5 years, 1 month ago.

Using ARM6 and mbed-cli

Can ARM6 be used with MBED-CLI?

I followed the instructions here https://os.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os/v5.12/tools/after-installation-configuring-mbed-cli.html for using ARM6 with MBED-CLI (setting environment variables ARM6C_PATH and ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE).

I get:

Compile [ 0.1%]: except.S [Error] @0,0: A9940E: This variant of Arm Compiler is licensed only for use with Mbed Studio [ERROR] Error: A9940E: This variant of Arm Compiler is licensed only for use with Mbed Studio Product: ARM Compiler 6.11 for Mbed Studio Component: ARM Compiler 6.11

Hi Evan, please look at https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/pull/10539/files

posted by Daniel Lee 08 May 2019

1 Answer

5 years, 1 month ago.

Here is patch https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/pull/10539

Accepted Answer

That works, thanks!

posted by Evan Davey 09 May 2019