Example program showing how to use the mbedNet library with UDP sockets. This demo broadcasts a message each second with a counter value incrementing at every call while the application loop displays the datagrams received on the same socket.

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sat Jun 18 08:34:29 2011 +0000
Commit message:
Added static ARP entry for global broadcast address (

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbedNet.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Jun 14 05:08:11 2011 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jun 18 08:34:29 2011 +0000
@@ -7,99 +7,146 @@
 #include <Debug.h>
-#define	NET_TIMER_PERIOD		1
-#define	BUFFER_LEN				64
+#define NET_TIMER_PERIOD        1
+#define BUFFER_LEN              64
-Serial 				pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
-Ticker 				netTicker, echoTicker;
-Ethernet_Addr_t		myMAC = {0x00, 0x10, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x18, 0x7f};
-IPv4_Addr_t			ip = {192, 168, 0, 2},
-					netmask = {255, 255, 255, 0},
-					gateway = {192, 168, 0, 1},
-					broadcast = {192, 168, 0, 255};
-NetIF_t				*mbedNetIF;
-Socket_t			udpSocket;
-Socket_AddrIn_t		localAddress, senderAddress, broadcastAddress;
+Serial              pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+Ticker              netTicker, echoTicker;
+Ethernet_Addr_t     myMAC =			{0x00, 0x10, 0x33, 0x2e, 0x18, 0x7f};
+IPv4_Addr_t         ip = 			{192, 168, 0, 2},
+                    netmask = 		{255, 255, 255, 0},
+                    gateway = 		{192, 168, 0, 1},
+                    broadcastNet =	{192, 168, 0, 255},
+                    broadcastAll =	{255, 255, 255, 255};
+NetIF_t             *mbedNetIF;
+Socket_t            udpSocket;
+Socket_AddrIn_t     localAddress, senderAddress, broadcastAddress;
 void NetTicker(void)
-	NetIF_ProcessTimers(NET_TIMER_PERIOD);
+    NetIF_ProcessTimers(NET_TIMER_PERIOD);
 void EchoTicker(void)
-	char 			buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
-	static int32_t	counter = 0;
-	sprintf(buffer, "counter = %d\n", counter++);
-	Sockets_SendTo(udpSocket, (uint8_t *)buffer, strlen(buffer), 0, (Socket_Addr_t *)&broadcastAddress, broadcastAddress.len);
+    char            buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+    static int32_t  counter = 0;
+    sprintf(buffer, "counter = %d\n", counter++);
+    Sockets_SendTo(udpSocket, (uint8_t *)buffer, strlen(buffer), 0, (Socket_Addr_t *)&broadcastAddress, broadcastAddress.len);
+void DisplayHelp(void)
+	printf("\r\nCommands:\r\n");
+	printf("  d:   display ARP cache\r\n");
+	printf("  f:   flush ARP cache\r\n");
+	printf("  g:   send ARP request for gateway\r\n");
+	printf("  h:   display these short help lines\r\n");
+	printf("\r\n");
 int main() 
-	int32_t		byteCount, senderAddressLength;
-	char		buffer[BUFFER_LEN];
+    int32_t     byteCount, senderAddressLength;
+    char        buffer[BUFFER_LEN], c;
+    // serial output speed to 115200 baud
+    pc.baud(115200);
+	setbuf(stdout, NULL);
-	// serial output speed to 115200 baud
-	pc.baud(115200);
-	// Clears screen and display a welcome message
-	printf("%cStarting!\r\n", 12);
+    // Clears screen and display a welcome message
+    printf("%cStarting!\r\n", 12);
+    // Set debug levels to have the NetIF networking layer display the interface status
+    mbedNetIF = NetIF_RegisterInterface(&ip, &netmask, &gateway, &mbedNetIF_Driver, (void *)&myMAC);    // Registers the ethernet drivers as a network interface
-	// Set debug levels to have the NetIF networking layer display the interface status
-	mbedNetIF = NetIF_RegisterInterface(&ip, &netmask, &gateway, &mbedNetIF_Driver, (void *)&myMAC);	// Registers the ethernet drivers as a network interface
-	ethernet.RegisterProtocol(&arp);					// We need ARP over ethernet to resolve IP addresses with MAC addresses
-	ethernet.RegisterProtocol(&ipv4);					// We need IPv4 (over ethernet) of course
-	ipv4.RegisterProtocol(&icmpv4);						// Then ICMPv4 over IPv4 to answer ping requests
-	ipv4.RegisterProtocol(&udpv4);						// Next let's register UDPv4 over IPv4
-	udpv4.RegisterAPI(&sockets);						// Finally let's register the Sockets API (it is available for UDP at the moment)
-	ARP_AddStaticEntry(mbedNetIF, broadcast, &ethernet_Addr_Broadcast);	// We add a static entry to the broadcast address to the ARP cache
-	netTicker.attach(&NetTicker, NET_TIMER_PERIOD);		// A 1 second periodic timer to process network house keeping routines (like expiration in the ARP cache, timeouts for TCP in the future, ...)
+    ethernet.RegisterProtocol(&arp);                    // We need ARP over ethernet to resolve IP addresses with MAC addresses
+    ethernet.RegisterProtocol(&ipv4);                   // We need IPv4 (over ethernet) of course
+    ipv4.RegisterProtocol(&icmpv4);                     // Then ICMPv4 over IPv4 to answer ping requests
+    ipv4.RegisterProtocol(&udpv4);                      // Next let's register UDPv4 over IPv4
+    udpv4.RegisterAPI(&sockets);                        // Finally let's register the Sockets API (it is available for UDP at the moment)
+    ARP_AddStaticEntry(mbedNetIF, broadcastNet, &ethernet_Addr_Broadcast); // We add a static entry to the local network broadcast address to the ARP cache
+    ARP_AddStaticEntry(mbedNetIF, broadcastAll, &ethernet_Addr_Broadcast); // We add a static entry to the GLOBAL broadcast address to the ARP cache
+    netTicker.attach(&NetTicker, NET_TIMER_PERIOD);     // A 1 second periodic timer to process network house keeping routines (like expiration in the ARP cache, timeouts for TCP in the future, ...)
+    NetIF_Up(mbedNetIF);                                // Finally we bring the network interface up
+    udpSocket = Sockets_Open(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);   // Create an UDP socket
-	ARP_DisplayCache();									// Display the ARP cache contents		
-    NetIF_Up(mbedNetIF);								// Finally we bring the network interface up
-	udpSocket = Sockets_Open(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);	// Create an UDP socket
+    localAddress.family = AF_INET;
+    localAddress.len = sizeof(Socket_AddrIn_t);
+    localAddress.port = htons(12345);
+    localAddress.address = ipv4_Addr_Any;
+    broadcastAddress.family = AF_INET;
+    broadcastAddress.len = sizeof(Socket_AddrIn_t);
+    broadcastAddress.port = htons(54321);
+    broadcastAddress.address = broadcastNet;
+    Sockets_Bind(udpSocket, (Socket_Addr_t *)&localAddress, localAddress.len);  // We bind the socket to port 12345 and any local IP address
+    echoTicker.attach(&EchoTicker, 2);                  // Every two seconds, broadcast an UDP message to port 54321
+    // Then do whatever you need for your application. here we simply check if we have received a datagram from the udpSocket and display its informations
+    senderAddressLength = sizeof(Socket_AddrIn_t);
-	localAddress.family = AF_INET;
-	localAddress.len = sizeof(Socket_AddrIn_t);
-	localAddress.port = htons(12345);
-	localAddress.address = ipv4_Addr_Any;
+	DisplayHelp();
+	printf(">");
-	broadcastAddress.family = AF_INET;
-	broadcastAddress.len = sizeof(Socket_AddrIn_t);
-	broadcastAddress.port = htons(54321);
-	broadcastAddress.address = broadcast;
-	Sockets_Bind(udpSocket, (Socket_Addr_t *)&localAddress, localAddress.len);	// We bind the socket to port 12345 and any local IP address
-	echoTicker.attach(&EchoTicker, 2);					// Every two seconds, broadcast an UDP message to port 54321
+    while(true)
+    {
+        byteCount = Sockets_RecvFrom(udpSocket, (uint8_t *)buffer, BUFFER_LEN, 0, (Socket_Addr_t *)&senderAddress, &senderAddressLength);
+        if (byteCount > 0)
+        {
+            buffer[byteCount] = '\0';
+            printf("We have received '%s' (%d bytes) from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\r\n",
+                buffer,
+                byteCount,
+                senderAddress.address.IP0,
+                senderAddress.address.IP1,
+                senderAddress.address.IP2,
+                senderAddress.address.IP3,
+                ntohs(senderAddress.port)
+                );
+        }
+		if (pc.readable())
+		{
+			c = pc.getc();
+			printf("%c", c);
+			switch(c)
+			{
+				case 'd':
+					ARP_DisplayCache();
+					printf("\r\n>");
+					break;
-	// Then do whatever you need for your application. here we simply check if we have received a datagram from the udpSocket and display its informations
-	senderAddressLength = sizeof(Socket_AddrIn_t);
-	while(true)
-	{
-		byteCount = Sockets_RecvFrom(udpSocket, (uint8_t *)buffer, BUFFER_LEN, 0, (Socket_Addr_t *)&senderAddress, &senderAddressLength);
-		if (byteCount > 0)
-		{
-			buffer[byteCount] = '\0';
-			printf("We have received '%s' (%d bytes) from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\r\n",
-				buffer,
-				byteCount,
-				senderAddress.address.IP0,
-				senderAddress.address.IP1,
-				senderAddress.address.IP2,
-				senderAddress.address.IP3,
-				ntohs(senderAddress.port)
-				);
+				case 'f':
+					ARP_FlushCache(False);
+					printf("\r\n>");
+					break;
+				case 'g':
+					ARP_ResolveIPv4Address(mbedNetIF, gateway, NULL);
+					printf("\r\n>");
+					break;
+				case 'h':
+					DisplayHelp();
+					printf("\r\n>");
+					break;
+			}
--- a/mbedNet.lib	Tue Jun 14 05:08:11 2011 +0000
+++ b/mbedNet.lib	Sat Jun 18 08:34:29 2011 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@