5 years, 10 months ago.

BLE central application built using mbed os 5.5.4, how to use it against softdevice version 3.0.1?

I have a BLE central application for NRF52832 (NRF52_DK) that I have built against MBED OS 5.5.4 in an offline environment using mbed cli. However the version of the softdevice its being built is softdevice 2.0.0. Is there a way to build it using the softdevice 3.0.1 using the same MBED OS 5.5.4, in this offline environment. If so what steps do I need to follow inorder to get a functional build?

This is urgent as our pre-production builds applications are failing to run as the NRF52832 BLE module where we are running this application is using softdevice 3.0.1

Thanks, Ajay.

Question relating to:

The nRF52 Development Kit is a single-board development kit for Bluetooth Smart, ANT and 2.4GHz proprietary applications using the nRF52 Series SoC. This kit supports both development for nRF52832 SoCs.

1 Answer

5 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Ajay,

Our Nordic SDK support went from v11.0 (SoftDevice v2.0.0) to v14.2 (SoftDevice v5.0.0). Adding support for a new SDK is not trivial, so the v3.x and v4.x SoftDevices were never supported. To get support for SoftDevice v5.0.0 you will have to move up to Mbed v5.9.

Please visit these pages for information on our SDK v14.2 support:

We're sorry that we don't have support for SoftDevice v3.0.1 for you. Hopefully there's a way forward for you if you can upgrade to Mbed v5.9.


Ralph, Team Mbed