7 years, 1 month ago.

UIPEthernet httpclient to domain name

Hi Everybody,

I have a question about the UIPEthernet library, I would like to use the httpclient too push some data to a webserver i'm using a domain name. but can't get it to work. i'm using a stm32f03 with a enc28j60 with this code https://developer.mbed.org/users/hudakz/code/TcpClient_ENC28J60/ The http client works on a local network. Except if I changes it to a domain name. I checked and see that the DCHP server gives me also the DNS server.

In some Arduino sketches they get first the ip address from the host with the DNSClient but i can't get that to work.

I hope somebody can push me a little bit in the right direction.


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