7 years, 5 months ago.

NXP K64 Ethernet example won't compile

Hi I just imported the following example and it does not compile. All of the libs have been updated. https://developer.mbed.org/teams/NXP/code/Ethernet_UDP_client/

The error message I get is Error: Cannot open source input file "fsl_enet.h": No such file or directory in "EthernetInterface/lwip-eth/arch/TARGET_Freescale/k64f_emac_config.h", Line: 33, Col: 23

I do not see this file from the imported source.

Can you please take a look and see how to fix?

Thank you Bill

2 Answers

7 years, 5 months ago.

The EthernetInterface library does not seem to be compatible with latest mbed library. You can remote existing project and re-import the example by uncheck "Update all libraries to the latest revision" box.

That does not work at all. I get "Error: The build system did not finish successfully." Error -230 "Syntax Error in Assembly"

posted by Bill Bellis 15 Dec 2016
7 years, 5 months ago.

I suggest changing from mbed to mbed-os. EthernetInterface is built into mbed-os. I think it is still at v 5.2


How do I change to "mbed-os"? I tried importing "mbed-os" but no official libs showed up in the search. I thought that "mbed" *was* the official mbed 5.x release and you had to downgrade to get to the old mbed 2.x?

posted by Bill Bellis 15 Dec 2016

Start here



Download one of the examples from here, then copy mbed-os to your directory. Delete mbed, mbed-rtos and EthernetInterface

posted by Kevin Braun 15 Dec 2016

If you want to keep the original mbed library, this was the last stable versions I am currently using for the K64F. Anything newer is broken....

mbed.lib v127 (even v131 is broken, just checked it. EthernetInterface probably needs updating))

mbed-rtos v122

EthernetInterface v54

SDFileSystem v26

posted by Kevin Braun 16 Dec 2016

BTW: I am having trouble with the mbed-os version of UDPClient. Some of the older UDP functions are not available. See my unanswered question:


I posted a similar question earlier, but got an unrelated answer:


posted by Kevin Braun 16 Dec 2016