7 years ago.

EUI changes on mDot

We are building an application using the mdot which takes a reading from a distance sensor, transmits that to our application, and then sleeps for 20 sec. We are binding the module to the particular customer utilizing the EUI, but on two occasions now the EUI has just magically changed. Am I missing something? Could the sleep be causing this? I thought the EUI was like a MAC address. Any insight would be appreciated.

1 Answer

7 years ago.

Are you mistaking the Device Address (4 bytes) with the Device EUI? DevAddr changes every time the device joins a network, DevEUI is baked into the hardware and cannot change (nor should it, it's guaranteed to be unique).

If it's the EUIs changing, what are the new EUIs? Multi-Tech EUIs all start with 00:80:00:00.

Its reporting now: 00-08-01-02-00-00-00-4a

I had 00-80-00-00-00-00-a3-07 (which is what the sticker has).

posted by Steven Downey 22 May 2017

That is definitely faulty. 00-08-01 is not a range owned by Multi-Tech (00-80-00 is). I'm pretty sure this is a faulty module that MT could replace.

posted by Jan Jongboom 22 May 2017