5 years, 4 months ago.

I wand to Programm on C, what i have to do ?

I write code on C (with libraries) and after compiling it's don't work ( What i have to do ?

Nucleo stm32f429 ZI (ST board)

1 Answer

5 years, 4 months ago.

Did you download the program to the board?

In using the online compiler then if the code compiles without any errors you should automatically download a .bin file.

Connect the board to your PC using USB and it should show up as a USB drive. Copy the .bin file to that drive. The board should reboot running your code.

OK, after compiling, i've put BIN to my board, but program don't work

posted by Pavel Shishkov 16 Jan 2019

Then fix the errors in the program.

posted by Andy A 17 Jan 2019