AT&T M2X example featuring FRDM-K64F and Seed Grove Wifi to stream the Accelerometer X, Y, Z-axis values

Dependencies:   ESP8266Interface FXOS8700Q M2XStreamClient jsonlite mbed

Fork of frdm-k64F_Wifi_M2X_Acc by NXP

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API Documentation at this revision

Mon Oct 17 21:07:48 2016 +0000
Commit message:
AT&T M2X example featuring FRDM-K64F and Seed Grove Wifi to stream the Accelerometer X, Y, Z-axis values

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Dec 11 00:25:01 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 17 21:07:48 2016 +0000
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
 #define min(a,b) ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
-char deviceId[] = "<device id>"; // Device you want to push to
-char streamName[] = "<stream name>"; // Stream you want to push to
-char m2xKey[] = "<m2x api key>"; // Your M2X API Key or Master API Key
+char deviceId[] = "<deviceId>"; // Device you want to push to
+char streamName[] = "<streamName>"; // Stream you want to push to
+char m2xKey[] = "<m2xKey>"; // Your M2X API Key or Master API Key
 *  ESP8266 Wifi Config, connect it to D0 on Seeed Grove shield
-ESP8266Interface wifi(D1,D0,D3,"wifi-name","wifi-password",115200); // TX,RX,Reset,SSID,Password,Baud 
+ESP8266Interface wifi(D1,D0,D3,"iPhone6S","12051978",115200); // TX,RX,Reset,SSID,Password,Baud 
 int main()
@@ -50,18 +50,11 @@
         printf("Accel X: %1.2f, Y: %1.2f, Z: %1.2f\n\r", x, y, z);
-        // Calculate pitch and roll. Find the maximum tilt angle.
-        float pitch = atan(x / sqrt(y * y + z * z));
-        float roll = atan(y / sqrt(x * x + z * z));
-        float maxTilt =
-            max(abs(roll), abs(pitch)) * 180.0 / 3.14159;
-        printf("pitch: %5.1f roll: %5.1f maxTilt: %5.1f\n\r",
-               pitch, roll, maxTilt);
-        // If the maximum title is over 20 degrees, then send
-        // data to stream
+        // Send data to stream
-            ret = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, streamName, maxTilt);
+            ret = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, streamName, x);
+            ret = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, streamName, y);
+            ret = m2xClient.updateStreamValue(deviceId, streamName, z);
             printf("send() returned %d\r\n", ret);