Y_MAX - MAGN_Y_OFFSET))
+//#define MAGN_Z_SCALE (??? / (MAGN_Z_MAX - MAGN_Z_OFFSET))
+float magnetom[3] = {0,0,0};
+float accel[3] = {0,0,0};
+float degGyro[3] = {0,0,0};
+float prevDegGyro[3]= {0,0,0};
+float gyroOffset[3] = {0,0,0};
+float roll = 0, pitch = 0, yaw = 0;
+float totalAccel = 0;
+float normalizedGravity;
+float lowPassAccel[3] = {0.0000001f,0.0000001f,0.0000001f};
+float prevYaw = 0;
+//                                          Low Pass
+float lowPass(float input, float output, int select) 
+    //Magnetometer Heading alpha
+    if(select == 0)
+    {
+        if (output == 0.0000001f) return input;
+        output = output + ALPHA_H * (input - output);
+        return output;
+    }
+    //Accelerometer alpha
+    else if(select == 1)
+    {
+        if (output == 0.0000001f) return input;
+        output = output + ALPHA_A * (input - output);
+        return output;
+    }
+    //GPS heading alpha
+    else
+    {
+        if (output == 0.0000001f) return input;
+        output = output + ALPHA_A * (input - output);
+        return output;
+    }
+//                                          getMagn
+void getMagn()
+    //LSM303DLHC/LSM303DLHC.cpp
+    compass.ReadMagnOnly(&magnetom[0], &magnetom[1], &magnetom[2]);
+    //Compensate magnetometer error
+    //magnetom[0] -= MAGN_X_OFFSET;
+    //magnetom[1] -= MAGN_Y_OFFSET;
+    //magnetom[2] -= MAGN_Z_OFFSET;
+//                                          getAccel
+void getAccel()
+    //LSM303DLHC/LSM303DLHC.cpp
+    compass.ReadAccOnly(&accel[0], &accel[1], &accel[2]);
+    //Compensate accelerometer error
+    //TODO: verify compensation calculations
+    accel[0] = (accel[0] - ACCEL_X_OFFSET) * ACCEL_X_SCALE;
+    accel[1] = (accel[1] - ACCEL_Y_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Y_SCALE;
+    accel[2] = (accel[2] - ACCEL_Z_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Z_SCALE;
+    for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
+    {
+        lowPassAccel[i] = lowPass(accel[i], lowPassAccel[i], 1);
+    }    
+//                                                      Integrate Yaw With Gyro Data
+//not used
+void gyroIntegral()
+    float yawDiff = yaw - prevYaw;
+    float absYawDiff = sqrt(yawDiff * yawDiff);
+    //vC[x] = vP[x] + ((aP[x] + ((inertialAccel[x] - aP[x]) / 2)) * deltaT);
+    float gyroInt = prevYaw + ((prevDegGyro[2] + ((degGyro[2] - prevDegGyro[2]) / 2)) * MAGN_PERIOD);
+    float absGyroInt = sqrt(gyroInt * gyroInt);
+    prevDegGyro[2] = degGyro[2];
+    if(absYawDiff > absGyroInt)
+    {
+        yaw = prevYaw + gyroInt;
+    }
+//                                                      Compass Heading
+//see for more info on these formulas
+void Compass_Heading()
+    float mag_x;
+    float mag_y;
+    float cos_roll;
+    float sin_roll;
+    float cos_pitch;
+    float sin_pitch;
+    //saves a few processor cycles by calculating and storing values
+    cos_roll = cos(roll);
+    sin_roll = sin(roll);
+    cos_pitch = cos(pitch);
+    sin_pitch = sin(pitch);
+    // Tilt compensated magnetic field X
+    mag_x = magnetom[0] * cos_pitch + magnetom[1] * sin_roll * sin_pitch + magnetom[2] * cos_roll * sin_pitch;
+    // Tilt compensated magnetic field Y
+    mag_y = magnetom[1] * cos_roll - magnetom[2] * sin_roll;
+    // Magnetic Heading
+    yaw = atan2(-mag_x, mag_y);
+    //make negative angles positive
+    if(yaw < 0) yaw = yaw + TWO_PI;
+    //yaw = yaw + M_PI;
+    yaw = yaw * RADTODEGREE;
+//                                                      getAttitude
+//see for more info on these formulas
+void getAttitude()
+    float temp1[3];
+    float temp2[3];
+    float xAxis[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+    // GET PITCH
+    // Using y-z-plane-component/x-component of gravity vector    
+    pitch = -atan2(accel[0], sqrt((accel[1] * accel[1]) + (accel[2] * accel[2])));
+    //printf("P = %f", pitch);
+    // GET ROLL
+    // Compensate pitch of gravity vector 
+    temp1[0] = (accel[1] * xAxis[2]) - (accel[2] * xAxis[1]);
+    temp1[1] = (accel[2] * xAxis[0]) - (accel[0] * xAxis[2]);
+    temp1[2] = (accel[0] * xAxis[1]) - (accel[1] * xAxis[0]);
+    temp2[0] = (xAxis[1] * temp1[2]) - (xAxis[2] * temp1[1]);
+    temp2[1] = (xAxis[2] * temp1[0]) - (xAxis[0] * temp1[2]);
+    temp2[2] = (xAxis[0] * temp1[1]) - (xAxis[1] * temp1[0]);
+    // Since we compensated for pitch, x-z-plane-component equals z-component:
+    roll = atan2(temp2[1], temp2[2]);
+//                                                      Filtered_Attitude()
+void Filtered_Attitude()
+    float temp1[3];
+    float temp2[3];
+    float xAxis[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+    // GET PITCH
+    // Using y-z-plane-component/x-component of gravity vector    
+    pitch = -atan2(lowPassAccel[0], sqrt((lowPassAccel[1] * lowPassAccel[1]) + (lowPassAccel[2] * lowPassAccel[2])));
+    //printf("P = %f", pitch);
+    // GET ROLL
+    // Compensate pitch of gravity vector 
+    temp1[0] = (lowPassAccel[1] * xAxis[2]) - (lowPassAccel[2] * xAxis[1]);
+    temp1[1] = (lowPassAccel[2] * xAxis[0]) - (lowPassAccel[0] * xAxis[2]);
+    temp1[2] = (lowPassAccel[0] * xAxis[1]) - (lowPassAccel[1] * xAxis[0]);
+    temp2[0] = (xAxis[1] * temp1[2]) - (xAxis[2] * temp1[1]);
+    temp2[1] = (xAxis[2] * temp1[0]) - (xAxis[0] * temp1[2]);
+    temp2[2] = (xAxis[0] * temp1[1]) - (xAxis[1] * temp1[0]);
+    // Since we compensated for pitch, x-z-plane-component equals z-component:
+    roll = atan2(temp2[1], temp2[2]);
+//                                                      updateAngles
+void updateAngles()
+    Filtered_Attitude();
+    Compass_Heading();
+//                                                      normalizeGravity
+//not used
+void normalizeGravity()
+    float accumulator = 0;
+    int sampleCount  = 0;
+    //We'll take a certain number of samples and then average them to calculate the average
+    while (sampleCount < AVG_COUNT) 
+    {
+        getAccel();
+        //add current sample to previous samples
+        accumulator += sqrt((accel[0] * accel[0]) + (accel[1] * accel[1]) + (accel[2] * accel[2]));
+        sampleCount++;
+        //Make sure the IMU has had enough time to take a new sample.
+        wait(0.06);
+    }
+    //divide by number of samples to get average offset
+    normalizedGravity = accumulator / AVG_COUNT;
+//                                                      gyroAvg
+//not used
+void gyroAvg()
+    float accumulator[3] = {0,0,0};
+    int sampleCount  = 0;
+    //We'll take a certain number of samples and then average them to calculate the offset
+    while (sampleCount < AVG_COUNT) 
+    {
+        //get gyro data
+[0], &degGyro[1], &degGyro[2]);
+        //add current sample to previous samples
+        accumulator[2] += degGyro[2];
+        sampleCount++;
+        //Make sure the gyro has had enough time to take a new sample.
+        wait(GYRO_SAMPLE_PERIOD);
+    }
+    //divide by number of samples to get average offset
+    degGyro[2] = accumulator[2] / AVG_COUNT;
+//                                                      gyroCal
+//not used
+void gyroCal()
+    float accumulator[3] = {0,0,0};
+    int sampleCount  = 0;
+    //We'll take a certain number of samples and then average them to calculate the offset
+    while (sampleCount < CALIBRATION_COUNT) 
+    {
+        float gyroData[3];
+        //Make sure the gyro has had enough time to take a new sample.
+        wait(GYRO_SAMPLE_PERIOD);
+        //get gyro data
+        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+        {  
+            //add current sample to previous samples
+            accumulator[i] += gyroData[i];
+        }
+        sampleCount++;
+    }
+    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+    {
+        //divide by number of samples to get average offset
+        gyroOffset[i] = accumulator[i] / CALIBRATION_COUNT;
+    }
+//                                                      Only Get Gyro Data
+//not used
+void gyroOnly()
+[0], &degGyro[1], &degGyro[2]);
+    //compensate for gyro offset
+    for(int i=0;i<=3;i++)
+    {
+        degGyro[i] -= gyroOffset[i];
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/PID.lib	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/PID.lib	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/TrollingMotor.h	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/TrollingMotor.h	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 void goForward()
     //Are we changing states?
     if(prevState == 2)
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 //  Requires a serial to usb adapter to connect an X-Bee to a PC
 //  Set both X-Bees up for 115200 baud
 //  Use TeraTerm (or other serial program) to read and send data over X-Bees
+//  Set TeraTerm new line character from CR (carrage return) to LF (line feed)
 //  Program starts by prompting user to press any key
 //  Once user presses a key, the program waits for a DGPS fix (can be set by changing "FIX")
 //  Once the program sees a DGPS fix, manual mode is enabled
@@ -56,11 +56,20 @@
+//mbed folder
 #include "mbed.h"
+//SDFileSystem folder
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+//GPS folder
 #include "GPS.h"
+//PID folder
 #include "PID.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
-#include "modSensData.h"
+//from scratch
+#include "IMUDataAndFilters.h"
 #include "navigation.h"
 #include "Actuator.h"
 #include "TrollingMotor.h"
@@ -82,24 +91,32 @@
 #define headKc          1.0f                            //directly proportional
 #define headTi          0.0f                            //a larger number makes the integral have less affect on the output
 #define headTd          0.0f                            //a smaller number makes the derivative have less affect on the output
 PID headingPID(headKc, headTi, headTd, MAGN_PERIOD);    //Kc, Ti, Td, interval
-AnalogIn battery(A0);
-AnalogIn pot(A1);
-Serial xBee(PTB11, PTB10);                              //UART 3
-GPS gps(PTC15, PTC14);                                  //UART 4
+//mbed classes
 Timer headingTime;
 Timer acc;
 Timer magn;
 Timer inputTimer;
 Timer loopTimer;
-FILE *fr;                                               //file pointer for SD card
+AnalogIn battery(A0);                                   //analog input from +12v side of linear actuator potentiometer (uses voltage divider)
+AnalogIn pot(A1);                                       //analog input from the wiper of linear actuator potentionmeter (uses voltage divider)
+DigitalOut ldo(PTC10);                                  //Controls 3.3V LDO v-reg powering MTK3339 (GPS) 1 = GPS powered on and 0 = GPS powered down
+DigitalOut green(D3);                                   //Light output
+DigitalOut white(PTB9);                                 //Light output
+Serial xBee(PTB11, PTB10);                              //UART 3
-//On board microSD
-SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd", PTE6, SDFileSystem::SWITCH_POS_NO, 50000000);
+GPS gps(PTC15, PTC14);                                  //UART 4
+//Not sure where "FILE" is defined
+FILE *way;                                              //file pointer for waypoints on SD card
+FILE *data;                                             //file pointer for datalog
+SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd", PTE6, SDFileSystem::SWITCH_POS_NO, 50000000); //On board microSD
 /***************************************************Prototype functions****************************************************************************************************************************/
 void getDist(double posZero, double posOne, double curPos[2]);
@@ -107,35 +124,35 @@
 /***************************************************End of prototype functions*********************************************************************************************************************/
 /***************************************************Global Variables*******************************************************************************************************************************/
-double polarVector[2]   =       {0,0.0000001f};
-float manualSpeed       =       0.5f;
-double curPos[2]        =       {0,0};
+//TODO: rewrite polar vector functions to allow elimination of global variables
-//waypoint data is overwritten by data from SD card
-double goalPos[10][2]   =   {   {35.339289, -81.913164},
-                                {35.338943, -81.911024},
-                                {35.339289, -81.913164},
-                                {35.338943, -81.911024},
-                                {35.339289, -81.913164},
-                                {35.338943, -81.911024},
-                                {35.339289, -81.913164},
-                                {35.338943, -81.911024},
-                                {35.339289, -81.913164},
-                                {35.338943, -81.911024}
-                            };
+double polarVector[2]   =       {0,0.0000001f};         //poalarVector[0] = magnitude of vector, polarVector[1] = angle in degrees of vector
 //                                                  MAIN
 int main()
     int wayPtNum = 0, mode = 0, adjustMode = 0;
     float magDiff = 0;
     float batVoltage = 0.0f, potVoltage = 0.0f, voltRatio = 0.0f;
     float curSet = 0.0f, prevSet = 0.29f;
     float filtered = 0.0000001f;
+    double curPos[2]        =       {0,0};
+    double goalPos[10][2];                                  //positions are initially read from SD card
+                                                            //when a position is recorded in record mode, the previously stored position on the SD card is overwritten with the new position
+    //set the initial state of the lights
+    green = 1;
+    white = 0;
+    //turn the GPS 3.3V LDO v-reg on
+    ldo = 1;
+    //wait for the GPS unit to boot
+    wait(1);
+    //set xBee baud rate
     xBee.printf("\nI'm Alive...\n");
     xBee.printf("Press any key to begin\n");
@@ -143,17 +160,18 @@
     //wait for keypress to begin
+    //Get goal positions from SD card
     //start of SD card read
-    fr = fopen ("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "rt");
+    way = fopen ("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "r");
     xBee.printf("Reading SD Card Please Wait\n");
     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-        fscanf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+        fscanf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
         xBee.printf("waypoint %d = %f,%f\n", x, goalPos[x][0], goalPos[x][1]);
-    fclose(fr);
+    fclose(way);
     //end of SD card read
     //initialize magnetometer, accelerometer
@@ -176,28 +194,30 @@
         else xBee.printf("Waiting for DGPS fix\tcurrent fix = no fix\n");
     //get IMU data and calculate the tilt compensated compass
-    getAccel();
-    getMagn();
-    updateAngles();
+    getAccel();                                     //IMUDataAndFilters.h
+    getMagn();                                      //IMUDataAndFilters.h
+    updateAngles();                                 //IMUDataAndFilters.h
     xBee.printf("lat %f\tlon %f\thead %f\talt %f\tspd %f\tfix %d\tsat %d\n", gps.degLat, gps.degLon, gps.heading, gps.altitude, gps.speed, gps.fixtype, gps.satellites);
     xBee.printf("dist %f\theading %f\n", polarVector[0], polarVector[1]);
     xBee.printf("\n\nstarting main loop\n");
-    //PID control of left and right motors based on input from tilt compensated compass
-    //Goal is to have the vehicle go straight
+    //set input constraints (heading difference)
     headingPID.setInputLimits(-180, 180);
     //set proportional output limits based on physical limits of actuator and mounting error
-    float distFromCenter = calcEnds(CENTER_RATIO, MAX_RATIO, MIN_RATIO);
+    float distFromCenter = calcEnds(CENTER_RATIO, MAX_RATIO, MIN_RATIO);        //navigation.h
+    //set output constraints (linear actuator max and min)
     headingPID.setOutputLimits((CENTER_RATIO - distFromCenter), (CENTER_RATIO + distFromCenter));
     //set mode to auto
-    //We want the difference to be zero
+    //We want the difference between actual heading and the heading needed to be zero
+    //start timers
@@ -211,43 +231,62 @@
         if(mode == 0)
-            if(gps.getData())
-            {
-                //gps.parseData();
-                //xBee.printf("lat %f\tlon %f\tHDOP %f\tfix %d\tsat %d\tspd %f\n", gps.degLat, gps.degLon, gps.HDOP, gps.fixtype, gps.satellites, gps.speed);
-                //GPSTimer.reset();
-            }
-            //This moves actuator to the requested position
-            //This is proportional feedback only
+            //checks to see if all three NEMA sentences from the GPS UART has been received
+            gps.getData();
+            //check timer
             if( > RATE)
+                //TODO: put this in a function
+                //This moves actuator to the requested position
+                //This is proportional feedback ONLY
+                //read analog input from wiper on potentiometer on linear actuator
                 potVoltage =;
+                //read analog input from battery voltage
                 batVoltage =;
-                //voltage = voltage * 3.3f;
+                //calculate ratio of the two (using a ratio prevents battery voltage fluctuation from affecting actual position)
                 voltRatio = potVoltage / batVoltage;
+                //calculate the absolute value of how far off from requested actuator position we are (saves a few processor cycles)
                 float absDiff = sqrt((prevSet - voltRatio) * (prevSet - voltRatio));
+                //are we off enough to care?  if so, stop moving the actuator
                 if(absDiff <= RATIO_TOLERANCE)
                     turnStop(1.0f, 1.0f);
+                //do we need to go further right?
                 else if((prevSet - voltRatio) >= 0)
                     turnRight(1.0f, 1.0f);
                     //xBee.printf("turning right\n");
+                //do we need to go further left?
                     turnLeft(1.0f, 1.0f);
                     //xBee.printf("turning left\n");
-                xBee.printf("battery = %f\tpot = %f\tratio = %f\tset %f\tHDOP = %f\tfix = %f\n", (batVoltage * VOLT_MULT), (potVoltage* VOLT_MULT), voltRatio, prevSet, gps.HDOP, gps.fixtype);
+                xBee.printf("battery = %f\tpot = %f\tratio = %f\tset %f\tHDOP = %f\tfix = %d\n", (batVoltage * VOLT_MULT), (potVoltage* VOLT_MULT), voltRatio, prevSet, gps.HDOP, gps.fixtype);
+                //toggle lights
+                green = !green;
+                white = !white;
+                //reset timer to zero
             //check to see if data is available on xBee
+                //TODO: put this in a function
                 char recChar = xBee.getc();
                 //change to autonomous mode
@@ -264,6 +303,15 @@
                     mode = 3;
+                else if(recChar == '<')
+                {
+                    xBee.printf("Power cycling GPS\nPlease wait\n");
+                    goStop();
+                    ldo = 0;
+                    wait(0.5);
+                    ldo = 1;
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }
                 else if(recChar == '1')
@@ -344,18 +392,22 @@
         //                                          autonomous mode
+        //default trolling motor state when entering autonomous mode is off (user must press "w" to go forward)
         if(mode == 1)
             //check xBee
+                //TODO: put this in a function
                 char recChar = xBee.getc();
+                //stop
                 if(recChar == '1')
+                //go forward
                 if(recChar == 'w')
@@ -381,8 +433,11 @@
                     polarVector[1] = polarVector[1] - 1;
                     xBee.printf("reduced angle %f\n", polarVector[1]);
+                //increments settings based on adjust mode
                 else if(recChar == '+')
+                    //adjust waypoint
                     if(adjustMode == 0)
                         if(wayPtNum != 9)
@@ -395,6 +450,7 @@
                             xBee.printf("maximum waypoint reached\n");
+                    //increment proportional gain of heading PID
                     else if(adjustMode == 1)
                         float curKc = headingPID.getPParam();
@@ -404,6 +460,7 @@
                         headingPID.setTunings(curKc, curTi, curTd);
                         xBee.printf("Kc set to %f\n", curKc);
+                    //increment integral gain of heading PID
                     else if(adjustMode == 2)
                         float curKc = headingPID.getPParam();
@@ -413,6 +470,7 @@
                         headingPID.setTunings(curKc, curTi, curTd);
                         xBee.printf("Ti set to %f\n", curTi);
+                    //increment derivative gain of heading PID
                     else if(adjustMode == 3)
                         float curKc = headingPID.getPParam();
@@ -423,6 +481,7 @@
                         xBee.printf("Td set to %f\n", curTd);
+                //decrements setting based on adjust mode
                 else if(recChar == '-')
                     if(adjustMode == 0)
@@ -437,6 +496,7 @@
                             xBee.printf("minimum waypoint reached\n");
+                    //decrement proportional gain of heading PID
                     else if(adjustMode == 1)
                         float curKc = headingPID.getPParam();
@@ -446,6 +506,7 @@
                         headingPID.setTunings(curKc, curTi, curTd);
                         xBee.printf("Kc set to %f\n", curKc);
+                    //decrement integral gain of heading PID
                     else if(adjustMode == 2)
                         float curKc = headingPID.getPParam();
@@ -455,6 +516,7 @@
                         headingPID.setTunings(curKc, curTi, curTd);
                         xBee.printf("Ti set to %f\n", curTi);
+                    //decrement derivative gain of heading PID
                     else if(adjustMode == 3)
                         float curKc = headingPID.getPParam();
@@ -465,7 +527,7 @@
                         xBee.printf("Td set to %f\n", curTd);
-                //change current waypoint number
+                //change or reset current waypoint number
                 else if(recChar == 'r')
@@ -475,64 +537,92 @@
                     char tempWS[2];
                     tempWS[0] = xBee.getc();
+                    //press "r" again to reset waypoint number to zero
                     if(tempWS[0] == 'r')
                         wayPtNum = 0;
+                    //else enter the number of waypoint desired
                         sscanf(tempWS, "%d", &wayPtNum);
                         xBee.printf("waypoint is now %d\n", wayPtNum);
+                //change adjust mode
                 else if(recChar == 'p')
                     xBee.printf("To set adjust mode:\nEnter w to adjust waypoint number\nEnter c to adjust Kc\nEnter i to adjust Ti\nEnter d to adjust Td\nEnter z to exit\n");
                     char recCharTemp = xBee.getc();
+                    //set adjust to edit waypoints
                     if(recCharTemp == 'w')
                         adjustMode = 0;
+                    //set adjust to edit proportional gain
                     else if(recCharTemp == 'c')
                         adjustMode = 1;
                         xBee.printf("Adjust mode set to Kc\tEnter + to increment and - to decrement Kc\n");
+                    //set adjust to edit integral gain
                     else if(recCharTemp == 'i')
                         adjustMode = 2;
                         xBee.printf("Adjust mode set to Ti\tEnter + to increment and - to decrement Ti\n");
+                    //set adjust to edit derivative gain
                     else if(recCharTemp == 'd')
                         adjustMode = 3;
                         xBee.printf("Adjust mode set to Td\tEnter + to increment and - to decrement Td\n");
+                    //if any other key is pressed no change to adjust mode is made
                         xBee.printf("No changes made\n");
+            //if no xBee data is received
+                //TODO: put this in a function
+                //checks to see if all three NEMA sentences from the GPS UART has been received
                     double tempPos[2] = {0,0};
+                    //store most recent gps location in a temporary variable (using temporary variables because GPS data is accumulated in a low pass filter)
                     tempPos[0] = gps.degLat;
                     tempPos[1] = gps.degLon;
+                    //calculate the magnitude of the vector
                     getDist(goalPos[wayPtNum][0],goalPos[wayPtNum][1], tempPos);
+                    //calculate the angle of the vector
                     getAngle(goalPos[wayPtNum][0],goalPos[wayPtNum][1], tempPos, 0);
-                    //xBee.printf("dist %f\tMagDiff %f\tHDOP = %f\n", polarVector[0], magDiff, gps.HDOP);
+                    //checks if the magnitude of distance from goal position is less than threshold for "arriving"
                     if(polarVector[0] <= ARRIVED)
                         xBee.printf("Goal Position %d reached!\n", wayPtNum);
+                        //increment waypoint number
                         wayPtNum ++;
-                        if(wayPtNum >= 6)
+                        //we only have ten waypoints so we mus stop at ten
+                        if(wayPtNum >= 10)
                             xBee.printf("Final Position Reached!\nShutting down\n");
@@ -543,27 +633,41 @@
                             //flush heading PID data since we have a new heading
+                            //calculate the angle of the vector
                             getAngle(goalPos[wayPtNum ][0],goalPos[wayPtNum][1], goalPos[wayPtNum - 1], 1);
                             xBee.printf("Moving to Goal Position %d\theading = %f\n", wayPtNum, polarVector[1]);
+                //time to read accelerometer?
                 if( >= ACCEL_PERIOD)
+                    //get accelerometer data
+                    //reset timer to zero
-                //Heading PID
+                //time to read magnatometer and calculate heading PID?
                 if( >= MAGN_PERIOD)
-                    getMagn();
-                    updateAngles();
-                    filtered = lowPass(yaw, filtered, 0);
-                    magDiff = whichWay(filtered, 0);
+                    //get magnatometer data
+                    getMagn();                              //IMUDataAndFilters.h
+                    updateAngles();                         //IMUDataAndFilters.h
+                    filtered = lowPass(yaw, filtered, 0);   //IMUDataAndFilters.h
+                    magDiff = whichWay(filtered, 0);        //navigation.h
+                    //give PID input
+                    //get output from PID
                     curSet = headingPID.compute();
-                    xBee.printf("ratio = %f\tcurset = %f\theading = %f\tdiff = %f\n", voltRatio, curSet, filtered, magDiff);
+                    //reset timer to zero
@@ -571,44 +675,68 @@
                 //This is proportional feedback only
                 if( > RATE)
+                    //TODO: put this in a function
+                    //This moves actuator to the requested position
+                    //This is proportional feedback ONLY
+                    //read analog input from wiper on potentiometer on linear actuator
                     potVoltage =;
+                    //read analog input from battery voltage
                     batVoltage =;
-                    //voltage = voltage * 3.3f;
+                    //calculate ratio of the two (using a ratio prevents battery voltage fluctuation from affecting actual position)
                     voltRatio = potVoltage / batVoltage;
+                    //calculate the absolute value of how far off from requested actuator position we are (saves a few processor cycles)
                     float absDiff = sqrt((curSet - voltRatio) * (curSet - voltRatio));
+                    //are we off enough to care?  if so, stop moving the actuator
                     if(absDiff <= RATIO_TOLERANCE)
                         turnStop(1.0f, 1.0f);
-                        xBee.printf("done\n");
+                        //xBee.printf("done\n");
+                    //do we need to turn right?
                     else if((curSet - voltRatio) >= 0)
                         if(voltRatio > MAX_RATIO)
-                            xBee.printf("Max Limit Reached\n");
+                            //xBee.printf("Max Limit Reached\n");
                             turnStop(1.0f, 1.0f);
                             turnRight(1.0f, 1.0f);
-                            xBee.printf("turning Right\n");
+                            //xBee.printf("turning Right\n");
+                    //do we need to turn left?
                         if(voltRatio < MIN_RATIO)
-                            xBee.printf("Min Limit Reached\n");
+                            //xBee.printf("Min Limit Reached\n");
                             turnStop(1.0f, 1.0f);
                             turnLeft(1.0f, 1.0f);
-                            xBee.printf("turning Left\n");
+                            //xBee.printf("turning Left\n");
-                    //xBee.printf("battery = %f\tpot = %f\tratio = %f\tmotorSpeed = %f\tmoveSpeed %f\n", (batVoltage * VOLT_MULT), (potVoltage* VOLT_MULT), voltRatio, motorSpeed, moveSpeed);
+                    //toggle light state
+                    green = !green;
+                    white = !white;
+                    xBee.printf("lat %f\tlon %f\thead %f\talt %f\tspd %f\tfix %d\tsat %d\n", gps.degLat, gps.degLon, gps.heading, gps.altitude, gps.speed, gps.fixtype, gps.satellites);
+                    //record data to SD card
+                    data = fopen("/sd/data.txt", "a");
+                    fprintf(data, "%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n", wayPtNum, (batVoltage * VOLT_MULT), voltRatio, curSet, filtered, magDiff, polarVector[0], gps.degLat, gps.degLon, gps.heading, gps.altitude, gps.speed, gps.fixtype, gps.satellites);
+                    fclose(data);
+                    //reset timer to zero
@@ -620,7 +748,9 @@
         if(mode == 3)
+            //stop the trolling motor
             xBee.printf("\nPlease enter position number (0-9), or press y to return to manual mode\n");
@@ -634,6 +764,8 @@
+                //TODO: put this in a function
                 xBee.printf("\nFinding most accurate GPS position\nThis will take a few seconds\n\n");
                 float lowestHDOP = 100;
@@ -654,6 +786,9 @@
                     xBee.printf("lat %f\tlon %f\thead %f\talt %f\tspd %f\tfix %d\tsat %d\n", gps.degLat, gps.degLon, gps.heading, gps.altitude, gps.speed, gps.fixtype, gps.satellites);
                     char tempChar = 'n';
+                    //first lockup was here
+                    //now pressing "1" will break out of while loop
                     while(!gps.getData() && !(tempChar == '1'))
@@ -667,79 +802,79 @@
                     goalPos[0][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[0][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);                    
+                    fclose(way);                    
                 else if(recChar == '1')
                     goalPos[1][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[1][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '2')
                     goalPos[2][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[2][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '3')
                     goalPos[3][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[3][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '4')
                     goalPos[4][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[4][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '5')
                     goalPos[5][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[5][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '6')
@@ -750,40 +885,40 @@
                     goalPos[7][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[7][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '8')
                     goalPos[8][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[8][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 else if(recChar == '9')
                     goalPos[9][0] = curPos[0];
                     goalPos[9][1] = curPos[1];
                     //write new coords to SD card
-                    fr = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
+                    way = fopen("/sd/GPS_CORDS.txt", "w+");
                     for(int x = 0; x<=9; x++)
-                        fprintf(fr, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
+                        fprintf(way, "%f,%f\n", &goalPos[x][0], &goalPos[x][1]);
-                    fclose(fr);            
+                    fclose(way);            
                 xBee.printf("position %c updated\t", recChar);
@@ -830,7 +965,8 @@
     arcLength[1] = EARTHRADIUS * ((goalPos[0] - curPos[0]) * DEGREETORAD);
     arcLength[0] = EARTHRADIUS * ((goalPos[1] - curPos[1]) * DEGREETORAD);
+    //get rid of previous low passed angle data
         //Use arcTan(x/y) b/c we want our heading to be in respect to North (North = 0 degrees, East = 90 deg, etc.)
@@ -838,6 +974,8 @@
         //make negative angles positive
         if(polarVector[1] < 0) polarVector[1] = polarVector[1] + 360;    
+    //lowpass filter the angle
--- a/modSensData.h	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-//  Created by: Ryan Spillman
-//  Last updated 4/4/2015
-//  Contains several functions such as calculations for roll, pitch, and yaw (tilt compensated compass)
-//  Also contains various filtering and calibration functions
-//  Requires L3GD20 gyro and LSM303DLHC magnetometer and accelerometer
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "math.h"
-#include "L3GD20.h"
-#include "LSM303DLHC.h"
-#define modSensData_h
-L3GD20 gyro(PTE25, PTE24);
-LSM303DLHC compass(PTE25, PTE24);
-#define ALPHA_H             0.2f                        //Heading alpha (variable for low pass filter)
-#define ALPHA_A             0.1f                        //Heading accelerometer (variable for low pass filter)
-#define EARTHRADIUS     6378100.000000000000000000f     //Radius of the earth in meters (DO NOT MODIFY)
-#define MAGN_PERIOD     (1 / 15.0f)                     //magnetometer polling period (15 Hz) must manually update hardware ODR registers if chaging this value
-#define ACCEL_PERIOD    (1 / 50.0f)                     //accelerometer polling period (50 Hz) must manually update hardware ODR registers if chaging this value
-#define GYRO_SAMPLE_PERIOD  0.01f                       //gyro sample period in seconds
-#define M_PI                3.1415926535897932384626433832795f
-#define TWO_PI              6.283185307179586476925286766559f
-#define RADTODEGREE         57.295779513082320876798154814105f
-#define DEGREETORAD         0.01745329251994329576923690768489f
-#define GRAVITY             1.0f
-#define AVG_COUNT           10
-// "accel x,y,z (min/max) = X_MIN/X_MAX  Y_MIN/Y_MAX  Z_MIN/Z_MAX"
-#define ACCEL_X_MIN         -1.000000000f
-#define ACCEL_X_MAX         1.023437500f
-#define ACCEL_Y_MIN         -1.015625000f
-#define ACCEL_Y_MAX         1.023437500f
-#define ACCEL_Z_MIN         -1.023437500f 
-#define ACCEL_Z_MAX         0.960937500f
-// "magn x,y,z (min/max) = X_MIN/X_MAX  Y_MIN/Y_MAX  Z_MIN/Z_MAX"
-#define MAGN_X_MIN          (-0.370909f)
-#define MAGN_X_MAX          (0.569091f)
-#define MAGN_Y_MIN          (-0.516364f)
-#define MAGN_Y_MAX          (0.392727f)
-#define MAGN_Z_MIN          (-0.618367f)
-#define MAGN_Z_MAX          (0.408163f)
-// Sensor calibration scale and offset values
-#define ACCEL_X_OFFSET ((ACCEL_X_MIN + ACCEL_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
-#define ACCEL_Y_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Y_MIN + ACCEL_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
-#define ACCEL_Z_OFFSET ((ACCEL_Z_MIN + ACCEL_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
-#define MAGN_X_OFFSET ((MAGN_X_MIN + MAGN_X_MAX) / 2.0f)
-#define MAGN_Y_OFFSET ((MAGN_Y_MIN + MAGN_Y_MAX) / 2.0f)
-#define MAGN_Z_OFFSET ((MAGN_Z_MIN + MAGN_Z_MAX) / 2.0f)
-//not sure what the "normal" value is, thus not using scale for magnetometer
-//#define MAGN_X_SCALE (??? / (MAGN_X_MAX - MAGN_X_OFFSET))
-//#define MAGN_Y_SCALE (??? / (MAGN_Y_MAX - MAGN_Y_OFFSET))
-//#define MAGN_Z_SCALE (??? / (MAGN_Z_MAX - MAGN_Z_OFFSET))
-float magnetom[3] = {0,0,0};
-float accel[3] = {0,0,0};
-float degGyro[3] = {0,0,0};
-float prevDegGyro[3]= {0,0,0};
-float gyroOffset[3] = {0,0,0};
-float roll = 0, pitch = 0, yaw = 0;
-float totalAccel = 0;
-float normalizedGravity;
-float lowPassAccel[3] = {0.0000001f,0.0000001f,0.0000001f};
-float prevYaw = 0;
-//                                          Low Pass
-float lowPass(float input, float output, int select) 
-    //Magnetometer Heading alpha
-    if(select == 0)
-    {
-        if (output == 0.0000001f) return input;
-        output = output + ALPHA_H * (input - output);
-        return output;
-    }
-    //Accelerometer alpha
-    else if(select == 1)
-    {
-        if (output == 0.0000001f) return input;
-        output = output + ALPHA_A * (input - output);
-        return output;
-    }
-    //GPS heading alpha
-    else
-    {
-        if (output == 0.0000001f) return input;
-        output = output + ALPHA_A * (input - output);
-        return output;
-    }
-//                                          getMagn
-void getMagn()
-    compass.ReadMagnOnly(&magnetom[0], &magnetom[1], &magnetom[2]);
-    //Compensate magnetometer error
-    //magnetom[0] -= MAGN_X_OFFSET;
-    //magnetom[1] -= MAGN_Y_OFFSET;
-    //magnetom[2] -= MAGN_Z_OFFSET;
-//                                          getAccel
-void getAccel()
-    compass.ReadAccOnly(&accel[0], &accel[1], &accel[2]);
-    //Compensate accelerometer error
-    accel[0] = (accel[0] - ACCEL_X_OFFSET) * ACCEL_X_SCALE;
-    accel[1] = (accel[1] - ACCEL_Y_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Y_SCALE;
-    accel[2] = (accel[2] - ACCEL_Z_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Z_SCALE;
-    for(int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
-    {
-        lowPassAccel[i] = lowPass(accel[i], lowPassAccel[i], 1);
-    }    
-//                                                      Integrate Yaw With Gyro Data
-void gyroIntegral()
-    float yawDiff = yaw - prevYaw;
-    float absYawDiff = sqrt(yawDiff * yawDiff);
-    //vC[x] = vP[x] + ((aP[x] + ((inertialAccel[x] - aP[x]) / 2)) * deltaT);
-    float gyroInt = prevYaw + ((prevDegGyro[2] + ((degGyro[2] - prevDegGyro[2]) / 2)) * MAGN_PERIOD);
-    float absGyroInt = sqrt(gyroInt * gyroInt);
-    prevDegGyro[2] = degGyro[2];
-    if(absYawDiff > absGyroInt)
-    {
-        yaw = prevYaw + gyroInt;
-    }
-//                                                      Compass Heading
-void Compass_Heading()
-    float mag_x;
-    float mag_y;
-    float cos_roll;
-    float sin_roll;
-    float cos_pitch;
-    float sin_pitch;
-    //saves a few processor cycles by calculating and storing values
-    cos_roll = cos(roll);
-    sin_roll = sin(roll);
-    cos_pitch = cos(pitch);
-    sin_pitch = sin(pitch);
-    // Tilt compensated magnetic field X
-    //mag_x = magnetom[0] * cos_pitch + magnetom[1] * sin_roll * sin_pitch + magnetom[2] * cos_roll * sin_pitch;
-    mag_x = magnetom[0] * cos_pitch + magnetom[1] * sin_roll * sin_pitch + magnetom[2] * cos_roll * sin_pitch;
-    // Tilt compensated magnetic field Y
-    //mag_y = magnetom[1] * cos_roll - magnetom[2] * sin_roll;
-    mag_y = magnetom[1] * cos_roll - magnetom[2] * sin_roll;
-    // Magnetic Heading
-    yaw = atan2(-mag_x, mag_y);
-    //make negative angles positive
-    if(yaw < 0) yaw = yaw + TWO_PI;
-    //yaw = yaw + M_PI;
-    yaw = yaw * RADTODEGREE;
-//                                                      getAttitude
-void getAttitude()
-    float temp1[3];
-    float temp2[3];
-    float xAxis[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
-    // GET PITCH
-    // Using y-z-plane-component/x-component of gravity vector    
-    pitch = -atan2(accel[0], sqrt((accel[1] * accel[1]) + (accel[2] * accel[2])));
-    //printf("P = %f", pitch);
-    // GET ROLL
-    // Compensate pitch of gravity vector 
-    temp1[0] = (accel[1] * xAxis[2]) - (accel[2] * xAxis[1]);
-    temp1[1] = (accel[2] * xAxis[0]) - (accel[0] * xAxis[2]);
-    temp1[2] = (accel[0] * xAxis[1]) - (accel[1] * xAxis[0]);
-    temp2[0] = (xAxis[1] * temp1[2]) - (xAxis[2] * temp1[1]);
-    temp2[1] = (xAxis[2] * temp1[0]) - (xAxis[0] * temp1[2]);
-    temp2[2] = (xAxis[0] * temp1[1]) - (xAxis[1] * temp1[0]);
-    // Since we compensated for pitch, x-z-plane-component equals z-component:
-    roll = atan2(temp2[1], temp2[2]);
-//                                                      Filtered_Attitude()
-void Filtered_Attitude()
-    float temp1[3];
-    float temp2[3];
-    float xAxis[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
-    // GET PITCH
-    // Using y-z-plane-component/x-component of gravity vector    
-    pitch = -atan2(lowPassAccel[0], sqrt((lowPassAccel[1] * lowPassAccel[1]) + (lowPassAccel[2] * lowPassAccel[2])));
-    //printf("P = %f", pitch);
-    // GET ROLL
-    // Compensate pitch of gravity vector 
-    temp1[0] = (lowPassAccel[1] * xAxis[2]) - (lowPassAccel[2] * xAxis[1]);
-    temp1[1] = (lowPassAccel[2] * xAxis[0]) - (lowPassAccel[0] * xAxis[2]);
-    temp1[2] = (lowPassAccel[0] * xAxis[1]) - (lowPassAccel[1] * xAxis[0]);
-    temp2[0] = (xAxis[1] * temp1[2]) - (xAxis[2] * temp1[1]);
-    temp2[1] = (xAxis[2] * temp1[0]) - (xAxis[0] * temp1[2]);
-    temp2[2] = (xAxis[0] * temp1[1]) - (xAxis[1] * temp1[0]);
-    // Since we compensated for pitch, x-z-plane-component equals z-component:
-    roll = atan2(temp2[1], temp2[2]);
-//                                                      updateAngles
-void updateAngles()
-//int updateAngles()
-    Filtered_Attitude();
-    Compass_Heading();
-//                                                      normalizeGravity
-void normalizeGravity()
-    float accumulator = 0;
-    int sampleCount  = 0;
-    //We'll take a certain number of samples and then average them to calculate the average
-    while (sampleCount < AVG_COUNT) 
-    {
-        getAccel();
-        //add current sample to previous samples
-        accumulator += sqrt((accel[0] * accel[0]) + (accel[1] * accel[1]) + (accel[2] * accel[2]));
-        sampleCount++;
-        //Make sure the IMU has had enough time to take a new sample.
-        wait(0.06);
-    }
-    //divide by number of samples to get average offset
-    normalizedGravity = accumulator / AVG_COUNT;
-//                                                      gyroAvg
-void gyroAvg()
-    float accumulator[3] = {0,0,0};
-    int sampleCount  = 0;
-    //We'll take a certain number of samples and then average them to calculate the offset
-    while (sampleCount < AVG_COUNT) 
-    {
-        //get gyro data
-[0], &degGyro[1], &degGyro[2]);
-        //add current sample to previous samples
-        accumulator[2] += degGyro[2];
-        sampleCount++;
-        //Make sure the gyro has had enough time to take a new sample.
-        wait(GYRO_SAMPLE_PERIOD);
-    }
-    //divide by number of samples to get average offset
-    degGyro[2] = accumulator[2] / AVG_COUNT;
-//                                                      gyroCal
-void gyroCal()
-    float accumulator[3] = {0,0,0};
-    int sampleCount  = 0;
-    //We'll take a certain number of samples and then average them to calculate the offset
-    while (sampleCount < CALIBRATION_COUNT) 
-    {
-        float gyroData[3];
-        //Make sure the gyro has had enough time to take a new sample.
-        wait(GYRO_SAMPLE_PERIOD);
-        //get gyro data
-        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-        {  
-            //add current sample to previous samples
-            accumulator[i] += gyroData[i];
-        }
-        sampleCount++;
-    }
-    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
-    {
-        //divide by number of samples to get average offset
-        gyroOffset[i] = accumulator[i] / CALIBRATION_COUNT;
-    }
-//                                                      Only Get Gyro Data
-void gyroOnly()
-[0], &degGyro[1], &degGyro[2]);
-    //compensate for gyro offset
-    for(int i=0;i<=3;i++)
-    {
-        degGyro[i] -= gyroOffset[i];
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/navigation.h	Mon Apr 27 18:10:52 2015 +0000
+++ b/navigation.h	Wed Apr 29 18:07:43 2015 +0000
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 //  Outputs difference in compass heading(magHead) and heading required(calcHead)
 //  negative is left and positive is right
+//TODO: Check for redundancy
 float whichWay(float magHead, float calcHead)
     float magDiff;