5 years, 5 months ago.

New account, email verified, but can not open compiler page


New account, email verified, use Windows 7 and Chrome, try to open compiler page to build own program, have a device EV-COG-AD4050LZ.

I got error message "There has been an error openinig your workspace. Please try again later or contact support@mbed.com". Not sure if it is just my account, or problem for everyone. I tried a couple of times after waiting and problem still there.

Thanks, J.S.

I met the same problem. Have you solved it now?

posted by Kit Kor 01 Jan 2019

1 Answer

5 years, 5 months ago.

Hi Jianping,

Could you try it https://ide.mbed.com/compiler/ again? Online compiler is working well with my environment, which is Windows 10 and Chrome.

Or you could use the button "Open Mbed Compiler" in this page https://os.mbed.com/platforms/EV-COG-AD4050LZ/.

If you still have the same issue, please just email support@mbed.com.

Thanks, - Desmond, team Mbed