7 years, 4 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic

Using tag-connect / ulink2 with C027

As I've been having issues * getting blinky to run on my C027, I thought I'd try using a tag-connect connector and ulink2 SWD. So far, SWD communications have always failed. Has anyone successfully used tag-connect and ulink2 to develop with C027 ?

My hardware setup is the SARA-G350 on PCB 26_MBD_CS_189F00 v1.5 The board is powered by USB to PC.

USB connection to a ulink2 with PCB "Ver s.2" (sic). The jumper is set to ARM. The tag-connect is TC2030-CTX-NL which plugs directly in to the ulink2 and push fits to the C027

I've exported the blinky program from mbed to a Keil project running on a licenced version of Keil uVision 5.16a uVision can see the ulink2 but SWD communications do not work (while I hold the connector on to the board) Keil reports ulink2 firmware v2.03

  • The issues I experienced are the repeated loading of the C027 as a network drive - reported in other forum posts. This issue happens on two computers.

Once in a while, I got lucky and managed to program the C027 with the blinky binary, but the user LED did not blink. Finally I got lucky and successfully programmed the C027 so that the user LED blinks.

The blinky code is simple:

Code for blinky

#include "mbed.h"
#ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
 #include "C027_api.h"
 #error "This example is targeted for the C027 platform"

DigitalOut myled(LED1); 

int main() {
    while(1) {
        myled = !myled;

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An electrical engineer has answered my question. The tag-connect pads are not for SWD debug. They are probably for the LPC built in bootloaders. So everything is working correctly, but just not as I'd hoped. We're going to solder on a SWD header and work with that.

posted by Colin Grant 16 Jan 2017