7 years, 8 months ago.

rtos revision 121 build details show much more (7.7KB) RAM

I tried mbed revision 126 with rtos revision 121 with online compiler for different targets(Nucleo-F072, FRDM-KL25Z). The build details show 7.7KB RAM. However mbed revision 121 with rtos reversion 117 shows about 3.3KB RAM. Note that I have a very simple program like blinky.

Is this RAM usage expected? What is the reason for bigger RAM?


1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

There were changes to mbed-rtos that define the main stack size and turn on stack checking. We'll plan to revert this for the mbed-rtos while the RTOS delivered with mbed OS 5 will use these.

Accepted Answer