5 years, 8 months ago.

HEX file generation

Dear Sirs, good morning.

I am planning to use the MBED 1768 board (OM11043) on some products. My doubt: is it possible to generate the HEX file (after and by means MBED IDE compilation) in my company and send it to may clientes in order to update the devices already running on the field ... cause they need to be updated? In this case, my clients will have a tool, such as FLASHMAGIC, and will use it to download the FW to the devices. So, my goal is to send the proper HEX file that, once loaded into the devices, they will run properly ... like the "file" was been generated under MBED IDE ... Is this possible?

I was talking to the ARM guys at mbed connect and they mentioned the DIPDAP controller that you can use to push mbed projects to a custom board. https://os.mbed.com/platforms/DIPDAP-LPC11U35/ (and another version linked from that page. Might be useful. I just ordered one.

posted by Dan Allen 18 Oct 2018

1 Answer

5 years, 8 months ago.

Hello Xavier,

The GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain includes a bin to hex file converter utility called arm-none-eabi-objcopy. I have used it for a home made LPC1768 board.

Accepted Answer

Hi Zoltan! Thanx for your reply. In fact I don´t know what kind of file extension (type) MBED IDE exports when it compiles a program. Maybe HEX, maybe BIN ... I´m new at MBED IDE ... Studying before make any product. I use KEIL and IAR but the "on-line compilation" sounds very very interesting. I will learn a bit more about MBED and use your tip!

posted by XAVIER ALBORNOZ 12 Oct 2018

By the way, congrats for your HomeMadeBoard! You answered my next question: MBED IDE just works with mBED boards? Reading your link, I realized that you just need to build your own board with the basic HW interface but ... what about the "primary FIRMWARE"?!?!? How "to prepare" a board like yours, in terms of FW, to properly "talks to" MBED IDE ?!?!?! If possible, I appreciate your help once more. Regards, Xavier

posted by XAVIER ALBORNOZ 12 Oct 2018