5 years, 2 months ago.

[ERROR] armclang: error: System clock tampering detected. License checkout will fail.

Can't pass build, i'm using the bundled tools, i assume ARM compile 6 is included

More logs:

[ERROR] armclang: error: System clock tampering detected. License checkout will fail. armclang: error: Failed to check out a license. armclang: note: Information about this error is available at: http://ds.arm.com/support/lic56/m1004 General licensing information is available at: http://ds.arm.com/support/licensing/ If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or license.support@arm.com. - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: 'C:\MbedStudio\tools\ac6-license.dat' - LM_LICENSE_FILE: unset - ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: unset - ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: unset - Product location: C:\MbedStudio\tools\ac6\sw\mappings - Toolchain location: C:\MbedStudio\tools\ac6\bin - Selected tool variant: product armclang: note: - Checkout feature: mbed_armcompiler - Feature version: 5.0201810 - Flex error code: -1004 Product: ARM Compiler 6.11 for Mbed Studio Component: ARM Compiler 6.11 Tool: armclang [5d3b3c00] armclang: error: ARM Compiler does not support '-mcpu=cortex-m0plus'

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1 Answer

5 years, 2 months ago.

Hi Neo,

You are correct - Arm Compiler 6 is bundled with Mbed Studio and it can be used without an external license (which is normally required). However, there is still a licensing check running and part of that check is to confirm that the host's system time hasn't been altered. Is your system time correct? If so, do you have any "future files" on your system (where the time/date stamp is ahead of system time)? If so, you'll need to remove these to satisfy the license check.


Ralph, Team Mbed

Thank you. My system time is correct and I do not see any 'future file'.

posted by neo xiong 14 Mar 2019

Please email license.support@arm.com and describe your problem. They used to maintain a utility to discover the offending files, but we don't know if it's still available.

posted by Ralph Fulchiero 14 Mar 2019