5 years, 7 months ago.

RTOS Library with DISCO_L475VG

HI, I added the RTOS library to the mbed online compiler and it's throws an error "No target define" when compiling. Does the RTOS doesn't support stm32l475vg board? If not, is there any way to use event interrupt on this board?

1 Answer

5 years, 7 months ago.

Probably you are using mbed OS2. The RTOS library is actaully included in mbed OS5 and the Disco IoT board supports mbed OS5. Maybe you want to switch to OS5. You can delete the mbed library and import mbed-os (OS 5) from https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os using the "import from URL" function and import it as a library.

Accepted Answer

I tried it, but I can't build it on my local machine. Only in the cloud compiler

EDIT I solved it by compiling it with mbed-cli

Thank you for the answer

posted by Shaked Eyal 20 Oct 2018