5 years, 8 months ago.

Arduino to Mbed SPI program code

Hi, I'am very new on Mbed. I would like to convert this arduino program to Mbed but I don't know how. This program is for reading an absolute encoder from CUI by SPI bus. (AMT CUI 203) Could you please help me to convert it ? Thank you !

#include <SPI.h>

#define CS 3 //Chip or Slave select 

uint16_t ABSposition = 0;
uint16_t ABSposition_last = 0;
uint8_t temp[2];    //This one.

float deg = 0.00;

void setup()
  pinMode(CS,OUTPUT);//Slave Select

uint8_t SPI_T (uint8_t msg)    //Repetive SPI transmit sequence
   uint8_t msg_temp = 0;  //vairable to hold recieved data
   digitalWrite(CS,LOW);     //select spi device
   msg_temp = SPI.transfer(msg);    //send and recieve
   digitalWrite(CS,HIGH);    //deselect spi device
   return(msg_temp);      //return recieved byte

void loop()
   uint8_t recieved = 0xA5;    //just a temp vairable
   ABSposition = 0;    //reset position vairable
   SPI.begin();    //start transmition
   SPI_T(0x10);   //issue read command
   recieved = SPI_T(0x00);    //issue NOP to check if encoder is ready to send
   while (recieved != 0x10)    //loop while encoder is not ready to send
     recieved = SPI_T(0x00);    //cleck again if encoder is still working 
     delay(2);    //wait a bit
   temp[0] = SPI_T(0x00);    //Recieve MSB
   temp[1] = SPI_T(0x00);    // recieve LSB
   digitalWrite(CS,HIGH);  //just to make sure   
   SPI.end();    //end transmition
   temp[0] &=~ 0xF0;    //mask out the first 4 bits
   ABSposition = temp[0] << 8;    //shift MSB to correct ABSposition in ABSposition message
   ABSposition += temp[1];    // add LSB to ABSposition message to complete message
   if (ABSposition != ABSposition_last)    //if nothing has changed dont wast time sending position
     ABSposition_last = ABSposition;    //set last position to current position
     deg = ABSposition;
     deg = deg * 0.08789;    // aprox 360/4096
     Serial.println(deg);     //send position in degrees

   delay(30);    //wait a bit till next check


Please use

your code

when posting code to make it readable.

You may find you get more help if you make an attempt and ask for help when you hit a problem rather than just posting arduino code and expecting someone else to do all the work for you.

posted by Andy A 05 Oct 2018

Thanks for your help. this is the code I wrote :

#include "mbed.h"

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx

// SPI est une classe, faut pas appeler la variable avec le même nom
SPI _spi(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3);
DigitalOut cs(PC_7);

uint16_t ABSposition = 0;
uint16_t ABSposition_last = 0;
uint8_t temp[2];    //This one.
float deg = 0.00;

void wait_ms(int us);

uint8_t SPI_T (uint8_t msg)    //Repetive SPI transmit sequence
    uint8_t msg_temp = 0;  //vairable to hold recieved data
    cs=0;     //select spi device
    msg_temp = _spi.write(msg);    //send and recieve
    cs=1;    //deselect spi device
    return(msg_temp);      //return recieved byte

int main()


    uint8_t recieved = 0xA5;    //just a temp vairable
    ABSposition = 0;    //reset position vairable

    while (true) {
        SPI_T(0x10);   //issue read command

        recieved = SPI_T(0x00);    //issue NOP to check if encoder is ready to send
        //recieved = _spi.write(0x00);    //issue NOP to check if encoder is ready to send

        while (recieved != 0x10) {  //loop while encoder is not ready to send
            recieved = SPI_T(0x00);    //cleck again if encoder is still working
            //recieved = _spi.write(0x00);    //issue NOP to check if encoder is ready to send


        temp[0] = SPI_T(0x00);    //Recieve MSB
        temp[1] = SPI_T(0x00);    // recieve LSB
        //temp[0] = _spi.write(0x00);    //Recieve MSB
        //temp[1] = _spi.write(0x00);    // recieve LSB


        temp[0] &=~ 0xF0;    //mask out the first 4 bits

        ABSposition = temp[0] << 8;    //shift MSB to correct ABSposition in ABSposition message
        ABSposition += temp[1];    // add LSB to ABSposition message to complete message
        //if (ABSposition != ABSposition_last)    //if nothing has changed dont wast time sending position
        ABSposition_last = ABSposition;    //set last position to current position
        deg = ABSposition;
        //deg = deg * 0.08789;    // aprox 360/4096
       pc.printf("Valeur = %d", deg); //send position in degrees


Do you think this is correct ? If yes, I think I have a hardware issue (I'm using a level converter because the SPI encoder is 5V)

I'm using Nucleo 64 STM32F401RE

posted by Vincent BIGIARINI 07 Oct 2018

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