7 years, 4 months ago.

LPC4088 with ethernet

i try to use ethernet code from : andcor02 » Code » ETH. : https://developer.mbed.org/users/andcor02/code/ETH/

when i make program compilation, the following warnings ans errors appears .. do you have any idea of what happens ,

Error: Invalid redeclaration of type name "Socket" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/CarteFLR2extras/ETH/mbed-os.lib/features/net/network-socket/Socket.h', '28'); return false;">/extras/ETH/mbed-os.lib/features/net/network-socket/Socket.h:28</a>) in "ETH/Socket/Socket.h", Line: 37, Col: 8

Error: Identifier "TCPSocketConnection" is undefined in "ETH/EthernetInterface/Socket/TCPSocketServer.h", Line: 49, Col: 17

1 Answer

7 years, 3 months ago.


Please look here for an example you could use:



This will work with your board.


Andrea, team mbed

Thanks Andrea, it works well, but i have since a lot of things to do : make a web server (or use existing open one) that can discuss with my card and display values of it... do you have any solution ?

posted by Pascal REYGNER 14 Feb 2017