6 years, 9 months ago.

Blinky programs not working on 3 separate nRF52832 boards

Hello MBed,

The online compiler seems to have corrupted the support for the nRF52832. I have 2x nRF52-dks (v1.0.0 and v1.1.0), as well as a custom board with the kl26z as an interface chip (with a correct/working bootloader). Blinky does not work on either of the nrf52-dks, and RawSerial works on none of them.

I can only use an older mbed-os 5.2 offline repository (which would be fine except I can't find a working SD card library... SDFileSystem hangs the nRF52 after the next interrupt, and SDBlockDevice is not supported on mbed-os 5.2).

Could anyone with an nrf52-dk confirm if their board works with the online compiler and what version the board is?

What are you testing with - which revision of mbed OS/mbed lib?

posted by Martin Kojtal 06 Aug 2017

After right-clicking the 'mbed-os' component and hitting 'Revisions', I see that the latest update is to 5.5.4 so that's what I am using (I assume mbed-os updates to the latest version if I right click it and select 'Update')

posted by Lance Norman 06 Aug 2017
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