Mbed OS and Pelion Device Management example over WIFI for DISCO_L475VG_IOT01 board


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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
HTS221_DriverVersion_stDriver Version Info structure definition
HTS221_Init_stHTS221 Init structure definition
HTS221SensorAbstract class of an HTS221 Humidity and Temperature sensor
LIS3MDLClass representing a LIS3MDL sensor component
LPS22HB_ConfigTypeDef_stLPS22HB Configuration structure definition
LPS22HB_DataStatus_stLPS22HB Pressure and Temperature data status
LPS22HB_driverVersion_stLPS22HB Driver Version Info structure definition
LPS22HB_FifoStatus_stLPS22HB Fifo Satus
LPS22HB_FIFOTypeDef_stLPS22HB FIFO structure definition
LPS22HB_InterruptDiffStatus_stLPS22HB Interrupt Differential Status
LPS22HB_InterruptTypeDef_stLPS22HB Interrupt structure definition
LPS22HB_MeasureTypeDef_stLPS22HB Measure Type definition
LPS22HBSensorAbstract class of an LPS22HB Pressure sensor
LSM6DSLSensorAbstract class of an LSM6DSL Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 6 axes sensor
MAGNETO_DrvExtTypeDefMAGNETO driver extended structure definition
MAGNETO_DrvTypeDefMAGNETO driver structure definition
MAGNETO_InitTypeDefMAGNETO init structure definition
QSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus
Stmpe1600Class representing a whole stmpe1600 component (16 gpio)
Stmpe1600DigiInClass representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander input pin
Stmpe1600DigiOutClass representing a single stmpe1600 GPIO expander output pin
VL53L0XClass representing a VL53L0 sensor component
VL53L0X_Dev_tGeneric PAL device type that does link between API and platform abstraction layer
VL53L0X_DevData_tVL53L0X PAL device ST private data structure
End user should never access any of these field directly
VL53L0X_DeviceInfo_tDefines the parameters of the Get Device Info Functions
VL53L0X_DeviceParameters_tDefines all parameters for the device
VL53L0X_DMaxData_tStructure containing the Dmax computation parameters and data
VL53L0X_HistogramData_tHistogram measurement data
VL53L0X_RangeData_tRange measurement data
VL53L0X_SpadData_tSpad Configuration Data
VL53L0X_Version_tDefines the parameters of the Get Version Functions