STM3 ESC dual brushless motor controller. 10-60v, motor power rating tiny to kW. Ganged or independent motor control As used in 'The Brute' locomotive -

Dependencies:   mbed BufferedSerial Servo FastPWM

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Mar 18 08:17:56 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Starting motors requires high-side mosfet drivers being enabled. Auto tickleup functions now included to switch high sides off and on again to charge high side supply capacitors (now 2u2, up from 100n)

Changed in this revision

24LC64_eeprom.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DualBLS.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
cli_nortos.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/24LC64_eeprom.cpp	Sat Mar 10 10:11:07 2018 +0000
+++ b/24LC64_eeprom.cpp	Sun Mar 18 08:17:56 2018 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #include "BufferedSerial.h"
 extern  BufferedSerial pc;
 extern  I2C i2c;
-    //  Code for 24LC64 eeprom
+    //  Code for 24LC64 8k x 8 bit eeprom
     //  Code based on earlier work using memory FM24W256, also at i2c address 0xa0;
 const int addr_rd = 0xa1;  //  set bit 0 for read, clear bit 0 for write
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
             i2cfree = true;
 //            Thread::wait(1);   //   1ms
-            wait   (1);
+            wait_ms   (1);
 //    pc.printf   ("ack_poll, count = %d, i2cfree = %s\r\n", poll_count, i2cfree ? "true" : "false");
     return  i2cfree;
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
         pc.printf   ("Length out of range %d in wr_24LC64\r\n", length);
         return  false;
+    ack_poll    ();
     if  (!set_24LC64_internal_address   (start_addr))   {
         pc.printf   ("In wr_24LC64, Believe Device present, failed in writing 2 mem addr bytes %d\r\n", err);
         return  false;
--- a/DualBLS.h	Sat Mar 10 10:11:07 2018 +0000
+++ b/DualBLS.h	Sun Mar 18 08:17:56 2018 +0000
@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
                 FORWARD     = 8,
                 REVERSE     = 16,
                 REGENBRAKE  = 24;
+const   double      PI      = 4.0 * atan(1.0),
+                    TWOPI   = 8.0 * atan(1.0);
--- a/cli_nortos.cpp	Sat Mar 10 10:11:07 2018 +0000
+++ b/cli_nortos.cpp	Sun Mar 18 08:17:56 2018 +0000
@@ -4,150 +4,153 @@
 #include "DualBLS.h"
 using namespace std;
-typedef double  fl_typ;  //  
+extern  int I_Am    ()  ;      //  Returns boards id number as ASCII char '0', '1' etc. Code for Broadcast = '\r'
+//typedef double  fl_typ;  //  
-const   int MAX_PARAMS = 10;
+const int   BROADCAST   = '\r';
+const   int MAX_PARAMS = 20;
 struct  parameters  {
 //    int32_t times[numof_menu_items];
-    int32_t times[50];
-    int32_t position_in_list, last_time, numof_dbls;
+//    int32_t times[50];
+    int32_t position_in_list, last_time, numof_dbls, target_unit;
     double  dbl[MAX_PARAMS];
+    bool    respond;
 }   ;
 //  WithOUT RTOS
-extern  BufferedSerial xb, pc;
-//extern  BufferedSerial bt;
+extern  BufferedSerial com2, pc;
 //extern  void    set_I_limit (double p)  ;   //  Sets max motor current
 //extern  void    set_V_limit (double p)  ;   //  Sets max motor voltage
 extern  void    send_test   ()  ;
-//extern  void    assemble_rx_frame   ()  ;
-//extern  void    read_pulses (uint32_t * ) ;
-//extern  void    apply_brake (double b)  ;
-//extern  uint32_t    Watch_Dog   ;
 extern  void    setVI   (double v, double i)  ;
-/*void    pcp (char * toprint)    {
-    pc.printf   (toprint);
-    return;
+BufferedSerial * com;
 void    null_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("At null_cmd, parameters : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
+    com->printf   ("At null_cmd, parameters : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
-extern  void    tickle  ()  ;
+/*extern  void    tickleboth  ()  ;
 void    ti_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("At tickle\r\n");
-    tickle  ();
+    com->printf   ("At tickle\r\n");
+    tickleboth  ();
-void    rd_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {  //  Reading Hall pulse totals and clock() from bogie
-    uint32_t rd[2];
-    char t[36];
-//    read_pulses (rd);
-    sprintf (t, "P0=%d, P1=%d, clock=%d\n", rd[0], rd[1], clock());
-    pc.printf   (t);
 extern  void    mode_test   (int mode, double val)  ;
 void    fw_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("Forward : First %d, second %d\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
+    com->printf   ("Forward : First %d, second %d\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
     mode_test   (FORWARD, 0.0);
 void    re_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("Reverse : First %d, second %d\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
+    com->printf   ("Reverse : First %d, second %d\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
     mode_test   (REVERSE, 0.0);
 void    rb_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {  //  Regen brake
     double b = a.dbl[0] / 99.0;
-    pc.printf   ("Applying brake %.3f\r\n", b);
+    com->printf   ("Applying brake %.3f\r\n", b);
     mode_test   (REGENBRAKE, b);
 //    apply_brake (b);
-/*void    drive_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {   //  Drive
-    double drive = a.dbl[0] / 999.0;
+extern  bool    wr_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * source, int length)   ;
+extern  bool    rd_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * dest, int length)   ;
+void    erase_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {   //  Sets eeprom contents to all 0xff. 256 pages of 32 bytes to do
+    char    t[36];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+        t[i] = 0xff;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8191; i += 32)  {
+        com->printf (".");
+        if  (!wr_24LC64   (i, t, 32))
+            com->printf ("eeprom write prob\r\n");
+    }
-void    coast_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {   //  Coast
+/*struct  motorpairoptions    {   //  This to be user settable in eeprom, 32 bytes
+    uint8_t MotA_dir,   //  0 or 1
+            MotB_dir,   //  0 or 1
+            gang,       //  0 for separate control (robot mode), 1 for ganged loco bogie mode
+            serv1,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
+            serv2,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
+            cmd_source, //  0 Invalid, 1 COM1, 2 COM2, 3 Pot, 4 Servo1, 5 Servo2
+            last;
+}   ;
+struct  optpar  {
+    int min, max, def;
+    const char * t;
+}   ;
+struct  optpar const option_list[] = {
+    {0, 1, 1, "MotorA direction 0 or 1"},
+    {0, 1, 0, "MotorB direction 0 or 1"},
+    {0, 1, 1, "gang 0 for separate control (robot mode), 1 for ganged loco bogie mode"},
+    {0, 2, 2, "Servo1 0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output"},
+    {0, 2, 2, "Servo2 0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output"},
+    {1, 5, 2, "Command source 0 Invalid, 1 COM1, 2 COM2, 3 Pot, 4 Servo1, 5 Servo2"},
+    {0, 9, 0, "Alternative ID 0 to 9"},
+}   ;
+void    mode_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {   //  With no params, reads eeprom contents. With params sets eeprom contents
+    char    t[36];
+    const int numofopts = sizeof(option_list) / sizeof(struct optpar);
+    rd_24LC64   (0, t, 32);
+    com->printf ("Numof params=%d\r\n", a.numof_dbls);
+    for (int i = 0; i < numofopts; i++)
+        com->printf ("%2x\t%s\r\n", t[i], option_list[i].t);
+    if  (a.numof_dbls == 0) {   //  Read present contents, do not write
+        com->printf ("That's it\r\n");
+    }
+    else    {   //  Write new shit to eeprom
+        com->printf ("\r\n");
+        if  (a.numof_dbls != numofopts) {
+            com->printf ("params required = %d, you offered %d\r\n", numofopts, a.numof_dbls);
+        }
+        else    {   //  Have been passed correct number of parameters
+            int b;
+            com->printf("Ready to write params to eeprom\r\n");
+            for (int i = 0; i < numofopts; i++) {
+                b = (int)a.dbl[i];  //  parameter value to check against limits
+                if  ((b < option_list[i].min) || (b > option_list[i].max))  {   //  if parameter out of range
+                    com->printf("Warning - Parameter = %d, out of range, setting to default %d\r\n", b, option_list[i].def);
+                    b = option_list[i].def;
+                }
+                com->printf ("%2x\t%s\r\n", (t[i] = b), option_list[i].t);
+            }
+            wr_24LC64   (0, t, numofopts);
+            com->printf("Parameters set in eeprom\r\n");
+        }
+    }
+/*void    coast_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {   //  Coast
 void    hb_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("numof params = %d\r\n", a.numof_dbls);
-    pc.printf   ("Hand Brake : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
+    com->printf   ("numof params = %d\r\n", a.numof_dbls);
+    com->printf   ("Hand Brake : First %.3f, second %.3f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
     mode_test   (HANDBRAKE, 0.0);
-//void    wd_cmd (struct parameters & a)   {
-//    pc.printf   ("Reset Watch Dog timer, was %d\r\n", Watch_Dog);
-//    Watch_Dog   = 0;
-/*void    hall_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {  //  Report back pulse totals from Hall sensors for both motors
-    char    buff[30];
-    sprintf (buff, "Halls 0x%08lx 0x%08lx\r\n", Halls_A_accum, Halls_B_accum);  //  doesn't need to be hex
-    pc.printf   (buff);
-    Halls_A_accum += 1369;
-    Halls_B_accum += 11369;
-/*void    setpwm_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-    double  pw  = ((double)a[1].i) / 1000.0;
-    pc.printf   ("Setting Volt limit %.3f, %d\r\n", pw, a[1].i);
-    set_V_limit   (pw);
-void    setvref_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-    double  pw  = ((double)a[1].i) / 1000.0;
-    pc.printf   ("Setting Current limit %.3f, %d\r\n", pw, a[1].i);
-    set_I_limit   (pw);
-void    setmotpwm_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-    //a[1].i  //  first param
-    pc.printf   ("First %d, second %d\r\n", a[1].i, a[2].i);
-//    set_motor_pwm   (a[1].i, a[2].i);
-//extern  void    set_fwd_rev (int direction) ;
-void    set_fwd_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-//    set_fwd_rev   (FWD);
-void    set_rev_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-//    set_fwd_rev   (REV);
-void    set_speed_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("Speed entered %d\r\n", a[1].i);
-void    read_current_cmd (struct parameters * a)   {
-    pc.printf   ("Read current\r\n");
 void    menucmd (struct parameters & a);
-//void    xb_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-//    send_test();
-//extern    void    set_api_mode    (bool mode) ;
 void    vi_cmd (struct parameters & a)
-    pc.printf   ("In setVI, setting V to %.2f, I %.2f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
+    com->printf   ("In setVI, setting V to %.2f, I %.2f\r\n", a.dbl[0], a.dbl[1]);
     setVI   (a.dbl[0] / 100.0, a.dbl[1] / 100.0);
-/*void    at_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+void    kd_cmd (struct parameters & a)  //  kick the watchdog
-    xb.printf ("AT\r");
-//    pc.printf   ("AT %d\r\n", a[1].i);
+void    who_cmd (struct parameters & a)
+    int i = I_Am    ();
+    if  (I_Am() == a.target_unit)
+        com->printf ("Hi there, I am %c\r\n", a.target_unit);
 struct kb_command  {
     const char * cmd_word;         //  points to text e.g. "menu"
@@ -156,36 +159,39 @@
 }  ;
 struct  kb_command const command_list[] = {
-    {"menu", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
-    {"ls", "Lists available commands, same as menu", menucmd},
-//    {"sv", "set Volts pwm 0 to 999", setpwm_cmd},
-//    {"si", "set Amps pwm 0 to 999", setvref_cmd},
-//    {"ha", "read Hall pulse totals", hall_cmd},
-    {"ti", "tickle to try to get mosfet driver charge pump primed", ti_cmd},
+    {"ls", "Lists available commands", menucmd},
+    {"?", "Lists available commands, same as ls", menucmd},
+//    {"ti", "tickle to try to get mosfet driver charge pump primed", ti_cmd},
     {"fw", "forward", fw_cmd},
     {"re", "reverse", re_cmd},
     {"rb", "regen brake 0 to 99 %", rb_cmd},
-//    {"dr", "drive", drive_cmd},
-//    {"co", "coast", coast_cmd},
     {"hb", "hand brake", hb_cmd},
-//    {"at", "AT", at_cmd},
     {"vi", "set motors V and I percent RANGE 0 to 100", vi_cmd},
+    {"who", "search for connected units, e.g. 3who returs 'Hi there' if found", who_cmd},
+    {"mode", "read or set params in eeprom", mode_cmd},
+    {"erase", "set eeprom contents to all 0xff", erase_cmd},
+    {"kd", "kick the dog", kd_cmd},
     {"nu", "do nothing", null_cmd},
-//    {"rev", "set motors in tother direction", set_rev_cmd},
-//    {"s", "set speed", set_speed_cmd},
-//    {"i", "Read motor currents", read_current_cmd},
 const int numof_menu_items = sizeof(command_list) / sizeof(kb_command);
 void    menucmd (struct parameters & a)
-    pc.printf("\r\n\nDouble Brushless Motor Driver 2018\r\nAt menucmd function - listing commands:-\r\n");
+    com->printf("\r\n\nDouble Brushless Motor Driver 2018\r\nAt menucmd function - listing commands:-\r\n");
     for(int i = 0; i < numof_menu_items; i++)
-        pc.printf("[%s]\t\t%s\r\n", command_list[i].cmd_word, command_list[i].explan);
-    pc.printf("End of List of Commands\r\n");
+        com->printf("[%s]\t\t%s\r\n", command_list[i].cmd_word, command_list[i].explan);
+    com->printf("End of List of Commands\r\n");
+New - March 2018
+Using opto isolated serial port, paralleled up using same pair to multiple boards running this code.
+New feature - commands have optional prefix digit 0-9 indicating which unit message is addressed to.
+Commands without prefix digit - broadcast to all units, none to respond.
+Only units recognising its address from prefix digit may respond. This avoids bus contention.
+But for BROADCAST commands, '0' may respond on behalf of the group
 //void    command_line_interpreter    (void const *argument)
 void    command_line_interpreter    ()
@@ -193,67 +199,62 @@
 static  char    cmd_line[MAX_CMD_LEN + 4];
 static  int     cl_index = 0;
 int ch;
-char * pEnd;
+char * pEnd, * cmd_line_ptr;
 static struct  parameters  param_block  ;
-//    while   (true)  {
-//        assemble_rx_frame   ()  ;   //  check for anything coming from xbee
-//        Watch_Dog++;
-/*        while   (bt.readable())   {
-            ch = bt.getc();
-//            bt.putc(ch);
-            pc.printf   ("%c", ch);
-        }*/
-        while  (pc.readable()) {
-            ch = tolower(pc.getc());
-           // pc.printf("%c", ch);
+        com = &com2;
+//        while  (pc.readable()) {
+        while  (com->readable()) {
+            ch = tolower(com->getc());
             if  (cl_index > MAX_CMD_LEN)  {   //  trap out stupidly long command lines
-                pc.printf   ("Error!! Stupidly long cmd line\r\n");
+                com->printf   ("Error!! Stupidly long cmd line\r\n");
                 cl_index = 0;
-            if  (ch == '\r' || ch >= ' ' && ch <= 'z')
-                pc.printf("%c", ch);
-            else    {                   //  Using <Ctrl>+ 'F', 'B' for Y, 'L', 'R' for X, 'U', 'D' for Z
-                cl_index = 0;           //                 6    2          12   18         21   4
-                pc.printf("[%d]", ch);
-                //nudger  (ch); //  was used on cnc to nudge axes a tad
-            }
             if(ch != '\r')  //  was this the 'Enter' key?
                 cmd_line[cl_index++] = ch;  //  added char to command being assembled
             else    {   //  key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
+                param_block.target_unit = BROADCAST;    //  Broadcast
+                cmd_line_ptr = cmd_line;
                 cmd_line[cl_index] = 0; //  null terminate command string
                 if(cl_index)    {   //  If have got some chars to lookup
                     int i, wrdlen;
+                    if  (isdigit(cmd_line[0]))  {   //  Look for command with prefix digit
+                        cmd_line_ptr++;     //  point past identified digit prefix
+                        param_block.target_unit = cmd_line[0];  //  '0' to '9'
+                        //com->printf ("Got prefix %c\r\n", cmd_line[0]);
+                    }
                     for (i = 0; i < numof_menu_items; i++)   {   //  Look for input match in command list
                         wrdlen = strlen(command_list[i].cmd_word);
-                        if(strncmp(command_list[i].cmd_word, cmd_line, wrdlen) == 0 && !isalpha(cmd_line[wrdlen]))  {   //  If match found
+                        if(strncmp(command_list[i].cmd_word, cmd_line_ptr, wrdlen) == 0 && !isalpha(cmd_line_ptr[wrdlen]))  {   //  If match found
                             for (int k = 0; k < MAX_PARAMS; k++)    {
                                 param_block.dbl[k] = 0.0;
                             param_block.position_in_list = i;
                             param_block.last_time = clock    ();
                             param_block.numof_dbls = 0;
-                            pEnd = cmd_line + wrdlen;
+                            pEnd = cmd_line_ptr + wrdlen;
                             while   (*pEnd)  {          //  Assemble all numerics as doubles
                                 param_block.dbl[param_block.numof_dbls++] = strtod    (pEnd, &pEnd);
                                 while   (*pEnd && !isdigit(*pEnd) && '-' != *pEnd && '+' != *pEnd)  {   
-                            pc.printf   ("\r\n");
-                            for (int k = 0; k < param_block.numof_dbls; k++)
-                                pc.printf   ("Read %.3f\r\n", param_block.dbl[k]);
-                            param_block.times[i] = clock();
+                            //com->printf   ("\r\n");   //  Not allowed as many may output this.
+                            //for (int k = 0; k < param_block.numof_dbls; k++)
+                            //    com->printf   ("Read %.3f\r\n", param_block.dbl[k]);
+//                            param_block.times[i] = clock();
+                            if  ((param_block.target_unit == BROADCAST) && (I_Am() == '0'))
+                                param_block.respond = true;
                             command_list[i].f(param_block);   //  execute command
                             i = numof_menu_items + 1;    //  to exit for loop
                         }   //  end of match found
                     }       // End of for numof_menu_items
                     if(i == numof_menu_items)
-                        pc.printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmd_line);
+                        com->printf("No Match Found for CMD [%s]\r\n", cmd_line);
                 }           //  End of If have got some chars to lookup
-                pc.printf("\r\n>");
+                //com->printf("\r\n>");
                 cl_index = 0;
             }               // End of else key was CR, may or may not be command to lookup
-        }                   //  End of while (pc.readable())
+        }                   //  End of while (com->readable())
 //        Thread::wait(20);  //  Using RTOS on this project
 //    }
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Mar 10 10:11:07 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Mar 18 08:17:56 2018 +0000
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
 AVW =   AVH | AWL,
 AWV =   AWH | AVL,
 BUL = 1 << 0,
@@ -64,6 +67,9 @@
 BVW =   BVH | BWL,
 BWV =   BWH | BVL,
@@ -109,14 +115,14 @@
 //  Pin 34  Port_B BWH
 DigitalOut  T4        (PB_14);    //  Pin 35
 DigitalOut  T3        (PB_15);    //  Pin 36
-//  BufferedSerial xb pins 37 Tx, 38 Rx
-BufferedSerial  xb          (PC_6, PC_7);    //  Pins 37, 38  tx, rx to XBee module
+//  BufferedSerial com2 pins 37 Tx, 38 Rx
+BufferedSerial  com2          (PC_6, PC_7);    //  Pins 37, 38  tx, rx to XBee module
 FastPWM     A_MAX_V_PWM     (PC_8, 1),  //  Pin 39                  pwm3/3
             A_MAX_I_PWM     (PC_9, 1); //  pin 40, prescaler value  pwm3/4
 //InterruptIn MotB_Hall   (PA_8); //  Pin 41
 //  Pin 41  Port_A AWH
-//  BufferedSerial ser3 pins 42 Tx, 43 Rx
-BufferedSerial  ser3        (PA_9, PA_10);    //    Pins 42, 43  tx, rx to any aux module
+//  BufferedSerial com3 pins 42 Tx, 43 Rx
+BufferedSerial  com3        (PA_9, PA_10);    //    Pins 42, 43  tx, rx to any aux module
 //  Feb 2018 Pins 44 and 45 now liberated, could use for serial or other uses
 //BufferedSerial  extra_ser   (PA_11, PA_12);    //  Pins 44, 45  tx, rx to XBee module
@@ -167,15 +173,18 @@
 /*  End of Please Do Not Alter these */
 /*  Global variable declarations */
+volatile    uint32_t    fast_sys_timer      = 0;    //  gets incremented by our Ticker ISR every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US
 uint32_t    volt_reading        = 0,    //  Global updated by interrupt driven read of Battery Volts
             driverpot_reading   = 0,    //  Global updated by interrupt driven read of Drivers Pot
             sys_timer           = 0,    //  gets incremented by our Ticker ISR every MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US
-            fast_sys_timer      = 0,    //  gets incremented by our Ticker ISR every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US
             AtoD_Semaphore = 0;
 bool        loop_flag   = false;    //  made true in ISR_loop_timer, picked up and made false again in main programme loop
 bool        flag_8Hz    = false;    //  As loop_flag but repeats 8 times per sec
 bool        sounder_on  = false;
-double      test_pot = 0.0, test_amps = 0.0;    //  These used in knifeandfork code testing only
+double      angle = 0.0,    angle_step = 0.000005,  sinv, cosv;
+//double      test_pot = 0.0, test_amps = 0.0;    //  These used in knifeandfork code testing only
 /*  End of Global variable declarations */
 Ticker  tick_vread;     //  Device to cause periodic interrupts, used to time voltage readings etc
@@ -202,7 +211,7 @@
 *   AtoD_reader() called from convenient point in code to take readings outside of ISRs
-void    ISR_voltage_reader  ()      //  This is Ticker Interrupt Service Routine - few us between readings
+void    ISR_voltage_reader  ()      //  This is Ticker Interrupt Service Routine - few us between readings - VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50
     fast_sys_timer++;        //  Just a handy measure of elapsed time for anything to use
@@ -308,30 +317,63 @@
     5   1   3   2   6   4  SENSOR SEQUENCE
-1   1   1   1   0   0   0  ---___---___
-2   0   0   1   1   1   0  __---___---_
-4   1   0   0   0   1   1  -___---___--
+1   1   1   1   0   0   0  ---___---___ Hall1
+2   0   0   1   1   1   0  __---___---_ Hall2
+4   1   0   0   0   1   1  -___---___-- Hall3
-const   uint16_t    A_tabl[] = {
+const   uint16_t    A_tabl[] = {  //  Origial table
     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  //  Handbrake
     0,  AWV,AVU,AWU,AUW,AUV,AVW,  0,  //  Forward 0, WV1, VU1, WU1, UW1, UV1, VW1, 0,    //  JP, FR, SG, PWM = 1 0 1 1   Forward1
     0,  AVW,AUV,AUW,AWU,AVU,AWV,  0,  //  Reverse 0, VW1, UV1, UW1, WU1, VU1, WV1, 0,    //  JP, FR, SG, PWM = 1 1 0 1   Reverse1
+    0,  BRA,BRA,BRA,BRA,BRA,BRA,0,   //  Regenerative Braking
+    KEEP_L_MASK_A, KEEP_H_MASK_A,   //  [32 and 33]
+    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH1 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH1 & 0xffff),
+    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH2 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH2 & 0xffff),
+    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH3 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH3 & 0xffff)
+//    ((uint32_t)&MAH1),
+//    ((uint32_t)&MAH2),
+//    ((uint32_t)&MAH3)
+//    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH1 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MAH1 & 0xffff),
+}   ;
+const   uint32_t    A_t2[] = {
+    (uint32_t)&MAH1,
+    (uint32_t)&MAH2,
+    (uint32_t)&MAH3
+}   ;
+/*const   uint16_t    A_tabl[] = {    //  Table revised advancing magnetic pull angle - WORKS, but sucks more power for no apparent advantage
+    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  //  Handbrake
+    0,  AWU,AVW,AVU,AUV,AWV,AUW,  0,  //  Forward 0, WV1, VU1, WU1, UW1, UV1, VW1, 0,    //  JP, FR, SG, PWM = 1 0 1 1   Forward1
+    0,  AVU,AUW,AVW,AWV,AWU,AUV,  0,  //  Reverse 0, VW1, UV1, UW1, WU1, VU1, WV1, 0,    //  JP, FR, SG, PWM = 1 1 0 1   Reverse1
     0,  BRA,BRA,BRA,BRA,BRA,BRA,0   //  Regenerative Braking
-}   ;
+}   ;*/
 const   uint16_t    B_tabl[] = {
     0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  //  Handbrake
     0,  BWV,BVU,BWU,BUW,BUV,BVW,  0,  //  Forward 0, WV1, VU1, WU1, UW1, UV1, VW1, 0,    //  JP, FR, SG, PWM = 1 0 1 1   Forward1
     0,  BVW,BUV,BUW,BWU,BVU,BWV,  0,  //  Reverse 0, VW1, UV1, UW1, WU1, VU1, WV1, 0,    //  JP, FR, SG, PWM = 1 1 0 1   Reverse1
-    0,  BRB,BRB,BRB,BRB,BRB,BRB,0   //  Regenerative Braking
+    0,  BRB,BRB,BRB,BRB,BRB,BRB,0,   //  Regenerative Braking
+    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MBH1 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MBH1 & 0xffff),
+    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MBH2 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MBH2 & 0xffff),
+    (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MBH3 >> 16), (uint16_t)((uint32_t)&MBH3 & 0xffff)
+//    ((uint32_t)&MBH1),
+//    ((uint32_t)&MBH2),
+//    ((uint32_t)&MBH3)
+}   ;
+const   uint32_t    B_t2[] = {
+    (uint32_t)&MBH1,
+    (uint32_t)&MBH2,
+    (uint32_t)&MBH3
 }   ;
+//   void * vp[] = {(void*)MAH1, (void*)MAH2};
 class   motor
     uint32_t    Hall_total, mode, edge_count_table[MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz]; //  to contain one seconds worth
-    uint32_t    Hall_tab_ptr, latest_pulses_per_sec;
+    uint32_t    latest_pulses_per_sec, Hall_tab_ptr, direction, ppstmp;
+    bool    moving_flag;
     const   uint16_t * lut;
     FastPWM * maxV, * maxI;
     PortOut * Motor_Port;
@@ -340,39 +382,40 @@
     struct  currents    {
         uint32_t    max, min, ave;
     }  I;
+    int32_t     angle_cnt;
     uint32_t    current_samples[CURRENT_SAMPLES_AVERAGED];  //  Circular buffer where latest current readings get stored
-    uint32_t    Hindex;
-//    PinName     Hall1, Hall2, Hall3;
+    uint32_t    Hindex[2], tickleon, encoder_error_cnt;
     motor   ()  {}  ;   //  Default constructor
-    motor   (PortOut * , FastPWM * , FastPWM * , const uint16_t * , InterruptIn * H1, InterruptIn * H2, InterruptIn * H3)  ;
+    motor   (PortOut * , FastPWM * , FastPWM * , const uint16_t *, const uint32_t *)  ;
     void    set_V_limit (double)    ;  //  Sets max motor voltage
     void    set_I_limit (double)    ;  //  Sets max motor current
     void    Hall_change ()  ;           //  Called in response to edge on Hall input pin
-    bool    set_mode    (int);
-    void    current_calc    ()  ;
-    uint32_t    pulses_per_sec   ()  ;    //  call this once per main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
-    int     read_Halls  ()  ;
-    void    tickle  ()  ;
-}   ;   //MotorA, MotorB;
+    void    motor_set   ()  ;           //  Energise Port with data determined by Hall sensors
+    void    direction_set   (int)  ;    //  sets 'direction' with bit pattern to eor with FORWARD or REVERSE in set_mode
+    bool    set_mode    (int);          //  sets mode to HANDBRAKE, FORWARD, REVERSE or REGENBRAKE
+    bool    is_moving   ()  ;           //  Returns true if one or more Hall transitions within last 31.25 milli secs
+    void    current_calc    ()  ;       //  Updates 3 uint32_t I.min, I.ave, I.max
+    uint32_t    pulses_per_sec   ()  ;  //  call this once per main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
+    int     read_Halls  ()  ;           //  Returns 3 bits of latest Hall sensor outputs
+    void    high_side_off   ()  ;
+}   ;   //MotorA, MotorB, or even Motor[2];
-motor   MotorA  (&MotA, &A_MAX_V_PWM, &A_MAX_I_PWM, A_tabl, &MAH1, &MAH2, &MAH3);
-motor   MotorB  (&MotB, &B_MAX_V_PWM, &B_MAX_I_PWM, B_tabl, &MBH1, &MBH2, &MBH3);
+motor   MotorA  (&MotA, &A_MAX_V_PWM, &A_MAX_I_PWM, A_tabl, A_t2);
+motor   MotorB  (&MotB, &B_MAX_V_PWM, &B_MAX_I_PWM, B_tabl, B_t2);
-motor::motor    (PortOut * P , FastPWM * _maxV_ , FastPWM * _maxI_ , const uint16_t * lutptr, InterruptIn * H1, InterruptIn * H2, InterruptIn * H3)        //  Constructor
-    Hall1 =H1;
-    Hall2 =H2;
-    Hall3 =H3;
+motor * MotPtr[8];  //  Array of pointers to some number of motor objects
+motor::motor    (PortOut * P , FastPWM * _maxV_ , FastPWM * _maxI_ , const uint16_t * lutptr, const uint32_t * lut32ptr)        //  Constructor
+{   //  Constructor
     maxV = _maxV_;
     maxI = _maxI_;
-    Hall_total = mode = 0;  //  mode can be only 0, 8, 16 or 24, lut row select for Handbrake, Forward, Reverse, or Regen Braking
-    Hindex = 0;
-    Hall_tab_ptr = 0;
+    Hall_total = 0;  //  mode can be only 0, 8, 16 or 24, lut row select for Handbrake, Forward, Reverse, or Regen Braking
     latest_pulses_per_sec = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz; i++)
         edge_count_table[i] = 0;
     if  (lutptr != A_tabl && lutptr != B_tabl)
         pc.printf   ("Fatal in 'motor' constructor, Invalid lut address\r\n");
+    Hall_tab_ptr = 0;
     Motor_Port = P;
     pc.printf   ("In motor constructor, Motor port = %lx\r\n", P);
     maxV->period_ticks      (MAX_PWM_TICKS + 1);  //  around 18 kHz
@@ -383,7 +426,26 @@
 //        pc.printf   ("Fatal in 'motor' constructor, Invalid Port\r\n");
 //    else
 //        PortOut Motor_P (P, *mask);     //  PortA for motor A, PortB for motor B
+    mode    = REGENBRAKE;
     lut = lutptr;
+    Hindex[0] = Hindex[1]  = read_Halls    ();
+    ppstmp  = 0;
+    tickleon    = 0;
+    direction   = 0;
+    angle_cnt   = 0;        //  Incremented or decremented on each Hall event according to actual measured direction of travel
+    encoder_error_cnt = 0;  //  Incremented when Hall transition not recognised as either direction
+    Hall1 = (InterruptIn *)(((uint32_t)lut[34] << 16) | (uint32_t)lut[35]);
+    Hall2 = (InterruptIn *)(((uint32_t)lut[36] << 16) | (uint32_t)lut[37]);
+    Hall3 = (InterruptIn *)(((uint32_t)lut[38] << 16) | (uint32_t)lut[39]);
+//    Hall1 = (InterruptIn *)lut32ptr[0];
+//    Hall1 = (InterruptIn *)lut32ptr[1];
+//    Hall1 = (InterruptIn *)lut32ptr[2];
+void    motor::direction_set   (int dir)  {
+    if  (dir != 0)
+        dir = FORWARD | REVERSE;  //  bits used in eor
+    direction = dir;
 int     motor::read_Halls  ()  {
@@ -391,26 +453,13 @@
     if  (*Hall1 != 0)    x |= 1;
     if  (*Hall2 != 0)    x |= 2;
     if  (*Hall3 != 0)    x |= 4;
-    Hindex = x;
     return  x;
-//    return  Hindex;
-void    motor::tickle   ()  //  Attempt to get mosfet driver to drive high side fets
-    volatile int t;
-    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 20; cnt++)   {
-        *Motor_Port = 0;
-        t = fast_sys_timer;
-        int x = read_Halls  () | mode;
-        pc.printf   ("Ti");
-        *Motor_Port = lut[x];
-        pc.printf   ("%d\t", t);
-    }
-void    tickle  ()  {
-    MotorA.tickle   ();
+void    motor::high_side_off   ()  {
+    uint16_t    p = *Motor_Port;
+    p &= lut[32];   //  KEEP_L_MASK_A or B
+    *Motor_Port = p;
 void    motor::current_calc ()
@@ -457,123 +506,96 @@
     maxI->pulsewidth_ticks  (a);  //  PWM
-uint32_t    motor::pulses_per_sec   ()       //  call this once per main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
-    uint32_t    tmp = Hall_total;
-    latest_pulses_per_sec = tmp - edge_count_table[Hall_tab_ptr];
-    edge_count_table[Hall_tab_ptr] = tmp;
+uint32_t    motor::pulses_per_sec   ()       //  call this once per 'MAIN_LOOP_REPEAT_TIME_US= 31250' main loop pass to keep count = edges per sec
+{           //  Can also test for motor running or not here
+    if  (ppstmp == Hall_total)  {
+        moving_flag  = false;       //  Zero Hall transitions since previous call - motor not moving
+        tickleon    = 100;
+    }
+    else    {
+        moving_flag  = true;
+        ppstmp = Hall_total;
+    }
+    latest_pulses_per_sec = ppstmp - edge_count_table[Hall_tab_ptr];
+    edge_count_table[Hall_tab_ptr] = ppstmp;
     if  (Hall_tab_ptr >= MAIN_LOOP_ITERATION_Hz)
         Hall_tab_ptr = 0;
     return  latest_pulses_per_sec;
+bool    motor::is_moving ()
+    return  moving_flag;
 bool    motor::set_mode (int m)
     if  ((m != HANDBRAKE) && (m != FORWARD) && (m != REVERSE) && (m !=REGENBRAKE))  {
         pc.printf   ("Error in set_mode, invalid mode %d\r\n", m);
         return  false;
+    if  (m == FORWARD || m == REVERSE)
+        m ^= direction;
     mode = m;
     return  true;
 void    motor::Hall_change  ()
+    const   int32_t delta_theta_lut[] =     //  Looks up -1 for forward move detected, +1 for reverse move detected, 0 for error or unknown
+            {
+                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 0
+                0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 1
+                0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,-1, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 2
+                0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 3
+                0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 4
+                0,-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 5
+                0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 6
+                0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,     //  Previous Hindex was 7
+            }  ;
+    int32_t delta_theta = delta_theta_lut[(Hindex[1] << 3) | Hindex[0]];
+    if  (delta_theta == 0)
+        encoder_error_cnt++;
+    else
+        angle_cnt += delta_theta;
+    *Motor_Port = lut[mode | Hindex[0]];
-//    mode &= 0x038L; //  safety
-    *Motor_Port = lut[mode | Hindex];
+    Hindex[1] = Hindex[0];
-void    MAH1r    ()
-    MotorA.Hindex = 1;
-    if  (MAH2 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 2;
-    if  (MAH3 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorA.Hall_change  ();
-void    MAH1f    ()
-    MotorA.Hindex = 0;
-    if  (MAH2 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 2;
-    if  (MAH3 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorA.Hall_change  ();
-void    MAH2r    ()
+void    MAH_isr    ()
-    MotorA.Hindex = 2;
-    if  (MAH1 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MAH3 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorA.Hall_change  ();
-void    MAH2f    ()
-    MotorA.Hindex = 0;
-    if  (MAH1 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MAH3 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorA.Hall_change  ();
-void    MAH3r    ()
-    MotorA.Hindex = 4;
-    if  (MAH1 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MAH2 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 2;
-    MotorA.Hall_change  ();
-void    MAH3f    ()
-    MotorA.Hindex = 0;
-    if  (MAH1 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MAH2 != 0) MotorA.Hindex |= 2;
+    uint32_t x = 0;
+    MotorA.high_side_off    ();
+    T3 = !T3;
+    if  (MAH1 != 0) x |= 1;
+    if  (MAH2 != 0) x |= 2;
+    if  (MAH3 != 0) x |= 4;
+    MotorA.Hindex[0] = x;       //  New in [0], old in [1]
     MotorA.Hall_change  ();
-void    MBH1r    ()
-    MotorB.Hindex = 1;
-    if  (MBH2 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 2;
-    if  (MBH3 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorB.Hall_change  ();
-void    MBH1f    ()
-    MotorB.Hindex = 0;
-    if  (MBH2 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 2;
-    if  (MBH3 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorB.Hall_change  ();
-void    MBH2r    ()
+void    MBH_isr    ()
-    MotorB.Hindex = 2;
-    if  (MBH1 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MBH3 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorB.Hall_change  ();
-void    MBH2f    ()
-    MotorB.Hindex = 0;
-    if  (MBH1 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MBH3 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 4;
-    MotorB.Hall_change  ();
-void    MBH3r    ()
-    MotorB.Hindex = 4;
-    if  (MBH1 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MBH2 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 2;
-    MotorB.Hall_change  ();
-void    MBH3f    ()
-    MotorB.Hindex = 0;
-    if  (MBH1 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 1;
-    if  (MBH2 != 0) MotorB.Hindex |= 2;
+    uint32_t x = 0;
+    MotorB.high_side_off    ();
+    if  (MBH1 != 0) x |= 1;
+    if  (MBH2 != 0) x |= 2;
+    if  (MBH3 != 0) x |= 4;
+    MotorB.Hindex[0] = x;
     MotorB.Hall_change  ();
 //  End of Interrupt Service Routines
+void    motor::motor_set  ()
+    Hindex[0]  = read_Halls    ();
+    *Motor_Port = lut[mode | Hindex[0]];
 void    setVI   (double v, double i)  {
 //    void    set_V_limit (double)    ;  //  Sets max motor voltage
 //    void    set_I_limit (double)    ;  //  Sets max motor current
@@ -583,9 +605,38 @@
     MotorB.set_I_limit  (i);
-void    AtoD_reader ()
+void    sincostest  ()  {
+    sinv = sin(angle);  //  to set speed and direction of MotorA
+    cosv = cos(angle);  //  to set speed and direction of MotorB
+    angle += angle_step;
+    if  (angle > TWOPI)
+        angle -= TWOPI;
+    if  (sinv > 0.0)
+        MotorA.set_mode (FORWARD);
+    else    {
+        MotorA.set_mode (REVERSE);
+        sinv = -sinv;
+    }
+    MotorA.set_V_limit  (0.01 + (sinv / 8.0));
+    if  (cosv > 0.0)
+        MotorB.set_mode (FORWARD);
+    else    {
+        MotorB.set_mode (REVERSE);
+        cosv = -cosv;
+    }
+    MotorB.set_V_limit  (0.01 + (cosv / 8.0));
+void    AtoD_reader ()  //  Call to here every VOLTAGE_READ_INTERVAL_US    = 50 once loop responds to flag set in isr
     static uint32_t i = 0, tab_ptr = 0;
+    sincostest  ();
+    if  (MotorA.tickleon)
+        MotorA.high_side_off    ();
+    if  (MotorB.tickleon)
+        MotorB.high_side_off    ();
     if  (AtoD_Semaphore > 20)   {
         pc.printf   ("WARNING - silly semaphore count %d, limiting to sensible\r\n", AtoD_Semaphore);
         AtoD_Semaphore = 20;
@@ -614,6 +665,14 @@
         i++;    //  prepare to read the next input in response to the next interrupt
         if  (i > 3)
             i = 0;
+    }   //  end of while (AtoD_Semaphore > 0)    {
+    if  (MotorA.tickleon)   {
+        MotorA.tickleon--;
+        MotorA.motor_set    ();
+    }
+    if  (MotorB.tickleon)   {
+        MotorB.tickleon--;
+        MotorB.motor_set    ();
@@ -651,6 +710,23 @@
 extern  bool    wr_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * source, int length)   ;
 extern  bool    rd_24LC64  (int mem_start_addr, char * dest, int length)   ;
+struct  motorpairoptions    {   //  This to be user settable in eeprom, 32 bytes
+    uint8_t MotA_dir,   //  0 or 1
+            MotB_dir,   //  0 or 1
+            gang,       //  0 for separate control (robot mode), 1 for ganged loco bogie mode
+            serv1,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
+            serv2,      //  0, 1, 2 = Not used, Input, Output
+            cmd_source, //  0 Invalid, 1 COM1, 2 COM2, 3 Pot, 4 Servo1, 5 Servo2
+            last;
+}   ;
+int I_Am    ()  {   //  Returns boards id number as ASCII char
+    int i = J3;
+    if  (i != 0)
+        i = 1;
+    return  i | '0';
 int main()
     int j = 0;
@@ -658,20 +734,30 @@
     MotA   = 0;     //  Motor drive ports A and B
     MotB   = 0;
+    MotPtr[0] = &MotorA;
+    MotPtr[1] = &MotorB;
+    MAH1.rise   (& MAH_isr);
+    MAH1.fall   (& MAH_isr);
+    MAH2.rise   (& MAH_isr);
+    MAH2.fall   (& MAH_isr);
+    MAH3.rise   (& MAH_isr);
+    MAH3.fall   (& MAH_isr);
+    MBH1.rise   (& MBH_isr);
+    MBH1.fall   (& MBH_isr);
+    MBH2.rise   (& MBH_isr);
+    MBH2.fall   (& MBH_isr);
+    MBH3.rise   (& MBH_isr);
+    MBH3.fall   (& MBH_isr);
     MAH1.rise   (& MAH1r);
     MAH1.fall   (& MAH1f);
     MAH2.rise   (& MAH2r);
     MAH2.fall   (& MAH2f);
     MAH3.rise   (& MAH3r);
     MAH3.fall   (& MAH3f);
-    MBH1.rise   (& MBH1r);
-    MBH1.fall   (& MBH1f);
-    MBH2.rise   (& MBH2r);
-    MBH2.fall   (& MBH2f);
-    MBH3.rise   (& MBH3r);
-    MBH3.fall   (& MBH3f);
     MAH1.mode   (PullUp);
     MAH2.mode   (PullUp);
     MAH3.mode   (PullUp);
@@ -687,6 +773,10 @@
     const int TXTBUFSIZ = 36;
     char    buff[TXTBUFSIZ];
     bool    eerom_detected = false;
+    pc.baud     (9600);
+    com3.baud   (9600);
+    com2.baud   (9600);
     pc.printf   ("RAM test - ");
     if  (check_24LC64() != 0xa0)  //  searches for i2c devices, returns address of highest found
         pc.printf   ("Check for 24LC64 eeprom FAILED\r\n");
@@ -708,6 +798,7 @@
     T4 = 0;
     T5 = 0;
     T6 = 0;
+//    MotPtr[0]->set_mode (REGENBRAKE);
     MotorA.set_mode (REGENBRAKE);
     MotorB.set_mode (REGENBRAKE);
 //    MotorA.set_mode (FORWARD);
@@ -718,6 +809,26 @@
     MotorB.set_I_limit  (0.5);
     //  Setup Complete ! Can now start main control forever loop.
+    //  March 16th 2018 thoughts !!!
+    //  Control from one of several sources and types as selected in options bytes in eeprom.
+    //  Control could be from e.g. Pot, Com2, Servos etc.
+    //  Suggest e.g.
+    /*
+    switch  (mode_byte) {   //  executed once only upon startup
+        case    POT:
+            while   (1) {   //  forever loop
+                call    common_stuff    ();
+                ...
+            }
+            break;
+        case    COM2:
+            while   (1) {   //  forever loop
+                call    common_stuff    ();
+                ...
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    */
     while   (1) {      //  Loop forever, repeats synchroised by waiting for ticker Interrupt Service Routine to set 'loop_flag' true
         while   (!loop_flag)  {         //  Most of the time is spent in this loop, repeatedly re-checking for commands from pc port
@@ -727,22 +838,20 @@
         loop_flag = false;              //  Clear flag set by ticker interrupt handler
         Apps    = MotorA.pulses_per_sec   ();   //  Needed to keep table updated to give reading in Hall transitions per second
         Bpps    = MotorB.pulses_per_sec   ();
+        T4 = !T4;   //  toggle to hang scope on to verify loop execution
         //  do stuff
         if  (flag_8Hz)  {   //  do slower stuff
             flag_8Hz    = false;
- //           LED = !LED;                   // Toggle LED on board, should be seen to fast flash
+            LED = !LED;                   // Toggle LED on board, should be seen to fast flash
             if  (j > 6)    {   //  Send some status info out of serial port every second and a bit or thereabouts
                 j = 0;
-            LED = !LED;                   // Toggle LED on board, should be seen to fast flash
             MotorA.current_calc ();
             MotorB.current_calc ();
-//            pc.printf   ("Hello\r\n");
-//            uint8_t stat;
-//                pc.printf   ("Arpm %d, Brpm %d, sys_timer %d, HA %d, HB %d\r\n", (Apps * 60) / 24, (Bpps * 60) / 24, sys_timer, MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  ());
-//                pc.printf   ("Apps %d, Bpps %d, sys_timer %d, HA %d, HB %d\r\n", Apps, Bpps, sys_timer, MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  ());
-                pc.printf   ("V=%+.2f, Pot=%+.2f, HA %d, HB %d, IA %d, IB %d, Arpm %d, Brpm %d\r\n", Read_BatteryVolts(), Read_DriverPot(), MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  (), MotorA.I.ave, MotorB.I.ave, (Apps * 60) / 24, (Bpps * 60) / 24);
+//                pc.printf   ("V=%+.2f, Pot=%+.2f, HA %d, HB %d, IA %d, IB %d, Arpm %d, Brpm %d\r\n", Read_BatteryVolts(), Read_DriverPot(), MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  (), MotorA.I.ave, MotorB.I.ave, (Apps * 60) / 24, (Bpps * 60) / 24);
+                //pc.printf   ("V=%+.2f, Pot=%+.2f, HA %d, HB %d, IAmin %d, IAave %d, IAmax %d, IB %d, Arpm %d, Brpm %d\r\n", Read_BatteryVolts(), Read_DriverPot(), MotorA.read_Halls  (), MotorB.read_Halls  (), MotorA.I.min, MotorA.I.ave, MotorA.I.max, MotorB.I.ave, (Apps * 60) / 24, (Bpps * 60) / 24);
+                pc.printf   ("\tAangle_cnt %d\tAencoder_error_cnt %d", MotorA.angle_cnt, MotorA.encoder_error_cnt);
+                pc.printf   ("\tBangle_cnt %d\tBencoder_error_cnt %d, J3 %d\r\n", MotorB.angle_cnt, MotorB.encoder_error_cnt, J3 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
         }   //  End of if(flag_8Hz)
     }       //  End of main programme loop