6 years, 6 months ago.

Receive Downlink message

Hi all !

I am using Senet gateways and I was wondering how can I parse/use the message sent by downlink through gateway ? Which function has ability to capture the message ? Is it in the user library or xdot library ?

Thank you

Question relating to:

The xDot® is a low cost, low power LoRa Module.

1 Answer

6 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Parshad,

I have a mDot but the process should be the same for a xDot.

If you look inside mDot.h you should find this function:


  • Fetch data received from the gateway
  • this function only checks to see if a packet has been received - it does not open a receive window
  • send() must be called before recv()
  • @param data a vector to put the received data into
  • @returns MDOT_OK if packet was successfully received
  • / int32_t recv(std::vector<uint8_t>& data);

This function should be called after you have sent some data to the gateway.

You must first send a packet to the gateway dot->send(data); std::vector<uint8_t> recv_data; int32_t ret_value;

ret_value= dot->recv(recv_data);

Accepted Answer

Thank you so much Jaco, that was quick.

posted by Parshad Patel 09 Nov 2017

Hi Jaco,

Thank you for the answer. Implementing that I was able to get the data but unable to fetch the data from recv_data. In other words, I am seeing the vector length of recv_data to be 0 everytime. Any suggestions ? I have posted another question with more details here:


Thank you

posted by Parshad Patel 13 Nov 2017