This is a team of people who are creating demos for ARM MBED events. These programs will have been used in hands on labs, hack-a-thons and other event demonstrations.

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RedHat Summit 2014 Wiki

More to come soon! Watch this space! Can't wait!

mbed NXP1768 + App Board project


NanoService Cloud Server

Cloud server for use in development, and possibly at the workshop and ARM booth demo itself.

http://red-hat-summit.cloudapp.net:8083/ - Web Application Login (demo, demo)

http://red-hat-summit.cloudapp.net:8080 -  NSP REST API

coap:red-hat-summit.cloudapp.net -  Device Interface

JBoss GitHub Project

The sample code for the JBoss project can be found here: https://github.com/starksm64/DevNation2014. The descriptions are still a work in progress, but the starting point is the README

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