5 years, 1 month ago.

Loading .bin file from MCUxpresso

Is it possible to load a bin file onto an LPC1769 with MCUxpresso?

1 Answer

5 years, 1 month ago.

Yes it is, and works well.

Generate your bin file on Mbed and save to your PC. Try a Blinky program and set led to P0_22 which is the LPC1769 boards only LED.

Connect your LPCXpresso board and start MCUxpresso.

Select 'GUI Flash Tool' icon on the tool bar, should be defaulted to MCUXpresso IDE LinkServer and indicated 'connected'. You may need a project loaded if the icon is grey'd out, any project will do.

'Probe Options' should be defaulted correctly.

'Target Operations' -> File to program, click File System and select '*.bin' in File Name section, then navigate to your saved Mbed BIN file. Open the file and click 'Run...' using the default settings, Base address is 0x0.

You'll see another 'Probes discovered' dialogue box , if you are connected to the board then you will see your LPC-Link Probe version, click 'OK', you should then in a few seconds you will see an 'operation completed' notice. The board will flash and run your program. The console will show you the whole process in detail.

I'm using the older LPCXpresso board.