7 years, 7 months ago.

Why exported projects get errors with Keil 4 and GCC-ARM-Embedded ?

I have played with mbed code for years. My preferred development procedure with mbed is:

1) Find libraries or demo projects in mbed 2) Import to online compiler 3) Get them compiled online 4) Exported to Keil uvision 4 and GCC-ARM-Embedded. 5) Debugged with CMSIS-DAP and uvision 4 IDE in case any runtime issues of hardfault or stack overflow. 6) Sync code with GCC-ARM-Embedded for open source communities and online code base.

Usually it works fine, and code built with Keil and GCC can run very well and can be released for both commercial and OSHW. I love to use mbed, since it is compiler independent.

However, recently I found many projects behave differently with online compiler, Keil and GCC.

For example, I get three code compiled online. 1) ESP8266_MQTT_HelloWorld_gcc_arm_nucleo_f103rb.zip 2) ESP8266_Test_gcc_arm_nucleo_f103rb.zip 3) esp8266test_gcc_arm_nucleo_f103rb.zip

But none of them can get compiled successful in Keil 4 and GCC. Some errors want use features in C++11 (I guess it is related to template). Some errors complain can_s is missing definitions ? Indeed, the export page doesn't include objects.h under STM32.

So far I have not switched my dev to mbed-cli, for my understanding, mbed-cli is just a Python wrapper for git/hg. But it seems online exporter should be updated as well to keep the compiler indenpendency as usual.

Hi Kai,

Sorry for the issues you are having, there is a transition at the moment and we have had issues with exporting for some platforms, i would suggest using mbed CLI for the time being.

Let me know if you need any help on this. You can easily import the project into mbed CLI and work offline.


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 11 Nov 2016

Andrea & others, I've been trying to export projects for Nordic's nRF52. Is this one of the platforms impacted by the transition? If so, do you have any idea when exporting will be available again?

posted by Bill Siever 11 Nov 2016
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