6 years, 4 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic

Help with writing my first library

Hello to all, i am writing my first library and i did look at Writing a Library - Cookbook | Mbed but i still don t understand what i m doing wrong. My library function called "led" should turn on one of three LEDs connected to digital output pins, if i send 0 it lights up 1. led , if i send 1 it lights up 2. led and so on.

In the comment i have written all of the errors that i get, please help, Thank you in advance!

.h file

#ifndef midi_control
#define midi_control

#include "mbed.h"

 class midi_control { //declaration does not declare anything (it is a warning not an error)


    midi_control(PinName led1,PinName led2,PinName led3); // "error expected a ;"

    void led(int x);
    DigitalOut _led1;
    DigitalOut _led2;
    DigitalOut _led3;


.cpp file

#include "mbed.h"
#include "midi_control.h"

midi_control::led(PinName led1,PinName led2,PinName led3) : _led1(led1),_led2(led2),_led3(led3)

void midi_control::led(int x) {
     if (x==0) {                                 
        else if (x==1){


And here is main program :

#include "mbed.h"
#include "midi_control.h"
midi_control light(PTB8,PTB9,PTB10); // "expected a )"
int main() {
    light.led(1); // "expression must have class type"

Thank you all for your help! I figured it out with your help and help from friend, now it works as i wanted to. I am very tankful for your answers, good to see this is friendly and helpful community. Andy A the logic is good because function led in main program will always take int values from 0 to 2 (0,1,2) and then again from 0 to 2, it will never go from 0 to 2 or something like that, but i understand what you wanted to say. Once more, many thanks! :)

posted by Karlo Obad 26 Jan 2018

2 Answers

6 years, 4 months ago.

Not related to the compile errors but I think your led() function has some logical flaws. e.g. if you have the pattern led(0);led(2); you will end up with LEDs 1 and 3 on. If you have led(1);led(2); you will get just LED 3 on.

I'm guessing this probably isn't correct, fortunately it's easy to fix, you just need to specify each LED in each situation. Also you can use a switch rather than a series of else if lines, it makes the code look a little cleaner e.g.

void midi_control::led(int x) {
  switch(x) {
    case 0:
   case 1:
   case 2:
   default: // any other value and they all go off.

Or if you want to get clever you could use a BusOut rather than three DigitalOuts, a little less intuitive but your led() function becomes a single line for anything up to 32 leds. For 3 LEDs setting each one individually isn't that much of a pain but if you ever need more than 3 then this approach is far nicer.

 class midi_control {
    BusOut _leds;

midi_control::led(PinName led1,PinName led2,PinName led3) : _leds(led1,led2,led3) {
_leds=0; // turn all LEDs off on startup

void midi_control::led(int x) {

Accepted Answer
6 years, 4 months ago.


You defined "midi_control" to NOTHING at the beginning of the header.

Changing the 2 lines as

#ifndef _midi_control_
#define _midi_control_

will take care of the problem

Meantime, in the cpp file, line4 should be


And last not least, probably PTB8, PTB9, PTB10 will not work as PwmOut, so use pins which supports PwmOut or just use DigitalOut.


Hi, This is my trial.


#ifndef _midi_control_h_
#define _midi_control_h_
#include "mbed.h"
class midi_control { 
    midi_control(PinName led1, PinName led2, PinName led3);
    ~midi_control() ;
    void led(int x);
    DigitalOut _led1;
    DigitalOut _led2;
    DigitalOut _led3;

Since LEDs here are negative logic, I assigned initial value as 1 to turn them off.


#include "midi_control.h"
midi_control::midi_control(PinName led1,PinName led2,PinName led3) : 
_led1(led1, 1),_led2(led2, 1),_led3(led3, 1)

void midi_control::led(int x) 
     if (x==0) { /* trun on LED1 */         
    } else if (x==1){ /* turn on LED2 */
    } else if (x==2){ /* turn on LED3 */
    } else { /* turn off all LEDs */
        _led1=1 ;
        _led2=1 ;
        _led3=1 ;


#include "mbed.h"
#include "midi_control.h"
// midi_control light(PTB8,PTB9,PTB10); // "expected a )"
/* for FRDM-KL25Z */
midi_control light(PTB18,PTB19,PTD1);
int main() {
    int i ;
    while(1) {
        i = (i + 1) % 3 ; /* make i as 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, .. */
        wait(0.5) ;


posted by Motoo Tanaka 26 Jan 2018