6 years, 2 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Duplicate question

How do I get Dot-Examples to compile without errors?

I just posted this question but neglected to include tags so reposting again with "MultiTech" tag.

After import to Mbed OS, I click "Compile" and receive the following series of errors:

1) Error: Cannot open source input file "mDot.h": No such file or directory in "examples/inc/dot_util.h", Line: 5, Col: 19 - clicking "Fix it!" presents three options and I choose "libmDot" (we are using mDots in the US) and after attempting to compile again... 2) Error: Cannot open source input file "ChannelPlans.h": No such file or directory in "examples/inc/dot_util.h", Line: 6, Col: 27 - clicking "Fix it!" presents a single option and I choose "libxDot-dev-mbed5" (again, we are using mDots for which there is no option and we'd prefer be using a stable version rather than the development version) and after attempting to compile again... 3) 5 errors as follows - Error: Class "mDot" has no member "getDefaultFrequencyBand" in "examples/src/dot_util.cpp", Line: 22, Col: 6 Error: Class "mDot" has no member "getLbtTimeUs" in "examples/src/dot_util.cpp", Line: 64, Col: 6 Error: Class "mDot" has no member "getLbtTimeUs" in "examples/src/dot_util.cpp", Line: 65, Col: 15 Error: Class "mDot" has no member "getLbtTimeUs" in "examples/src/dot_util.cpp", Line: 66, Col: 3 Error: Class "mDot" has no member "getLbtThreshold" in "examples/src/dot_util.cpp", Line: 67, Col: 3

Additionally, there are multiple warnings with each step involved which I have not bothered to provide as they do not appear to prevent compiling.

Please advise as to how I can resolve the errors so we can successfully compile a binary using the Mbed OS.

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MultiTech's official mbed team.