11 years, 2 months ago.

Building mbed library?


i change the path to my GCC toolchain from CodeSourcery. i create the private_settings.py containing the following line:

GCC_CS_PATH = "D:\Tools\gcc-cs\bin"

then i try to build the libraries:

D:\Tools\python>python.exe D:\Tools\mbed-master\workspace_tools\build.py -m LPC1 768 -t GCC_CS

and get the following output:


Copy: cmsis.h Copy: cmsis_nvic.h Copy: core_cm3.h Copy: core_cmFunc.h Copy: core_cmInstr.h Copy: LPC17xx.h Copy: system_LPC17xx.h Copy: LPC1768.ld Assemble: startup_LPC17xx.s [Error 2] Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden

Completed in: (0.04)s

Build failures:

  • GCC_CS::LPC1768

can you help me please? thanks

Question relating to:

I have some problem! Please help us!

posted by Teodor Lefter 07 Apr 2013

1 Answer

11 years, 2 months ago.

It seems Python cannot find the GCC executables. Keep in mind that in a Python string "\" is used as an escape character to specify special characters ("\n", "\t", etc). If you want to add a "\" in a Python string, you need to write "\\". Otherwise, as path separator you can use the forward slash: "/".

In other words, you should substitute this:

GCC_CS_PATH = "D:\Tools\gcc-cs\bin"

with this:

GCC_CS_PATH = "D:\\Tools\\gcc-cs\\bin"

or this:

GCC_CS_PATH = "D:/Tools/gcc-cs/bin"

HTH, Emilio

THis works too:

GCC_CS_PATH = R"D:\Tools\gcc-cs\bin"
posted by Eric Wieser 20 Mar 2014