6 years, 7 months ago.

Unable to import a program

Hi, I'm unable to import the code into the compiler from past 3 days. It stops at "Importing. please wait".

I've also been having this problem when trying to import from outside the IDE. https://os.mbed.com/compiler/#import:/teams/ST/code/X_NUCLEO_IHM02A1/;mode:lib

posted by Alan Beale 02 Nov 2017

1 Answer

6 years, 7 months ago.


Can you please provide a link to the program you are trying to import? I just tried to import blinky and it worked fine.

I just checked the same code which I was trying to import. I'm able to import now. Guess it was a bug in Mbed.

posted by rashmi v 03 Nov 2017