5 years, 2 months ago.

tft display


i bought a mcu NUCLEO-F446RE and i need to control a step-Motor with a tft Display with HMI (GUI) in this way ( tft->mcu->Step-Motor) .

the Problem is, that i don´t know which tft-Display i can use, which has GUI-Editor, without i need to program GUI (like Button and Slider) and with serial interface.

Ps: like Nextion, but i don´t want to use Nextion

if you have any Idea i will be very thankful. Thank you

2 Answers

5 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Yassine,

I have personally only used one touch-controller-library for the RA8875 based Displays, which I authored. It does not have any native widget-like features as you want. With the primitives this library offers, I have built onscreen keyboards and buttons, and can respond to touch-n-drag, but I have not wrapped my equivalent objects in a reusable library.

So, I went to the mbed search, but I only found the following, for the FT800 touch display.

5 years, 2 months ago.

That Nextion option looks the fastest way to get the result you want or 4DSystem displays, but the Nextion does look really good for this type of application.

Here's a 4DSystems display I used for a radio project a while ago. All the graphics are handled by the display MCU only requiring slow serial commands. These are only basic buttons and graphics, you can load other graphics onto the SC card build onto the display.


If you want fancy GUI display, use a display with built in icons and graphics and then your MCU is free'd up to do other tasks. The MCU overhead would be too high depending on resolution and bitmap size.