7 years, 8 months ago.

Using MAX32600MBED# board

i am using the Demo code for MAXREFDES89# and I want to set the pin assignment so that I can run the code on the MAX32600MBED#. I can see the I2C declaration in main.cpp but how about the Interrupt and PWM pins? - Thanks

Question relating to:

What do you mean interrupt and PWM pins? Neither of them are needed to run the MAXREFDES89 shield. It's only using I2C. There's also no reference to pins declared as interrupt or PWM in main.cpp...

posted by Jan Jongboom 04 Oct 2016

This board is Arduino Shield compatible and I found out that MAX32600MBED# is Arduino-shield compatible, so it is not an issue for me any more.

posted by Faisal Tariq 04 Oct 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

Hello Faisal,

The default pwm channels set in the class for the shield are compatible with the MAX32600MBED board.

With regards to an interrupt, you can setup an interrupt on D2 using the InterruptIn class. You will then have to determine which motor driver caused the interrupt by interrogating the MAX7300 GPIO expander over the I2C bus. I did not add support for this in the MAX14871_Shield class so you will have to implement this code. I believe you will need to enable transition detection for the MAX7300, please review the datasheet.

The Arduino PinNames D1, D2, etc. work for the MAX32600MBED board, as with many other Arduino form-factor mbed boards.

Thanks, Justin