7 years, 3 months ago.

BBC Microbit debug in Visual Studio (VisualGDB)

Hi, I've tried to debug a project in Visual Studio with VisualGDB for the BBC microbit controller. I used an example from the ARM mbed platform end exported it. I've got two problems:

​1. Which export I should choose to import the project for Visual Studio? - I tried many and always I had a problem with the wrong path to the .h files

​2. How to setup the project to debug the programm. I read on the embed platform, that I could use the CMSIS-DAP (USB Port) for debugging. ​ ​Could you please create an example on your web page, how to do it. The board is very popular, but without a debugger it is difficult to develop something. ​ ​Warm regards ​Marian

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