7 years, 5 months ago.

Bootloader with watchdog support for mbed-lib

I would like to replace the default bootloader with one that supports watchdog. I am currently using cli to compile my project (uses mbed classic, since os5 doesn't support DFU yet). Details: nrf51822: version 2.7.1 BLE_API: version 2.6.0 mbed: revision 117 (99a22ba036c9) softdevice: s130_nrf51_1.0.0_softdevice.hex (default) bootloader: nRF51822/bootloader/s130_nrf51_1.0.0_bootloader.hex (default)

I tried compiling the default bootloader that comes with SDK10 and replacing the file. The default compiled version is 35K. My version comes out to be 41K. When I change to my version, programs no longer run. Is this a bootloader compilation issue or some offset configuration issue? Where is the source code for the default bootloader? Is it this one: https://github.com/ARMmbed/nrf5x-dfu-bootloader ? I could not compile it.

If someone already went through this hassle, can you please post your source code, or at least the hex?

Thank you!


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