7 years, 8 months ago.

FAIL.txt "The transfer timed out"

I am on an OSX machine. I plugged in the mk20 device with the BLE nano plugged into it. When I plug it in I am told that the drive name is DAPLINK... Could this be a problem? IDK. Then I ran the following command "dd if=blenano_mk20dx_interface_20140912.bin of=/Volumes/DAPLINK/dst_firmware.bin conv=notrunc " I unplug the device, and when I plug it back in there is a file called FAIL.txt that states: "The transfer timed out. " How do I fix this?

Question relating to:

BLE Nano is the smallest Bluetooth 4.1 Low Energy (BLE) development board in the market. The core is Nordic nRF51822 (an ARM Cortex-M0 SoC plus BLE capability) running at 16MHz …

DAPLINK name is correct. If you're just copy and pasting the file (not via dd) does it do something differently? You should not have to unplug / replug the device, should restart when flashing is complete. You sure the Nano is plugged in correctly in the MK20 board?

posted by Jan Jongboom 04 Oct 2016

Yea it's plugged in correctly. When i used the file from this link it worked https://github.com/RedBearLab/nRF51822-Arduino/blob/S130/interface/f103/board_v1.0/daplink/stm32f103xb_rblnano_if_crc_legacy_0x8000.bin

posted by Tyler Hilbert 08 Oct 2016
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