11 years, 1 month ago.

fputc definition

I intend to do a port of some of the mbed library to another device so that I can reuse some libraries that I've written for mbed. The two libraries that are of most interest are SPI and Serial.

I can understand all of the workings of the SPI library and believe I can implement it on the other device. I'm struggling however with the Serial library. In the Stream library which Serial inherits from, the putc member function calls std::fputc

int Stream::putc(int c) {
    return std::fputc(c, _file);

Somehow fputc calls the Serial::_putc member function, but I can't find a definition of fputc anywhere in the mbed library. Please could someone tell me where the c code for fputc is or how the Serial::_putc method is called from it?

Thanks, Tim

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2 Answers

11 years, 1 month ago.

fputc is part of the C standard library.

You can find its documentation here.

As an example, you can find the newlib implementation here.

HTH, Emilio

Accepted Answer
Tim Barry
11 years, 1 month ago.

Thanks Emilio