11 years, 2 months ago.

Max current delivered by VU and VOUT pins.

please tell me what is the maximum current that the VU and VOUT pins can deliver? i want to power up my gps module using VOUT pin.

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

VU is the USB power supply, so only works if USB is plugged in, via a current limitting IC. The limitting value for the mbed is a bit below 500mA. (Also how much a normal USB port will deliver). Assume something like 200mA will be used to power the mbed itself, and you got 300mA there left. 400mA if you dont use ethernet. This is however assuming all your mbeds IOs are not driving heavy loads, otherwise the mbed can draw alot more power.

The amount of current you may draw from Vout depends on your input voltage and the source (if USB power it will be the same as VU). But tbh if it is just a GPS module I don't expect excessive current drawn.

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