7 years, 4 months ago.

Can't export program containing the mbed-dev library

I haven't been able to export any program to any IDE (or even GCC + make) the last couple of hours. Exports w. the normal mbed library works fine. I work offline most of the, but now and then I need to do a "full" export to check that I'm configuring my projects correctly. Is this a capacity problem? Enforced not to overload the system ?

Sincerely Tim

1 Answer

7 years, 4 months ago.

Hi Tim,

Thanks very much for your question and sorry for the issues you are having.

So this down to the fact that the exporters on the site are being overhauled lately, this has caused issues with mbed-dev and indeed the mbed 2.0 library actually works fine.

Until there is a fix for this the best option i can suggest is to use mbed-cli, you will be able to import your program and compile for GCC_ARM (+others) or export to uVision 5 (+others) :


Then to achieve what you want you should:


  • mbed import "Link to your repository, committed to mbed.org"
  • $ mbed target "Your target"
  • $ mbed toolchain "Your toolchain"
  • $ mbed compile
  • $ mbed export "mbed CLI supports exporting to Keil uVision, DS-5, IAR Workbench, Simplicity Studio"

Let me know if you need any help on any of this. :)


Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer

Hello Andrea

Thank you for answering my question. Albeit the answer was not quite what I was hoping for ;-), but I'll give it a try. I have been tempted to try out mbed-cli when "I had the time". It seems like now IS the time :D

Exporting a "Blinky" and compiling it w. GCC ARM is basically all I need. I just want to see the Makefile

Sincerely Tim

posted by Tim Børresen 19 Jan 2017

importing the mbed_blinky into mbed-cli and replacing the mbed library with latest mbed-dev (v137) produces usable Makefiles. Exporting to IAR, Keil or EmBitz does not result in usable projects. A Makefile is all I need to make this work with CrossWorks. Main problem was actually the -Dmacros for the preprocessor.

Thank you Tim

posted by Tim Børresen 10 Mar 2017