7 years, 6 months ago.

xDot Keil uVision5


I am a newbie at using mbed so I would rather like to do my development in Keil.

How I export the libraries I require into Keil from mbed?

Question relating to:

The xDot® is a low cost, low power LoRa Module.

1 Answer

7 years, 6 months ago.


I don't think exporting from the online compiler is supported yet, but you can export from mbed-cli.

EDIT: Looks like I was wrong about that. It seems there is still some work we need to do before exporting is possible for the xDot. I apologize for the bad information.



If this could be looked into that would be great.

I have tried to do the work myself with progen def's but having no luck :-(

I did manage to bodge it by exporting using the target NZ32_SC151 and some find and replace in the project file.

posted by Chris Snow 15 Feb 2017


We've put up a wiki page that shows how to build offline using an IDE and having it run mbed-cli as a custom compile command.


Our example shows how to do it with eclipse but it can probably be done with other IDEs as well.



posted by Mike Fiore 15 Feb 2017